Does a BLACK girl have a Chance?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by sashaisminniemouse, Jan 20, 2009.

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  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    The "post the hot sisters" and "hot white guys" brings them everytime.

    You helped bring her here.
  2. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    umm, I like any type of women, I don't have a preference, the only reason I'm at this site is because my ex was white and so is the girl I'm dating now.

    I don't prefer a black woman over a white woman over a asian woman.
  3. sashaisminniemouse

    sashaisminniemouse New Member

    Sorry sarahs I just wanted to know if a black guy at my school, would find me attractive, because he goes out with white girls, I didn't want ti join this site but to post a thread that's what you had to do. I typed in black guy likes white girls or something like that, on google and looked through it and this site came up, I just needed advice, I don't want to start trouble Ill delete my account tday

    But thanx any ways guys, for the support, I couldn't talk to him tday but I have a plan, and im gonna do it this week. Thank u guys: )
  4. sashaisminniemouse

    sashaisminniemouse New Member

    Sry guys but how do u delete an account??
  5. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    No no, I didn't mean to be horrible. Gah, now I feel like a bitch.

  6. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    You can't delete an account on here. If you want a thread deleted - you can ask the webmaster to remove it. You would do that by either clicking on the ! sign on your first post of this thread and then typing in what you would like to tell him, or by letting him know down below in maybe "internal affairs"

    Sasha - if you would like to talk...feel free to contact me on Yahoo, my nickname on there is visionsinca email or IM I don't think the little connection thing on this site works.
  7. sashaisminniemouse

    sashaisminniemouse New Member

    Thanks KnCA Ill do that right now,
    Btw u have very nice feet.
    And thank u everyone else that replied!!
  8. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    SASH, you hella cute and if your personalty is .75 as good as your looks you should be strait. If he's not interested his loss.:D
  9. hellspawn72

    hellspawn72 Member

    You're welcome for the advice. But you don't have to leave. The name is about discussing IR issues, but that's not to say you aren't welcome. You should post from time to time. I'd like a black girl's perspective.

    And believe me. Asking the type of question you did isn't starting trouble or controversy. Truth is, this forum is getting a bit testy with it's topics lately anyways. We aren't always going to agree. So stick around for awhile.
  10. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I can tell you a black girl's perspective. She hates IR dating between BM/WW but if a white boy thinks she's cute, then she's all for it.
  11. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Can you believe this girl took time-out in her misery to compliment you on your feet!....
    Now that’s peculiar!..... In any case credit your self for being a good Samaritan ……you appeared to have won her trust.
    ….I am kind of amazed at the over-all cool reception she got from our folks
    Please remember gang, she is a young girl!....She does not pose a threat to any of us!
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2009
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    This girl is a troll. She's playing you all like a fiddle. She's trying to act all sweet, innocent, hurt, and victimized. She's a sneaky, manipulative, passive-aggressive troll. Her first posts, she was here trying to say that we badmouth black women, pretending to appeal to your sympathy. The only reason she did that, and did it the way she did, was because she wanted to make the black men here feel guilty for preferring white women. She wanted you all to suck up to her and inflate her ego and deny it, probably even hoped to stir things up between the BM and WW here by doing so. She thinks her emotional blackmail will get the black males to "go back" to black women. Her first posts were her sneaky way of saying what any other BW troll would say - that BM hate BW. Now here she is again. Now she's here flaunting pictures of herself pretending to ask if she has a chance with a BM who prefers white women. HELLO??? Then the rest of her phony story is her sneaky passive-aggressive way of saying what any other BW troll would say - that WW are stealing "all their men", trying to make it look like our kind of relationships and preferences are keeping her from having the man and relationship she wants because the guy she wants prefers white women. It's rediculous BS. This girl has no reason to be here and you still think she's genuine. :rolleyes:
  13. Effie

    Effie New Member

    Guys I'm not cynical by nature, but I do have a slight "hmmm" feeling on this one. Do you remember the other student who came on here saying that she was a black girl who was mistaken for white by a guy and it bothered her and she wanted advice. Many people were trying to "help" her and some pointed out that there was NO WAY this happened to her. Remember that, ultimately, she admitted it was just a school project?

    She posted a photo and it said "black girl here" too.

    I'm not saying that it's the same girl, but it does have a "student research" vibe about it. I've had college students approach me in real life asking all sorts of weird questions, or inserting themselves into my personal space between me and my friends all in the name of "research" . I told them to tell their teachers that they weren't doing them any favors teaching them to be rude.
  14. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    She's been here before that.
  15. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Very true. So I don't know how I "brought" her here?
  16. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Well I can only speak for myself. On things like this - you just never know, until you do. I try to give the benefit of the doubt and figure it out as I go. The thing is - if you give enough rope...the truth will always come out :)

    I've dealt with some MAJOR scammers out there...emotional and otherwise. It's not always as clear cut as people may think.
  17. Amazonka

    Amazonka Active Member

    Its hard to say ...But if he prefers white women and bigger breasts and you got none of it id say move on ;)...If he liked u , you would be making out with him by now instead of asking for advice on here hehe...Good luck to u girl!
  18. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Suppose that an object is thrown down from the top of a 1,000 ft. building. If initial velocity of the object is zero ft./sec, find s(t) which is the distance the object has traveled toward the ground at time T.

    Remember that acceleration a(t) = 32 ft/sec^2
  19. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    Still holla at the dude,it might just be he has happened to only date white girls cos they were the ones approaching.

    And if he only dates white and the girls he dates are like some of the Ugly Beach whales on this site, ugly with shitty personalities. I advise you to make your play, Cos you will get your chance. you are not ugly (dont ever doubt yourself) and in fact you are very pretty and definitely cute enough, remember that and good luck.
  20. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Do me next! I wanna get insulted like the rest of the women here.

    Why do you come here if all the women are ugly beach whales with bad personalities? :confused:

    Also - you had a problem with WM and BW being posted but not a BW member? Hmmm...
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