1. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    If we look at the major western nations in the world. There is a clear pattern, whereby Black people are at the Bottom and White people at the top of the economic ladder. Many Black people say we are still feeling the effects of Slavery and colonization in Africa and it’s going to take a while to reach the same economic level as white people. As these arguments tend to be centred on racism, I wondered if there could be another force at play? Unlike European people, Black people don’t seem to have had a Eugenics program. Do the Black men on this forum believe this gave Europeans a head start economically, or should the head start be solely pinned on Slavery and colonization? Also I notice the Jews practice Eugenics, and it seems to have aided them. How much of our failure is down to racism/and lack of motivation, and how much is down to our lack of ever taking part in Eugenics? Could or should Black people ever do a Eugenics program? By Eugenics. I mean the smartest, marrying the smartest.

    Side note: There was a kind of Eugenics during slavery where the strongest bred with the strongest/most athletic- hence producing great Black Sprinters we have today. Black people dominate sprints.

    If the same could be done with great minds, maybe we could do better economically.

    What do you guys think?
    Last edited: May 28, 2011
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I'm really glad you finally defined what you meant by Eugenics, since that's a horrible practice that sh*t all over human rights and involved forcibly sterilizing people deemed "unfit" by "professionals".


    As for the question, no one should specifically practice Eugenics, IMO, however, it's sort of in practice anyway if you think about it. Seeing as how most of the time smart people gravitate towards other smart people and rich people tend to gravitate towards other rich people, etc. I think society just does it on its own, to an extent.

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