European IR dating scene?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    To all the european women on here what is up with ya'll afro negro men I know alot of them european coutries have some there but it seems like alot of european look towards africa & america for BM.
    Just wondering do they date Interracially or is it something else.
    Because I hear alot of european ww who date bm saying it is not there in their countries, but alot of those countries do have afro populations.
    So does that mean you are not atracted to them?
    They don't date IR?
    You have dated them and had bad experiences, and just want to
    look somewhere else?
    Is it dangerous to date IR in some european countries? I heard It is like that in
    Germany & Russia. am I right or was that speculation?
  2. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    First of all, I have to say that I'm awfully sorry, but I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding your post. Because of this, my reply might be a bit odd. It's not all that easy giving an answer to a post you don't understand :D Remember that most European women do not have English as first language, so some of us have a hard time understanding written English, when it's not "textbook-English". The first highlighted sentence, I don't really think I understand at all- sorry.

    The second highlighted sentence just makes very little sense to me. Some European women, who date IR, says it doesn't happen in their countries? I don't get it. If they're dating IR themselves, how can they say it doesn't happen where they live?

    To claim that "a lot of European countries have an African population" is actually a huge understatement :) I'd be extremely surprised if there's even one European country who don't have any African immigrants at all. (If such a country actually exists, it's probably a fairly troubled country. Such as Serbia, or somewhere else it doesn't really make much sense to migrate to.)

    If you read the posts of those men here who have been in Europe, or even lived here, it seems like we're more open to dating IR than American women. So obviously we are attracted to men of different ethnic groups. Most will stay away from it though, for various reasons. A lot of people, especially women, are concerned about the different cultural values. And of course they have every right to. In many cultures women have an extremely low value, and beating and abuse happens more frequently than not.

    African men probably have another two major reasons why women are afraid of dating them. First comes HIV. Secondly, most people get their information about Africa from the news or National Geographic channel...That colours people's stereotypes. And not necessarily in a good way. Many people have this mental image of African men, as some lazy no-good bastards, who spend all their time sitting outside their huts chewing khat, while they're watching their wifes work on the fields with one baby hanging from each tit, another one on the back, and a bucket of water on their head. That is, if they're not busy killing each other. (OK, I exaggerated a little bit, but I bet a lot of people in US have a similar mental image of Africans as well. Even black people. I've surfed some African-American women's forums, and it seems like most black, American women, are not interested in dating an African guy for some reason.)

    Just as in the US, many women will also stay away from dating IR, because they fear any negative reactions of friends, family and society. And older people have a harder time accepting IR-relationships than younger ones.

    IR-relationships are getting more common really fast, at least in Scandinavia. However, it's difficult finding statistics of how common it is, but looking at the IR-marriage statistics, it's quite clear that most of the IR-marriages here, are holiday romances. Hence men are most likely to find a partner in East-Asia, while women tend to find partners in Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia etc. (Most will find a European partner, but we're talking about the IR ones now). IR-relationships of the before mentioned types, are so common, it doesn't seem to even be noticed any more.

    There are more racism some places than others. People who are poor and unemployed, are in more need of finding scapegoats than others. Hence in poorer regions with high unemployment, racism is higher. That's why, for instance, it's harder being an immigrant in Eastern-Germany than in Western-Germany. However, IR-dating is far from dangerous. But just like in US, you can be unfortunate and meet the wrong idiots. The bit of travelling me and my BF have done together (here, Germany and Benelux), I can't even say I've noticed any ugly stares or anything. The only times we've encountered difficulties, have been when we're crossing boarders. According to my BF, that's how it generally is. They normally just feel like checking, and rechecking his papers a few times, and then ask a bunch of stupid questions.

    I also feel like mentioning that I've got several African friends who have also lived in the US, and many of them say their impression is that the average American is more racist than the average European. (For some of them, that's what made them decide to live here instead.) So, if you somehow can survive as a BM in the US, you probably can here as well.

    OH, almost forgot to say, nope, I don't have bad experiences dating African men. But I've only dated one, and that's been a huge success :D
  3. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I think they may be talking about american black men when they talk like that.Ive heard from several that alot of european women dont want african men cause of the stereotypes and alot of africans in some parts of europe are seen as poor immigrants and etc.Majority of black men they see on t.v (athletes,musicians,etc) happen to be Afro american.
  4. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Well, many of the immigrants here are refugees, and no matter where they come from, they come with nothing. Often they hardly even got education. Some lack it completely.

