Do White Women Walk Faster Than Black Women?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by PeyBackTime8818, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Pey and Chosen are right, in my opinion. I have seen all that they have described in their posts, in fact, have experienced those things myself with white women walking on the street around black men, and black women also.

    I have to give to some white women though. If they think that their 'scented rose' is that sweet, then they should have it all to themselves.
  2. leksie

    leksie New Member

    Agree that we can sometimes walk faster but it's tricky to generalise.

    As far as assuming that we are walking faster to avoid the advances of men. Well I don't know if that's how some women think, but to me that seems RIDICULOUS!!! I think you would find it is more just something cultural...

    I'm sure as hell not walking around thinking (subconciously or conciously I would hope) 'damn, better walk faster because I'm so fine that every man would want to approach me otherwise'. I don't know, to me that seems like a bit of a misinterpretation but I guess it could depend on the women.

    I'm not really sure why it is, but again though you can't generalise I definately find my African buds, male and female, tend to lope along more than we do. We have often had light hearted jokes about it. My man usually clarifies if he's talking about a "Zimbabwean minute" or an "Australian minute" hah hah.
  3. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You are spot on for the most part, but this is what many black men here in the states have witnessed over and over again for themselves.
  4. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    I think above anything it may be just a mere survival factor, especially here and in other big cities, with all the crime going on, they prefer to walk fast and get to where they need to go instead of "lally gag" around for someone to come along and either hurt them or annoy them with an unwanted advance or whatever. Women who walk with their man tend to stroll around and walk much slower usually (maybe holding hands), but women who have a man but happen to be out walking alone I think will be on their cell talking with him (I've heard of this, so he can hear if she is in trouble), or pretending to talk to him or anyone for that matter.

    I think maybe single women who walk alone might not walk as fast, as a subconscious way of saying "I am single, talk to me if you can catch me". But women who are taken and walking around alone might be saying by their speed, in a subconscious way, "I am taken and just out to shop not flirt, so don't talk to me."

    Example: I saw a special on 20/20 about how single women and taken women flirt or do not flirt. They had a guy pretend to be a Gap clothing store clerk and when women came in he would ask them if they needed any help. Single women who did not need any help said yes, as way to be nice and strike up conversation. Taken women who did not need help said no thank you. Some taken women who actually DID need help even said no just because they felt the man was coming on to them, yet those same women accepted help from female clerks since they figured she has no alterior motive to wanting to help me.
  5. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I live in a bad end of town, and I walk super fast whenever the sun starts to go down. Once it becomes night-time and I'm walking alone, safety is paramount, so I go everywhere at a swift pace and with an attack alarm, as I'm nervous of the gangs which linger around my street and sometimes randomly attack and mug individuals, or of sex attacks from strangers. I know the real statistics are fairly low but violent crime is not uncommon in my immediate area and it only needs once to really mess up your it makes me feel better. Guess things must be even worse in New York, people I'm with often comment that I seem to be on a state of hyperalertness, but I can't bear not to know if people are walking behind me, makes me very scared. I do have several friends who were the victim of violent attacks, some who live near to me and others elsewhere.
  6. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    Well obviously walking at night is dangerous for men AND women, but the women we are all talking about walk fast during the DAY! I know attacks can happen any time of day but I have seen white women walk MUCH faster than anyone in broad daylight with crowds around them for no apparent reason. Teenage white girls walk at LIGHT SPEED! Go to any mall LOL.
  7. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    You must be going to different places than me - teenage girls walking along Oxford street walk so fecking slowly that it is all I can do not to kneecap them simply to get past and into the damned shop!!
  8. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I'm a pretty fast walker....I don't think its so much that WW walk fast relative to everyone else....they walk faster than THEY normally would in situations when trying to avoid being "macked on." Instead of crusing and you walking right past them.....they look like "slow, speed walkers" (if that makes any sense). Their hips are moving violently side to side and it looks like they will break out into a slow sprint at any moment (does that make any sense?) Its all a victim mentality though...BW tend not to get harassed as much because men know that if you mess with'll need to be prepared to "put up your dukes." WW can be like that new kid in school that acts like they are not comfortable around the new classmates....bullies sense that so they want to go pick on who they perceive as the weakest. I'm not sure what it is about our society but WW, despite being the largest demographic group in the U.S. and probably the U.K....they are always seen as the weakest (alongside AW). In actuality...BM have much more to worry about than WW...BM are 145 times more likely than WW to be murdered....and a surprising factoid...1 out of every 6 BM has been sexually assaulted/raped....(U.S. figures)....I'm kind of shocked by those figures..but maybe the brothas need to start walking a bit faster.
  9. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    The murder statistic might be true but, still, 1 in 4 women have been victims of rape or attempted rape, and 1 in 10 were sexually abused by children (the majority of sexual abusers being men), so it's hard to say which demographic is more or less at risk in general.
  10. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I don't think that one group is safer than the other per se...but I think that we as BM need to be a little more cautious like our WW friends because..both sides have a sad tendency to end up on the local news. Maybe BM and WW can band together and watch out for each other more as opposed to running away from one another.

