Dump Your Significant Jerk Day

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Effie, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. Effie

    Effie New Member

    No, I did not make that up. Feb. 4 is "Dump Your Significant Jerk Day"
    and Feb. 4-10 is "Dump Your Significant Jerk Week".

    Just learned about this one. The first responder, amused-with-the-world part of me thought "This is funny.". Then the cynic in my head said, "Ha ha, probably some one invented this to keep from buying a Valentine's gift." Finally, the soul/woman in me spoke up (she usually waits for the others to calm down so she can be heard) and said, "This is a valuable statement of truth, a significant jerk. This is someone with whom you've invested enough of yourself that they have become significant in your life. Yet you have learned in your dealings with them that they are not your love and you really don't want to spend the rest of your life with them. So, why are you willing to spend Valentine's Day with them?"

    A spiritual principal that I've learned (in practical application) is you must be willing to let go of those things that aren't good for you in order to make room for those things that are. This involves some overcoming of fear, fear of the unknown, of being alone, of emotions you don't think you can handle, and many others. This is where you let go of the rope and just let yourself fall. It's intimidating, but it's freeing and wonderful.

    Are you with your soul mate or are you at a stalemate?
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    How fantastic! LOL! I just dumped my significant jerk. :lol:
  3. funkyspirit

    funkyspirit New Member

    Hey Effie, sorry I missed you in chat. (So much for paying attention!)

    Great post; love your thoughts on it. I have this philosophy of "Do more of what works, and less of what doesn't!" Tis useful in a range of spheres, and it seems to apply here.

    I'm still working on overcoming emotions I don't think I can handle :p *slides into the abyss*

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