A woman who had just scored a precious high-paying job in the midst of a disastrous economy was willing to fly in from out of town to take it. Desperate women turn to world's oldest profession during economic downturn. More Photos Her new boss, Susan Austin, had spared no expense and the woman was quickly whisked into a waiting limo at the Reno, Nev., airport. For the sake of privacy, we're calling the woman "Kimberly," and the coveted job she got was as a prostitute at one of the few places in America where it's legal -- the self-proclaimed "world famous" Mustang Ranch. "I'm nervous, you know," said Kimberly, who would be working as a prostitute for the first time. "I've got a little shake. I'm more nervous than I think I've ever been in my life." 'No Callbacks, No Interviews, No Nothing' Kimberly's explanation for getting into the business is simple. Times are tough, so tough she says she couldn't find any other way to make a living. http://abcnews.go.com/Business/Economy/Story?id=6308834&page=1
That reminds me of something I saw on the news. These two girls decided to become prostitutes, blaming it on the economy... :smt120
Last Friday, I watched the Nightline special about the Mustang Ranch outside Reno. That was after 20/20 did the Ashley Dupree interview. She was the highly compensated escort whose relationship with New York Governor Elliot Spitzer forced him to resign when it was made public. Dude was paying her $3,000 an hour. She must have had some "snappy" pussy or some hella "dick sucking lips" to be worth that much cash, lol. The actor Charlie Sheen used to pay for the services of Heidi Fleiss's escort services. He was asked why he would pay for sex. He's a good looking guy who could semingly pick up any girl at a club or bar. He said that he wasnt paying for sex, he was paying for them to leave. It took me a second to think about it, but it makes perfect sense. I see nothing wrong with prostitution and escort services. Paying for sex should not be a crime. Paying for something that is legal should not be a crime. When you think about it, the government says that it is ok to get sex for "free". However when you pay for it, then you can go to jail, lol. Now how absurb is that? A lot of men either arent comfortable with dating, or they work too much to devote time to dating, or they simply are not attractive enough to date. Whatever the reason, why should a man do without sex if he cant date...especially if he is willing to pay for it? What is the difference between a man paying a hooker for sex.....and a man going into a bar, meeting a nice woman, buying her drinks, maybe taking her to dinner afterwards, and then taking her home for some hot sex? I tell you what, the difference is "time". The amount of time invested. The first activity takes an hour, the second all evening. However in both situations, the man "paid" for sex. Do you really think that the second guy "scores" if he didnt buy the woman he picked up drinks and took her to dinner? Many women who regularly go out will give it up if a man pays for an evening out. Bottom line, men pay for sex all the time, period. Now an arugment will be made about pimps and underage prostitution. Well the law can regulate and enforce against those two, just like the law does against underage drinking and underage smoking...like the law does against selling to minors.
It's their bodies. They're adults. They can do whatever they want to as long as they're not intruding on someone else's person without their consent
Think about it:: It three girls (three friends) sucked dick for a dollar at the million man march,,how much do you think they'd take home that day??... Its business baby..
I was watching the CNN show "Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell" the other night with a panel discussing the Elliot Spitzer "Hookergate." A woman's advocate felt like Ashley Dupree was a ditz who was an embarrassment to women they proceded to remind us all of exactly why prostitution should remain illegal. Interestingly enough, Jane disagreed with her. As a dude, personally I think it should be decriminalized for several major reasons. First, it's stood the test of time. It's the only profession where the principle act has been done between human beings since the beginning of time. So it's not like we're discovering anything new in the current culture. Secondly, there are always an available number of women ready and willing to perform, hell sometimes for no money at all. See porn stars, club hoes, crack bitches, etc. Third, as Cowboysfan said, some guys simply don't have it like that to be able to go into a club and pull hos. That's just how it is. So why can't they be able to go someplace to get their needs met? Finally, it's a cash cow. Porn itself is a 12 billion dollar a year business. Twelve, with a B! It's mad money and easy cash for an hours work. Hell, there was a CSI Miami ep. I saw recently where a woman went home with this dude she met at the club, hooked up with him and he threw several bills on her. She liked it and decided to start prostituting just like that. Imagine how much the average girl could make if she did that? One other thing. Legalizing it helps to regulate it. At the Bunny Ranch, Dennis has those girls doing regular drug and STD tests to keep 'em clean for the clients. With the average ho on the street, ya don't know what she's carrying. Why not decriminalize it, regulate it and subsidize it through the government? Damn, it might get us out of this economic downturn!
You gotta do what you gotta do, it's tough times. I wouldn't do it, just because I know some of the guys wouldn't be nice to you/attractive, the thought of having to suck some ugly old guys dick (who doesn't wash and that) makes me feel sick. I just couldn't. I'd be crying whilst doing it. Main reson I wouldn't do it is just because, hell I don't know, just not my thing.
