E-Mail Response to My Personal Ad From a Racist White Woman

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Shaft, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. Shaft

    Shaft New Member

    This country (U.S.) has unfortunate serious, racial problems. The hatred a good number of white people in this country have for blacks, black men especially, is just amazing. We are pretty much the most undesirable potential mate of any race/ethnicity for a white daughter to bring home to her parents. White daughters can date Asian males, Latino Males, Native American/Indian males, Middle Eastern males, etc., and marry them, as long as they aren't black. Just several weeks ago, a very old white woman noticed me behind her in one of those revolving glass doors that you need to go through in order to get into buildings. It's winter now in most parts of the country, so like most people, (white people included) I had my "hoodie/winter hat" on with a jacket and gloves. As soon as the woman noticed me, she gave me a look of disgust, shook her head and immediately walked over to the side and stopped moving until I walked several feet ahead of her.

    Of course, she probably thought I was some good for nothing thug and potential criminal, not a man with a Master's degree. I was so pissed that I turned around and looked at her and just let everything be communicated with my eyes. These are some of the situations that cause people with hot tempers to just lose it and end up assaulting some people physically. But I didn't fall into her trap. I just took a deep breath, shook my head and let it go. What a shame.

    Months ago, I was watching Good Morning America and they had a story that I'm sure a number of you are familiar with-about some white parents who kidnapped their daughter because not only didn't they like her South African boyfriend because of his race, but they also wanted to force her to have an abortion. That was in 2007. Unbelievable. It was so bad that she had to turn her parents over to the cops. What a shame.
  2. phillysoffercal

    phillysoffercal New Member

    You are wise as you have no illusions to the truth which means you are one of the luckier ones.
  3. kirsty

    kirsty New Member

    Re: E-Mail Response to My Personal Ad From a Racist White Wo

    To answer her question, I am an educated caucasian woman and I would like to think I’m attractive, and I chose to date african american men. And there are plenty of others like me one here.

    Is she kidding me? I have experienced a lot more sexual remakrs from wm that I didn't know than bm. :roll:
  4. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Your view of women is, uh, interesting. You might save your sympathy for those poor, brain-washed ww, though. They are big girls and any adult can hear what they are being told and make an independent decision as to whether it's right or wrong.
  5. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Don't even waste your time worrying about her shaft. I always remind myself that racists like these are the ones wasting themselves getting angry and hating on me, stressing themselves out for no reason, while I enjoy striving for success and dating sexy white women. I'm happy, they're not, plain and simple.
  6. Freejames

    Freejames New Member

    There are millions of people in the world who have never met you... but they hate you.

    They hate you because you are a man or a woman... they hate you because you are black or because you are white... they hate you because you are a Muslim or a Jew or a Christian...

    Never be one of those people.

    Be one of the millions who need to know a person before they judge them. View each individual as your brother or sister.

    We all want the same thing... to have sex with someone who is more attractive than the person in the mirror... I think that's what most of us want...
  7. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member


    :? I do wonder what the hell board this was on, and past that.....if I weren't interested in somebody , I certainly wouldn't go through all that trouble to spout off about it.What a waste of time, right?A few things:

    1. Many times people who are adamantly "against" something are secretly "for" it, and you can find examples of this in people who are homophobic.They make an extra effort to express how much they are against homosexuality, etc, but are really attempting to mask their own insecurity about their sexual feelings on a subconcious level.
    2. There are people who genuinely feel this way, and it makes them feel "good" if they think they can hurt you by expressing this.Their self esteem is low;indicated by the racist language "she" was using.It may have actually been a male for all we truly know.
    3. Shaft, as a black male I deeply empathize with the hurt and insult you likely felt when you opened this email.I too have felt a sense of rejection when I have, for instance, sent my photograph via email to white women who were not "into" black men. Lipstick offered the best post in that you have to breathe deeply, feel the feelings, let them go, and then visualize the relationship you desire.You manifest in physical form what you're thinking about and attract people, events, and circumstances according to the content of your thoughts.It's crucial to focus on what YOU WANT, and to cease dwelling on the blowback of this situation.
    4.This forum is full of beautiful white women who adore black men.Focus on THAT positive energy.They desire to be with us, and one white woman's loss is another beautiful white woman's gain, brother!
  8. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Re: E-Mail Response to My Personal Ad From a Racist White Wo

