Big difference from Ye' on Through the Wire saying "...scared as hell that her guy look like Emmit Till.' Is this why homey cut his hair or what?
Don't get me wrong. I don't think there's a big global conspiracy or anything. Everything is about that All Mighty Dollar. But if making that dollar helps to keep and re-enforce negative images & sterotypes of people of color (both Blacks & Hispanics) certain elements in our society aren't losing any sleep over it and are not interested in lessening or stopping it.
Using Emmett Till's name in this or any manner than respectful is fucked up. What has happened? I thought we had better sense than this. Is Lil' Wayne that hard up for cash? Emmett Till deserves better than this. And his family deserves an apology.
So this genius decides to say "beat da pussy like Emmet Till." Lil Wayne is a jackass, and dumbass. Does he have any other job besides making black people appear to be a bunch of retarded niggers? I'm so sick of the fact people get suprised l actually know shit because of my skin color, and society perception. This rap for the most part is garbage. Most kids today don't know the story of Emmet Tilll being put to death for the high crime of whistling at a white women.
It can't & won't happen to most of them today, so their attitude is "So What". That seems to be the main factor in why there is so much ignorance & apathy towards a lot of the darker aspects of history involving black people in America from within our own. None of the evil & fucked shit can't happen now and does not effect me now, so why even care about or even remember it?
Very disrespectful dude... Emmit Till murder was a tragic moment in our history and look where it goes...... Ignorance prevails again!!
My generation is a bunch of selfish entitled spoiled brats. When the 90s babies inherit the US values like democracy, and critical thinking will erode.