Does Evil Come From GOD ???

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by JREMINATOR, Jul 19, 2006.


    JREMINATOR New Member

    Been thinkin about this for years...
    This is the kind of "researcher" questions that seem to be less clear as you seem to find answers...

    What`s your take on this people? please enlighten mevwith you own opinions...

    And if you do not believe in a God, does evil come from human beings then? meaning we have it IN US at birth?
  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    evil comes from satan and those who reject God
  3. alessandra

    alessandra New Member

    agree with tucker
  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    :D praise God, and bless you!

    JREMINATOR New Member

    Very simple and very clear answer...but...
    Didn`t Lucifer...Satan, come from God?

    So he had evil in him already as he was created by God? :roll:
  6. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    he rebelled against God, angels were created with free will just as man was. too choose to love God or to reject Him. Lucifer led a rebellion with legions of angels to try and become God and was cast out of heaven. so no, God cannot be evil but he allows all with free will to choose to be or not to be
  7. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Wow Then who tempted the tempter. So evil must have always been there.
  8. Oracle

    Oracle New Member

    Of course!!! God and the devil are one and the same.
  9. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    front Satan and followers of his, men who do not follow Jesus Christ
  10. Oracle

    Oracle New Member

    Think about it for a minute!! Who tempted Lucifer if he was the first to fall?
  11. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    (roll eyes)

    Satan was created an Angel and was created perfect. He made himself the Devil or Satan (which means the originator of the lie) when he disobeyed God/and lied to Adam. He was not born evil but angels just like humans are given the free will to make choices. When he made choices to do what he did, he make himself into the devil.

    When the Devil tempted Jesus on earth, he was not the same person. He was the Devil, Jesus, who was the first creation of God and perfect Angel and his son did not sin, thus did not become a devil, like the other angels who sinned and disobeyed.

    ok.. I know some believe in a triune god.. I was raised to believe the above regarding Jesus and I might have that part wrong, since my faith has been shaken.. BUT there is no doubt where Satan the Devil came from according to the Bible.

    JREMINATOR New Member

    What you wrote is very accurate regarding what the Bible says...

    I find something interesting though...
    When man became a sinner, it was bcoz he got tempted by Lucifer who had already become Satan...right?

    But the Lucifer didn`t need anyone to tempt him...he was in a pure environment and still became will or not, evil was therefore already there...inside of him? somewhere in a corner of heaven???

    Oracle said it best: who tempted Lucifer??? himself? if it was himself then evil was already INSIDE will to choose the dark side of yourself!!!!!

    My theory is: (a crazy one of course, I`m a chemist)

    God...or the supreme Energy, or whatever you call the Supreme scientist...creates Lucifer and since He knows all, knows that Lucifer will fall...but doesn`t stop him from doing so...bcoz it`s all in the plan...or should I say the experiment??
    Man and woman are created...and of course the experiment continues...Evil comes along "hmmm...are they going to resist???" no...He knows it anyway...has already sent angels to cast us out of the garden...and the Son will be give testimony to the power of love...instead f the power of the sword like He showed it with prophets like Moses or was planned and prophesied long ago...

    All our existence is an experiment...our reactions to fear, pain, joy, orgasm, spiritual experiences, knowledge, power, poverty, death, impulses, the list is too long...

    What`s the goal of the experiment??? well only The Great Experimenter knows!!!!! but we (little human mosquitoes) can keep trying (mostly in vain) to find answers!!!
  13. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    read the Book, no one tempted lucifer, you dont have to think about it its in the book.
  14. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    lol.. true true..

    I was going to comment on the above last night but then thought.. aaah.. why?

    according to the bible, The angel who became known as Satan, decided he wanted to be like God and that desire lay seed to when he made the action to sin. He chose to do what he did, but was not born with evil inside of him but instead freewill.

    God isn't an experimenter. But he also does not create robots w/o minds who serve him because they have no choice.
  15. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member


    The source of evil is wanting/desiring/craving. Since God created us, he is the one who put that in us too (craving). So evil (wanting) comes from God.

    Now my own personal un-answered questions:
    He has put it in us, but if we act on it and follow our wishes, we become the evil and will be punished.

    then why did he place craving in us when he created us, if we are not allowed to satissfy it? If a wish is there, its there. If you decide not to act on it in order to obey God you will deny your personal happiness, if you act on it you will be punished (even by your own conscience who after being raised thinking that thing is wrong will feel guilty)

    Is it fun for someone up there?

    Or is it that he wants us to come to the conclusion by ourselves (thats why he gave us free will) to let go of wishing, which would make us happy (no wishes no insatisfaction) and make possible following his word also, but then what makes him (the Christian God) different from Buddha and why isn't there only ONE religion? And how fun and worth living is life if you don't wish, crave, achieve, suffer for not having what you desire, but take the safe way ??? If you avoid suffering, you avoid pleasure and happiness too.
    Anyway, feel like i'm starting to ramble so I'll just stop here for now.
  16. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    OK, so if this 'god' created Lucifer, and instilled in him the gift of free-will (which we all have) then that would lead you to believe that he instill within Lucifer (as well as all of us ) the force of EVIL, so, in that case, when Lucifer didn't decide to follow the law of 'god' (which is allegedly always good) that itself was an action derived from evil, there by making Lucifer (the Angel of Light) a fallen angel, which was/is the originator of all evil, am I right?

    And, since 'god' created Lucifer, and is omnipotent, omniscient, and omni-present, then wouldn't HE be the originator of all evil HIMSELF, especially IF HE created all things (living or inanimate?)

    So, is this 'god' a neutral god, who believes in the universal balance of good and evil as a necessity in the cosmos, or is he a 'god' of eternal experimentation?
  17. Boll Onin

    Boll Onin Member

    If god is omnipresent, the beginning middle and ending of all things. then god is evil or evil came from god, created by god for what ever form or fashion.
  18. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member


    look at it this way. If your two yr old child is sitting at the table and you tell the child, not to eat any of the candy in the dish on the table. Is the child bad in itself? evil? no.. but if looking at that candy and over time thinking about taking a piece, the child thinks and thinks about that candy until finally he or she thinks I'll take it any way, did the parent put the disobedience in the child? no. The child chose to allow the desire for that candy to cause it to give into the desire and take the candy.

    Free will does not mean evil.

    Jesus could have chosen not to stay perfect. He did not. He chose to be obedient.

    I need to get out of these religion threads.. I don't' even have a religion any more any way. Until I find one I want, I need to stay out of these.. It was interesting but....
  19. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    So deciding to act on your desire makes you evil. Just what I was saying b4. And disobidience is evil. And wanting to see (experiment) on yourself and see for yourself what is it wrong and forbidden about eating the candy, without blindly following what it is been told to you, is evil too. Thus making free will totally un-necesary in the end, because WHY THINK if you know what you have to choose from the start? You could have just as well not have the free will/and free thinking in the first place, is free thinking is not right unless you obey (why bother yourself then?)
    Basically, in the end you have no freedom of choice. If you exercise your freedom of choice you are doomed.

    And the child didn't have to have evil in his heart for wanting the candy, desiring something doesnt make you evil. And why did God create desire then, and curiosity for that matter, if these are evil traits?

    And to put it right there under your nose and then say don't touch it is kinda cruel isnt it? Almost like a twisted cruel game someone is playing with you.

    And now I'm just repeating what i already said once.
  20. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    naaah.. just a twist you are all trying to put on something that began as perfect.

    Thankfully God doesn't force us all to obey and so we all think like robots. How much fun would that be..

    You couldn't even twist what he does around to make the original intent so messed up.

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