    I agree.Ive talked to lots of white women who in the past have talked bad about black men around their parents,boyfriends,friends etc just to cover up any suspension about them being attracted to Black men.This goes for alot of east asian women (indian girls) also.
  9. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    Re: E-Mail Response to My Personal Ad From a Racist White Wo

    A couple of months ago someone posted the IR marriage statistics and it was drastically different from 5%. I'll have to look up what the statistics were agian, but I know for a fact black women/white men were at 5%. And of course there are more black man/white women marriages than bw/wm. You also have to factor in, that most BM/WW couples are not married, they cohabit together have children together, but never marry. So if some of these couples were married you would see that statistic go up even further. These were the IR marriage statistics, from what I can remember.

    AW/WM 20%
    BM/WW 12%
    AM/WW 7%
    BW/WM 5%
  10. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Re: E-Mail Response to My Personal Ad From a Racist White Wo

    Something you said(about if more of us became more successful and the black stereotypes were to go away) reminded me of something.I was browsing through the racist site message boards about a month ago,and i came across a thread there about the comments that Bill Cosby made (about blacks getting their stuff together).Alot of the "white supremacist" there agreed with Cosby,BUT there was this one guy there who was uneasy about it.He stated that if "blacks were to actually listen to cosby" and started to become more economically successful...the interracial marriage would be higher than it already is.You could then see the other white supremacist that agreed with cosby,take back their words and expressed how pleased they were that blacks are int he position we are in.
    They went from agreeing and praising cosby for telling blacks to stop the violence,from wanting blacks to keep the violence going. LOL it was hilarious.
    They (white supremacist) think that the result of so many i/r mixing is due to a devious plan by the zionist jews to exterminate whites (lol i know)
    But annyyway,i totally agree with you 100% on more of us becoming successful and more power economically.I mean,we are doing good socially pretty much (musicians,athletes)..imagine if more of us ventured out into high paying jobs.
    Also,i understand that african immigrants come here and furthur their education more than any other immigrant(asian,european,etc),yet still earn less than white and asians in similar or lower levels of education,which suggest discrimination on a WIDE level.Dont mean to start the "whitey is holding us back" thing,but this is a interesting piece of information.
  11. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Re: E-Mail Response to My Personal Ad From a Racist White Wo

    Yeah,i wonder how high the statistic would be if they did one on interracial relationships as opposed to marriages.
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    much much higher....


    They focus on marriage because it's probably easier to track...or something..

    but, a lot of people are in meaningful relationships, or just plain sexual, and don't have any intentions on becoming married because they're just as happy...

    I knew people that lived together for several years without being married...doesn't make that union any less, in my opinion..

    unless you want to get technical about it..
  13. Shaft

    Shaft New Member

    Re: Question for Veyron

    Veyron, what state and city do you live at where folks who date interracially (black men) are physcially attacked? It would be helpful to know this.
  14. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Well, we should probably head over to racist site and try to save as many racist women as possible since they are incapable of thinking for themselves? No thanks. Those women know exactly what they are doing - the same as the men - and don't get any 'get out of jail' card from me.

    I'm thrilled you've been able to show so many women the light, but women do not simply go around thinking whatever a man tells them to.
  15. phillysoffercal

    phillysoffercal New Member

    Re: E-Mail Response to My Personal Ad From a Racist White Wo

    Oh yes, we all know that some ww actually do find bm attractive but the majority do not. If you love yourself it wouldn't matter.
  16. phillysoffercal

    phillysoffercal New Member


    Such a sweet comment! :D
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member


    :smt015 you bore me...how's that for sweet :twisted:
  18. Sneakeedyck

    Sneakeedyck New Member

    All the BMon here should post similar ads on there just to piss her off.
  19. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    It would be pretty funny for a lot of bm to start asking her out...
  20. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    I bet she would warm up to the idea under the right circumstances. I've seen it before. It's just a matter of getting her in a setting in which her defenses are down and she is mingling in a group that includes a bm or two. Better if he already has a girl on his arm or something else that reassures her he is not trying to hit on her.

    Then after she's been acclimated to being around black men socially a couple times, "steer" a single black guy at her and if he is smooth enough he may just get in below the radar and she will find herself well into flirting with him before she remembers to be racist.

    I've "converted" a couple of friends that way who'd previously said they'd never date a bm. There is always hope!

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