Ive banged chicks with fake tits but fake ass? Lol. For me that's just taking it too far. Much rather them settle for whatever type of ass they already have. If the ass is fake they are in the minority....but why go crazy over it? Btw, quite a few of these dudes here do think she is wife material. Lol
That's the thing, why not bang them just once to see what it's like. Most dudes aren't going to bang many hot chicks, if any so why not of the opportunity ender comes. Fake asses are funny though. You can work for it unlike tits but girls wanna be lazy when they get that shit
Fake tits never really bothered me unless they were the extra fake tranny like tupper ware titties. As for asses, it depends on what type of fake ass they have. tbh fat transfers don't feel as unauthentic as some of the other procedures.
Drake is a couple years older than me, but I old feel looking at this Tweet. Has it really been that long ago?
A lot of people were retweeting that and I thought it was funny but didn't do the math.After looking it up the I think the times are wrong.The Jlo Diddy pick was in 2000 and Drake would have been 14,he looks younger in the pic though.
The man is just living out some kid fantasies. Like Ashton did with Demi and Jermaine Dupri did with Janet.
Drake and Jennifer Leaving His New Year's Eve Show in Vegas Drake and Lopez left the club together through a back door reserved for employees. She led the way as they walked while holding hands, with security officers prohibiting partygoers from taking photos of them. (Source: E News)
https://twitter.com/PageSix/status/815941074434883584 http://pagesix.com/2017/01/01/insiders-say-j-lo-and-drake-romance-is-only-to-sell-music/
Drake doesn't need her to sell music,her last album sold a total of 71,000 copies though.I think she is using him for publicity and to get her music career popping again.I think he knows this but doesn't mind dropping a few lyrics to sleep with J LO.
I don't think he is sleeping with her at all. I think this is another Taylor Swift thing, just to help them get their groove with fans back. He doesn't seem like the relationship type. J. Lo ever since her break up with Diddy has seem to be cold and friend-zone like around brothas. Never seen her express much interest.