E-Mail Response to My Personal Ad From a Racist White Woman

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Shaft, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    With ww like you around, there is hope for these ladies! Let the "converting' continue... :lol: :lol:
  2. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member


    - heartsforspades.

    Well, a few more 'converts' couldn't hurt! I like the way you think out there in Western Michigan,lol. :D :D
  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Don't be surprised if that response wasn't written by an angry white dude perpetrating!!
  4. drow

    drow New Member

    Re: E-Mail Response to My Personal Ad From a Racist White Wo

    This is ultimately along the lines of what we will need to do if we want to be taken seriously. You don't necessarily have to go to college and earn a degree but you should be out there working and supporting yourself/family. Acting like an ignorant thug with your pants down around your ankles does not earn one the kind of respect that we need and while this IS a "free" world, the "reality" of the situation is such that you will be judged by your appearance, the way you speak and how you act in society. The thug/gansta mentality is apparently a powerful aphrodisiac causing many of our youth to fall into the traps designed for us and that MANY of us help to perpetrate. It is frankly why we looked as such an enigma! Kind of like a "you - ask for it, you got it, Toyota" scenario. Mr. Cosby was right in terms of that. We need to be the ones to take our destiny back into our OWN hands and show this world what we are really capable of because we are truly capable of great things when put our minds to it!.
  5. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    :shock:! Hater-in-the-house!
  6. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Perhaps but there is some truth in that for real!
  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    it depends on the man...I have seen it with some brothas...they are shrewd, demanding and to the point with BW but much more forgiving of WW...a kind of chicken or egg argument...these cats have a hard time with BW but they don't take into account the way they treat the BW

    if you treat a BW in.. :roll: kind of way

    but treat a WW in a :D kind of way....you have to expect that the outcomes are going to be different
  8. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    I agree with you on that.
  9. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    These generalizations are a bunch of b.s. For every bm who "kisses" white women's ass, I can find you five who treat women (white or black) like sh*t. (And most women will tell you there are more assholes than that out there.)
  10. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Good point Jellybird- most jerks will treat ww and bw badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and what is wrong with kissing our asses guys? Nothing wrong with that!
  11. u2orjustme

    u2orjustme New Member

    Re: E-Mail Response to My Personal Ad From a Racist White Wo

    Ten bucks says this woman falls into one of the following criterias.

    1) A miserable ww who is in fact, crazy about BM and hates herself for it, thereby causing her to lash out at any form of IR that she may see. The old If I can't have it noone else can, even if I'm holding myself from it.

    2) It's really a sista discouraging you. After what happened with Taye and Idena, I wouldn't discount it, no matter how unlikely. And frankly, I find the wording of this response kind of fishy. sonny boy....sambo? dominant black nuns?

    I am really pushing for Number 1 though. If she really wasn't interested, then why would she take the time to respond in such length? It used to kill me as to why people just felt they had to put their .02 into something that didn't concern them. And then I figured it out. It did concern them. Because it's something they wish they were doing or could be a part of but they didn't have the guts. The most basic form of a hater there is.

    Of course, she could just be stone cold ignorant. Can't rule that out.
  12. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I used to work with this black Muslim guy who absolutely adored his wife (who was also black). Once I jokingly asked him, "what if she tells you to kiss her ass?" He said, "then I'll do it!" :D
  13. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I agree with the guy that said that racist white women are victims of white males....
    I find that many racist white women were actually influenced by their husbands,fathers,etc

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