Great points. I agree with you totally. Not only would the local, state, and federal governments save billions on law enforcement prosecuting illegal prostitution, but they would make billions from taxing legalized prostitution.[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] I actually think that legalizing prostituion would make dating easier. Think about it, if prostitution was legal, then men would not have to go to clubs and bars and "try and work game" in order to get laid. It would actually be easier and cheaper in the long run to just pay a prostitute. However if a man actually was listening and showing "genuine" interested in getting to know you, then as a woman, you would not have to wonder if he was really into you, or if he was just trying to get some pussy. However why stop there. There is one thing that Obama could do to really help the black community. Advocate LEGALIZING DRUGS. Legalizing drugs would be the single biggest thing that Obama advocating for could do to begin the process of helping the black community. I know, it will never happen. However if you will bear with me, I'll explain why I feel the way I do. There was no mafia, no gangs in America until Prohibition. During the 14 years that consumption of alcohol was illegal, the crime rate went up. The creation of the Mafia was a direct result of Prohibition. If drugs were legalized (cocaine included), then gangs would dramatically decrease. The biggest single reason for gangs in the inner city is DRUGS. Too much money to be made from the illegal sale of drugs. If you had companies selling drugs like you do alcohol and tobacco, then not only would the drugs be better quality, but they would be cheaper and safer. Legalizing drugs would DRASTICALLY decrease the crime rate in the black community. Now some of you may think "damn if drugs were legalized, then everybody and their momma would be getting high all the time". That is a bullshit argument. Alcohol and Tobacco are both legal. However not everybody drinks and smokes. I seriously doubt that there is one person alive whose only reason for not getting high is because it is against the law. I seriously doubt that there is anyone alive who is waiting for drugs to become legal so they can "finally" get high, lol. People who want to get high, get high, regardless of the fact that drugs is illegal. What percentage of people who drink alcohol, waited until they was 21 to take their first drink? What percentage of people who smoke cigarettes took their first puff after they turned 18? Point is, I strongly feel that if drugs were legal, there would be little, if any impact on increasing the number of people getting high. With that said, if drugs were legalized, a number of steps would need to be taken to help the black community. After legalizing drugs, you'd see a drastic cut in the number of blacks going through the criminal justice system. The local, state and federal governments would SAVE BILLIONS on law enforcement, court cost, and prisons. In addition, the government could start TAXING drugs like they do alcohol and tobacco. The local, state and federal governments could start raking in BILLIONS of dollars in new tax revenue. With additional billions coming in from taxing drugs, the local, state, and federal governments could allocate a certain percentage to treatment programs for those who want to get help. I feel that more people would be willing to get help from substance abuse if they didnt have to worry about legal issues or paying from treatment. Also, massive amounts of tax revenue generated from drugs sales could be directed to education and revitalizing inner city neighborhoods. Low cost loans for business development in minority areas would be easier to fund. Without money from the sale of illegal drugs, the economic lure of joining a gang would be eliminated. Turf wars and black on black crime would be seriously cut. More black youths would say in school and join the workforce. Instead of spending billions on drug related crimes and related offenses, the local, state and federal governments would be raking in tax dollars from productive, working members of the black community who otherwise would be in the system because drugs are illegal. As much sense as the above statements sound, I realize that Obama will never commit political suicide and advocate the legalization of drugs. Perhaps in his second term. Too many people in America cannot think outside the box and see how this would work. Plus the pharmaceutical companies would have a vested interest in keeping drugs illegal, just like the Mob did with gambling. If all forms of gambling, drugs, and prostitution were made legal...gangs and the mob would be virtually eliminated. However that is asking for too much, lol. Sure, I'm not advocating that people use drugs, gamble, or visit prostitues, lol. However regardless of what religion says, regardless of what the law says, regardless of what "morals" you have...the fact remains that many people in America use drugs, gamble, and pay for sex. Instead of wasting billions on law enforcement, tax it and make billions. At least that way the government and openly regulate it, watch over it, protect the consumers, and of course profit from it. [/FONT][/FONT]
The thing is, if prostitution was legal, you wouldnt have to worry about "sucking a nasty, dirty dick", lol. Whether it is a massage parlor, or a brothel, the men have to take a shower before these women will see you. Also, the men have to wear condoms, even if the woman is performing oral. (However I'm sure that some men would "up" the compensation if you would be "so kind to put your dick sucking lips all over his cock", lol). But seriously, a woman would have better control over her health, and safety if prostitution was legal. Regardless, you have every right to not want to be a prostitute. However if a woman wants to be a prostitute or escort for whatever reason (primarily to make money), then she should have that right. Just as men should have the right to pay for sex, instead of having to play a game (the dating game) that he has no interest in playing.
I agree with you 100%. I watched a show about this on Channel 4 over here a few months ago and it made sense. It was in some other European country where it's legal and there's like "dick sinks" designed especially for cleaning, well ya know what. It was all very sanitary and really up market. I think because it's illegal it's made to seem dirty. When we think of a prostitute we think of sitting on the street corner in 8 inch platforms with missing teeth begging for drugs and that, when it's not all like that. There's a lot of up market pros as well. I just think at the end of the day, it's your body, do what you like. Criminilising women for wanting to have sex for money is plain stupid. As is criminilising men for wanting to buy it. The one thing my government needs to sort out is the eastern European women and even kids being used as prostitutes. It's not just Eastern Europeans but it seems to be common with them. There's many European women come over here looking for work and end up selling their bodies beyond their control, because they owe the guy that took them here illegally. They can't report it because they're not meant to be here. It's really sad. Watched a show about it as usual . I think again, criminilising prostitution is making it more underground, thus making more illegal stuff go on. If it was out in the open they could track this stuff down and guys would know they're not going with women that aren't even doing what they want to do, if you get me. I'm bad at explaining things
Underage and forced prostitution could be prosecuted the same way that labor laws deal with underage child labor and slavery. You set age limits (18 and above) just like you do with the legal age to smoke cigarettes (18) and the legal age to drink alcohol (21). Actually, if adult, consensual prostitution was made legal, then law enforcement actually would have more resources to go after underage, slave type prostitution. However, law enforcement has to pick and choose who to go after (usually it is much easier to go after and prosecute adult prostitution because it is not as much underground as child/slave prostitution is). Law enforcement has limited resources to investigate crime, partly because they have to use precious law enforcement resources going after shit that should be legal (prostitution, drugs, and gambling) across the board (with the exception of underage and forced).