    The thing WW must that when you appear afraid...even if you are just trying to be safe..more often than not you are going to attract someone who can SEE this and will attack because of this. Its like with a vicious dog..say a pit-bull or doberman...if you "act scared its gonna bite." Now it may bite anyway, but if you run from will certainly chase you and tear a nice little chunk out of your arse. Its sad sometime...I almost feel for my WW friends because while I can walk anywhere and command a certain level of fear...they command lust..which must feel (for a lack of a better term) icky. People being intimidated by you is not all its cracked up to be but I couldn't imagine going through the types of things women of all races go through. :cry:
  11. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I watch out for my BM every day :wink: It swings both ways over here the area I live in, there are a lot of black faces, but still most people seeing me with my chap would think he was a rough sort, and assume they should stay clear in case he's carrying a knife or something...then again, it is now supposed to be more dangerous for young men to go out for the night than women in England, as they're more at risk from randomly being beaten up by another man.
  12. leksie

    leksie New Member

    Yeah, I guess sadly some of it may be a racism thing when they are in the presence of black men as well- I've certainly seen this one for myself.
  13. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    You're talking about when they pull their purses closer and walk fast? Like someone wants to steal their cheap purse and a few dollars.
  14. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Things have changed quite a bit...but not necessarily for the better. Think about...long ago...BM were the ones afraid of WW...if we so much as blinked our eyes the wrong way...some of them might cry rape and that would be the end of our story (still happens but for more than blinking improperly...think Kobe). We couldn't even walk on the same sidewalk as WW but now we command the entire sidewalk. WW like everyone else..are victims of the media's portrayal of BM. Most WW don't understand that a BM's most likely "target" is another's sad but plays itself out every day.
  15. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    That's true, Chosen. People are more likely to get mugged by someone of the same ethnic group, than someone of an opposite group.
  16. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    But there is actually a (mostly black) group of youths in my area who have carried out at least four or five muggings outside my house in the last few months - is it racist that I walk faster to get away from them quickly, or carry my attack alarm extra tightly? The fact that they are black is incidental to the fact that they have already mugged people very recently! (most recently, this Sunday actually)
  17. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I was talking mostly about the people here in America, like the white women here in this nation, who walk fast and cling tighter to their Wal-mart/Target purchased cell phones and purses, to 'protect' themselves from getting 'mugged' or 'raped' by us.

    I guess things don't happen that way in other countries.
  18. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    the history of white men lynching(hanging black men) in this country for over 100 years--should all blacks try to avoid all white people because of what "SOME" white people have done and do?

    then yes, if you know a bad group of youth and they happen to be black then I would agree with you Mistress, but the experience of black men in America is even if you are a well dress black man in a smart office professional suit--still white women poor or wealthy, liberal or conservative, clutch their bags, cross the street in the middle of the day on a busy street to get away from the stereotype of what most whites have been taught--to fear and hate black

    Sard--you have to always preface racial discussions to people in UK, that we are talking about the US or other countries--because many people in UK think they dont have racism or they just dont understand the racism that is so prevalent in other parts of the world
  19. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You're right. I'll remember that from now on, tuck.
  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Yes, WW walk faster than black women.

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