Ok guys, Africa decided to kick our ass trying to get under Europe, and who's in south Europe? Italy for the win. Tonight we had a 4.5 Richter earthquake and I thought I was dreaming but then I woke up and got to know that there really was an earthquake. I sleep so heavily that if ever my house goes down I'll die in my sleep LOL. This very place we had one fo the biggest earthquakes in italian history in 1976.... so now everybody is scared that there might be a repetition.... What's your experience with earthquakes?
being from California I've grown up with earthquakes. With my travels over my life i have experienced hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards and floods. i would gladly take an earthquake over any other natural disaster.
British Columbia is very active with earthquakes...we had one recently around 2011 or whenever....it was pretty rough, but we all came out okay. That's what we get for living around the ring of fire.
We have earthquakes here all the time. Some are so small they don't register and in 2007 i think we had a 7 Magnitude? It was hairy from the get go. Thankfully no one was hurt during it but the island as a whole suffered lots in monetary damage. I had major PTSD after that for a long while and a lot of people I know did too. I feel ya when you say you could die in your sleep. Here, it's complicated by the fact that we live along coastal areas. So if the earthquake was strong enough, it could be followed by a huge locally generated tsunami. Talk about stress. And don't even get me started on the fact that two of our volcanos are devious. Pele's been going off for close to 30 years. While that's all good and well because she would take a long ass time to get to hilo with plenty of warning, Mauna Loa would not. It would wipe out hilo very quickly because we lie right in it's path. It hasn't gone off for some time now. But it's been making noises. When I REALLY want to scare myself before bed I think: Maybe tonight will be the night Mauna Loa will go off thus causing a huge earth quake followed by a tusnami that takes out half of hilo. At 2 am in the morning. I don't know how I sleep after that.
Alinoa, that was funny And wow, you live in Hawaii <3 I always wanted to visit <3 I read on wikipedia that Mauna Loa is the biggest active volcano on heart by volume. Coolness! You'll be safe
I have only felt tremors in New York Once at college, close to the Canadian Shield, when the dorm room started shaking it wigged me out And last year when we felt the aftershock of a 5.8 quake in Virginia. Let me say that shit had me scareder than a mug when you are sitting there and the building starts moving and stuff starts falling down. I don't know how the Cali folks, Japanese folks, West Coast folks and other Earthquake prone folks deal with that possibility that a big one could hit at any time. I guess they just say fugg it.
yep! the good thing about it is i choose to live in the hills on the outskirts of LA, my thought is to have beach front property some day.