Elisabeth Hasselbeck Cries Over The N Word!!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Tony Soprano, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i didnt see any waterworks...but i did see her get choked up..

    maybe if the clip was high def, we would be able to see the water
  3. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I never, ever believed i'd say this, but she's absolutely right. All that talk of "endearment" is simply bullshit. You really think that Emmett Till and the thousands of black men that were lynched would consider that word "a term of endearment"? Give me a fucking break.



    You're an African, you wouldn't understand the difference between "nigga" and "nigger".

  5. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I'm not a big fan of the 'N' word....but....why do some whites even care? If blacks want to degrade each other...it's our business.

    "What's up my nigga?"

    "Nigga please!"

    "Yo nigga..where's my money?"

    "You's a bitch ass nigga"

    "I'm finsta steal dat nigga in his muthafuckin jaw"

    Again...why does Elisabeth Hasslebeck care about the 'N' word? 95% of whites will never use the word in public and my guess is that 55-60% won't use it in private....so what does it matter. Whether blacks "allow" you to say it or not.....you aren't going to say it anyhow....so don't. If we want to be ignorant, let us be ignorant. If she cares so much about black ignorance...she should go to America's ghettoes and urban high schools and talk with the black youth.....sort of a white female version of Jim Brown (if that's even possible).
  6. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I'm with what Whoopie said in this discussion. The word originally had one meaning and we took it and switched it to another meaning altogether. The uniqueness of it is that “__gga” is rooted as a racial slur for blacks and the same can’t be said for any other ethnic group because their particular slurs still have the same original meaning. As far as the use of the word is concerned, I really don’t care anymore because the word isn’t going to go away and people are gonna say whatever they want.

    I use it all the time and could care less when a person of another race uses it. If someone were to blatantly call me a “__gger” or “__gga” with the sole purpose of antagonizing me or trying to get my attention, I’d simply laugh at them and their ignorance and just walk away. By doing just that, I’ve taken the power away from them and they look stupid as hell for misfiring on an attempt to provoke me into whatever.

    Like I said before I use it all the time so if someone around me were to come up to me and ask me if it were okay to use it, I wouldn’t have a problem and I would appreciate their candor. The word is not ever going anywhere and people won’t stop saying it so it is what it is. We can’t undo all the people who have died over that word, but what we can do is take the negativity away from it and move on with our lives.

    By the way LaydeezmanCris, you are killing me with that picture of Trina Michaels. How the hell am I supposed to concentrate and discuss a serious topic with them juicy-juggs of hers staring me in my face? I’m a huge fan of hers as well, and she really gets down in all of her scenes, but c’mon dude?!
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The word term of endearment or not is not good. Racists still own that word and Blacks get worked up when they say it. Besides like I said in a past thread how can you tell if a White person who said that endearment word sincere?

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