Does Obama Represent a New Black Man?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Blacktiger2005, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Presidents don't have the autonomous authority to trigger a damn thing but their mouths..

    Only donkeys that believe everything the state tells believe that nonsense.
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Wow! I found a point in which I can agree politically with Karma!

    This is one really good change Obama could actually make. You haven't changed my mind though.

    I agree with flaminghetero - He won't do half of what he promises, and I know McCain won't either. They can't - the Titanic has already sunk, and in case you don't realize it, no matter who gets into office, he will be blamed for the fallout.

    I just pray we don't see riots if he should lose! I also pray we don't see white supremacy groups on a rampage should he win! I feel like either is very apt to happen. (Unfortunately racism is still very much alive in some parts of America, on both sides of the fence.)

    I'm glad whites recognized his potential (sorry blacks didn't, it that's true), and I'm glad he is running, it's been interesting, and historical.

    I won't be too upset if he gets into office really. We'll still be America. In some ways we'll be better. (In others we may be worse.)
  3. Brutusbro

    Brutusbro New Member

    Flaminghetero -

    Your lack of understanding of the powers of the president is pathetic !

    How old are you ... ten ?

    You are either an ignorant fool ... or a kid !

  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    The president doesn't have any power AT ALL.
    Of course the RULING ELITE wants you to THINK he does..but the truth is..America is an Oligarchy where the WEALTHY ELITE function above the Government.

    The masses must believe the president has power for their scheme to work.

    Put Obama in office and shit won't change because he is a sock puppet for the RULING ELITE.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    There won't be any riots if that donkey-eared crackhead loses.

    C'mon now.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2008
  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    His presence would change the psychology of the Country for the WORSE as the conditions of the Country WORSEN.

    Imagine the disappointment when he's revealed to be nothing more than just another shit-eating corporate politician.

    We better PRAY they don't but that sock-puppet in office.
  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Usually agree with you on most points but we differ on this one.
  8. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Dude, you sound really pessimistic in this thread. You make it sound as if we're screwed either way no matter who we choose. Who would even want to live like that? I'll be damned if I'm going to live my entire life running scared.

    If Barack Obama isn't going to change anything, then who will? I hear you speaking on what you believe to be a problem, but I don't hear you offering up any solutions or better alternatives.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2008
  9. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

    My prediction:

    Obama will represent a beacon of self-pride for African-Americans who most will point to until their fingers fall off, while doing little to elevate ourselves individually.

    Large numbers of blacks will be like the legions of white trailer trash who litter various parts of the country that look up to Bush.
  10. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    As many have alread eluded to, alot of the problems in the black community are mentally ingrained habits. Remeber alot of blacks questioned if Obama was even black enough (as ridiculous as that is) or stood a shot until he got legitimized by a white support bas and it become clear he had a chance to go all the way. Then of course at that point blacks were totally behind him and crying buckets of tears on election night like they believed in him all along or like they would even have respect for a brother like that if he wasnt so iconic.

    Fact is alot more inner city blacks are not going to start having value to a man like Obama over Lil Wayne anytime soon. The fact is all of the great traits Obama has as a man (politics aside) would be admired by and transcend many cultures but would barely even be respected in inner city black culture since it is so warped. but as I said since he is the most iconic figure in the world now, of course these kind of blacks are quick to take credit and claim him now.

    What I am more afraid of happening is that once some of these ghettofied blacks start noticing that their self inflicted problems are not magically going away they will start to claim Obama is a sell out or Uncle Tom. But as far as a world scale goes, having Obama as president is def. a step for the image of black men.
  11. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    I think he is representative of the next generation of BM as opposed to the previous generation like Jesse Jackson. He realises you cannot antagonize a person today and the next day want them to help you. The best approach is to find common ground and build on that. BTW that`s one item left out in the numerous topics on IR between WW and BM or BW and WM. If there is nothing in common between they will eventually go their separate ways.
  12. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    I agree. Most voters were also unfamiliar with Obama while Hillary was a known commodity. But there's no denying blacks played a major role in nurturing Obama's career from the ground up. However, anyone with common sense can see Obama was obviously the better choice to McCain/Palin.
  13. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Power to Change

    PRESIDENT ELECT BARACK OBAMA, represents to me an incredible possiblity of that i as a black man can be anything i want to be if only i believe in myself. Regardless of his politics which some i do not agree with, i see in PRESIDENT OBAMA a self made man. His incredible life story is an inspiration to me. I have dedicated myself to a self exploration to realize my potentials. With the help of my beautiful wife who believes in me i have made it a point to go within my inner self to push myself to the ultimate limit of my capability, whether it's in education, physical development, intellectual growth or spiritual insights to get closer to the creator. I thank PRESIDENT ELECT BARACK OBAMA for showing me the way. THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT. YES I CAN.
  14. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Excellent assessment right there. With this line of thinking and self-confidence, a black man is more dangerous to the racist establishment than ever before. Just imagine if we all can teach our black youth to think like this.

    Maybe they will no longer believe that they're cursed, they'll have an uncanny desire to want to educate themselves, find some sense of self-reliance and pull their pants up in the process.
  15. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    This is exactly why I am very glad that Obama is going to be the next president, and I didn't even vote for him, WOW!

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