Do Women Really Prefer Bad Boys?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by PeyBackTime8818, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. charmer

    charmer Member

    You're talking about being in a relationship.
    I'm talking about courting a woman.

    Those are two totally different things.
  2. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I see what charmer and 7 is saying, which is why I told you in my own way, to highten your standards, Pey, because, yours are ridiculously low, obviously. You are confusing being a doormat with being a nice guy over and over again, and the other posters in here (Moshvichka included) already gave you example of how it works both ways, but mainly because of what you stated about 'physical attraction' being the initial reaction to engaging someone in a relationship. Too bad that 'physical attraction' doesn't always last, or always has that affect you want it to, doesn't it?

    Yea, physical attraction maybe the original response to wanting someone in a relationship, but that can change as time goes by, no matter how attractive or unattractive someone may be.

    And, you don't have to be ugly to be 'good in bed' either, so don't believe that.
  3. Sabinne

    Sabinne New Member

    I'll be honest, I stay because I like who they are AND they're good in bed. I can like who a person is and if they're bad in bed, they immediately go the "friend" category. I've learned through one divorce that it doesn't matter how good of a person they are, if we have lousy sex, it's going to be a lousy relationship. My ex-husband was rich, good looking and nice, but he was LOUSY in bed. I tried for seven years, but it was no use. There are some things that you can't fix.

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