Drones for Civilian Use

Discussion in 'Science, Technology, and Green Energy' started by Blacktiger2005, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    It's interesting that they've been working on the drone program since the 1970s. Imagine the stuff they're working on (but keeping quiet) right now! :rolleyes:

    The drone program goes way back. They even experimented with "drone" planes in wwII - the pilot would bail out and then the plane would be controlled by radio.

    But I don't think the outlook for humanity is so dire just yet.. Martial law isn't coming. The people in power don't need totalitarianism to control the masses. They have media.

    And communities have the power of media to a degree too, via the web. One of the reasons you're seeing cracks in totalitarian systems around the world these days is because people are more interconnected via the web.

    There might be lots of chaos coming out of the technological revolution, as things sort themselves out in economics and politics, and global politics, but totalitarianism isn't coming.

    Too many people are watching for it anyway, being nervous about the technology. The totalitarianism "martial law" meme is just something coming out of the paranoia right-wingers like to spread since a black guy is in the white house.

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