    Reading statistics of which immigrant groups who do well/bad here, Somalians and Afghans come out as my society's extreme "loosers". Considering what's going on in their countries, that's really no surprise. Many of them suffer from post-traumatic stress and other emotional disorders, and they are therefore not likely to be able to focus their energy on building up a normal life. (Which means that less understanding people, view them as being just lazy.)

    So yes, sadly many are poor. That's not just a stereotype.

    Somalians are by far the largest African group here, and people don't really know the difference between Somalia and for instance Ghana (it's all just Africa). So the misfortune and bad reputation of the Somalians (they're "lazy"), is probably reflected on to other Africans as well.
  5. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    We are forgetinhg about the large numbers of African who come to Europe to study and who dont fall within the above categories. Unlike the immigrants, these guys are NOT poor or uneducated.Therefore as a recent student, my image of these Africans is quite positive.I can say the same for my female friends. And a lot of these students seem to date European girls. WW in uni are definitely open to dating these African students - be thet black african or african arab.
  6. DI

    DI New Member

    I had kinda bad expirience with africans...dont wanna say about all of them, but according to my experince, african men lie too much!!!! and they say they re in love in like day if meeting. it seems funny and stupid to me... :D
  7. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I agree 100%.

    My personal experience is also that most immigrants (wherever they're from) who do not come as refugees from the total disaster areas, are generally doing just as well as the rest of us. At least financially- not always academically (it's hard to study in a foreign language). However, although most immigrants are actually NOT refugees, but come here for various other reasons (most commonly love or work/studies), people somehow have gotten the impression that any coloured person they spot, have to be a refugee :roll:

    BTW, many (most?) of the African exchange students comes from families that are really rich. The families often have to guarantee that they can help their children out financially if needed (by being able to pay for a return ticket or whatever, I don't know these rules, and they probably vary a lot as well). It's absolutely not the ones who have been living in extreme poverty that comes here to study.
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Kennyg,the Eastern part of Germany can be dangerous to Blacks and some parts of Eastern Europe as well. Do a lot of research before you visit those places.
  9. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I slightly disagree (as many before me have done as well).

    Many places on this planet isn't 100% safe. But that doesn't mean they're downright dangerous. If you use common sense, like you always should as a tourist, you shouldn't really get into trouble anywhere in Europe.

    Common sense includes these rules:
    1. Do not get drunk!
    2. Do not go straying into dark alleys and other places where there are few people.
    3. Do not offend people- be polite no matter what.
    4. Do not start wandering around on your own. Follow the tourist guides if you're not with locals, or don't know the place somewhat.
    5. Be humble- never forget that you are a guest! (Sorry, but especially Americans have a tendency to be anything but humble, and that can really piss people of.)
    6. Don't expect people to like you or respect you. You've done nothing, at least that they know of, that makes you deserve their respect.
    7. And most importantly: DO NOT GET DRUNK! I really mean it. It's the absolutely most important safety rule and can't really be emphasised enough. There's NO reason to stay in bars until they close. Go back to your room "early", while there are still people on the streets. People who are influenced with alcohol are easily provoked, and easily targeted.
  10. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Didn't mean to confuse you ronja, I put it in an example:

    Their are afro latin people in Latina America like afro cuban, afro brazilian.
    I was wondering about the countries' Afro european men(people born in the countries.) and those countries that do have afro europeans, not ones who don't.

    What is the IR scene like within those who speak the same language.
    Another example will be france I already know alot blacks born in france and what the IR scene is like their with their ethnic country men.
  11. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I see, you're talking about European born blacks. Is that what you meant by "Afro-Negro"? (To me "Afro-Negro" sounds like it's supposed to be a derogative way of saying the "opposite" of a white African or something.)

    In Europe it's generally considered highly unethical, and in many countries it's even illegal, to categorize people by "race" btw. Hence it's a bit difficult to find statistics for second/third generation "immigrants", since they're not Africans, but Europeans (on papers).

    For my country I've never read any statistics on how the black population who's born here marry. However, since the black population here is quite new, most of the backs who have been born here, are still very young. Very few of them are even old enough to be in uni. Those few I do know of who are adults, all but one got white partners though.

    UK got a well-established black population. Black-White relationships are much more common in UK than US.
  12. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Africans in Europe? You must be kidding!

    Yeah the 1% that goes to school, pleasssse. Its CULTURE people, I know more than a few Scandinavian women that have been "played" by Innocent Africans. The Ukrainian women I was with almost didn't wanna fuck talking about "We didn't have AIDS in Kiev until Africans showed up..." Okay but I ain't African, I got it on tape - :wink:

    My gf May Elin says Africans be claiming they are from NYC to try and fool women locally, c'mon now who used TACTICS like that???

    The biggest thing working against you in Europe is that women might not trust you cause your a short time visitor, but a little alky anything can happen and usually does.

    Ronja and I would like to see the stats you quoted saying that Black-White Unions (both sides) are higher in the UK than in the US when we severely outnumber the UK.

    In the 2000 census, 239,477 African American male to white female and 95,831 white male to African American female marriages were recorded, again showing the 2.5-1 ratio

    Overall the numbers are 2.5% in the US and 2% in the UK -
  13. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    It can?

    Hmmmmmmmmm I didn't notice anything usual and I was out at 4am waiting for the METRO. C'mon man, this safe or un-safe business is getting out of hand.
  14. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Percentages can fool you. Don't let them. :)

    Your numbers 2% and 2.5%, are numbers for ALL marriages. That includes white/Asian, white/black, black/asian etc etc etc, and only means that most marriages are not IR (they're white-white, black-black, asian-asian etc). Also remember that the black population in Europe (even UK) is smaller than in the US, hence the percentage will be smaller when you view the population as a whole. (Since black people are sooo out-numbered. The white population in UK is 91%)

    Let's look exclusively on the black UK population though:

    Here's some stats from UK government:
    (Study the graph yourself if you want to)
    Aprox 30% of black Caribbean men marry IR
    Aprox 20% of black Caribbean women marry IR
    Aprox 20% of black Africans men marry IR
    Aprox 15% of black Africans women marry IR
    Aprox 50% of "other" black men marry IR
    Aprox 35% of "other" black women marry IR

    Since the majority of the UK population is white, it's safe to asume that most of these marriages are between a black and a white. The text also confirms that (qoute: most inter-ethnic marriages include a White person...)

    Anyway, here's a longer quote from UK national statistics:
    "People who described their ethnic group as ‘Other Black’, largely young Black people born in Britain, were the next most likely to be married to someone outside their ethnic group, followed by Black Caribbean people. Almost five in ten Other Black men (48 per cent) and three in ten Black Caribbean men (29 per cent) were married to women outside the Black ethnic group, in most cases White women.

    So, as a BM in UK, you're much more likely to find a WW than you are as a BM in US. If you're a BM born in Britain, it's almost as likely that you'll marry a WW as it is that you're marrying a BW. How can US beat that?
  15. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    I meant to say Afro European, I just forgot to go back and fix it just like you messed up and said backs instead of blacks :lol:
    Just an error, that usually be fixing, but just forgot because I was being rushed
  16. malikom

    malikom Banned

    LOL ive heard about that (African immigrants claming to be from some part of the U.S )
  17. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    No problem. I really just couldn't understand what you meant. Now I realize that's because it was a whole word ("European") missing...

    Anyway, nope, we don't really look for BM in Africa or US- I think. At least WW in UK don't, and I'm feeling quite sure that's how it'll become elsewhere too.

    I Actually had a little conversation about BM with some female co-workers yesterday BTW. One admitted to like BM a lot, but as I've said earlier, she too was afraid of the cultural differences, and would never start a relationship with a BM because of that. As soon as she had said it, several others agreed though. That should mean that BM who are born here, will have a whole lot more to choose from, since women feel there are at least one less obstacle (and the culture-issue is really important for many women).

    People here in general are already very open to starting "international" relationships. 20% of marriages, now include a person with a different citizenship. Most of them probably some other European citizenship though. But if the trend continues, it won't take long before IR- relationships are quite common. We already seem to got the mentality needed (it's not like our spouse have to be another full blooded viking). :)
  18. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    I know but that is rare of me to do that, like I said I was rushing and just took the wrong word out of my head and typed it in. :)
  19. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    That is interesting.

    Census numbers are shall we say accurate as it can be considering how the "Sheeple" react to such things when all the government wants is a ACCURATE COUNT!

    Culture plays a big part in this as more Europeans move to the States our culture is changing and those that grew up in the Bible Belt or in the Mid-West are struggling to hold on TIGHT to those old ideas of what Black and White are.

    Right On...
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Deep stats.

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