Do white women seek out black men?

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by darkgable2000, May 11, 2005.

  1. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    Thanks SG!
  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    IR dating and marriage is normal here in the Northeast US
  3. Darman

    Darman New Member

    There are indeed some white women who specifically seek black men. Aside from the stereotypical ones (i.e. girls who talk "ghetto"), there are also those who are normal looking women. When I ask them why they prefer black men, most of them have said that it's because they are attracted to black men physically (hey, you can't deny what your eyes desire). There are of course, the young fast-assed girls who do it because they think it makes them cool... and any black man with common sense will stay away from them!
  4. CiViC SpiKeS

    CiViC SpiKeS New Member

    I seem to find the ones that havent really dated BM before and i dont think they were particularly intrested in it in the first place but there willing to give it a shot since im a nice guy kinda deal.

    For me the women who actually "seek" out black men are women ill apt to be the least intrested in. Not always true but generally.
  5. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    I am sure some will
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    DjMonie you are right. I see on the Black Planet website of White female members and it has from American to Europeaan mostly German women.
  7. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    they do On the online websites
  8. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

    sry to say this but to answer this post..HELL NO...damn it that would be the last thing u will see...probably lets say 100 white ladies..probably 15 of them will look for a black triple that todays white woman..iam goign to guess 34343,45 white girls around the globe..just guessing..not take 15 percent out..dude thats not that much at all.. :roll:
  9. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    That has never really been my experience. I don't think you can calculate who is looking for what> It really comes down to how much you can relate to her. I grew up mostly in the South and never had alot of problems with women coming onto me.
  10. infiniti

    infiniti New Member

    I think there is also something to be said about human contact. I won't lie, there were times when I really prayed to overcome my attraction to whitewomen. Not because it was a bad thing, but because it brings so much frustration and other things we all know about. But then, I eventually reached the point where I said "to hell with it, I am just going to put my best out there and see what comes of it".

    By that, I mean taking little steps that I wouldn't have taken otherwise. For example, when I invite a few friends to a party, I extend my invitation to the quite white girl that never really says anything. though she is cute, I really can't tell if she is into black guys. I invited her with a warm smile and said "It would be nice if you can make it". If she shows up great, b/c I will get to know more about her. If not, I will be a little disappointed, but it really wouldn't count as a loss. (this is an hypothetical scenario..for visual effect)

    Using your white male friends (or make some friends if you don't have any) to get the connection needed. My white male or even female friends undoubtedly have other female friends(school is a great way to meet smart, educated WW). Ask them to bring their friends with them whenever you go out (you may have to do this discretely..depending on your friends stance on dating). Get to know them and then start making the right connections.

    Basically we are all caught in "will that white girl like me" sort of ordeal that we forget that while girls are just humans. Has anyone ever wondered why KKK and and all those racists (back in the day) fought so hard to keep schools and social gatherings segregated. guessed right. It was because they knew at the fundamental level, we humans have a bond, a connection and an almost animal like desire/ability to like one another. Actual manifestation of this sort of behavior can only occur with close contact. All the issues today (i.e stereotypes about different races, fear of black men, risk analysis about different races, living in different neighborhoods, different school districts) are just the modern form of preventing contact.

    Even the white girl who bluntly stated that she doesn't date black guys will like you (or hate you depending on personality match, but at least it will be due to her actual feeling, not the socially programmed response) given the adequate amount of contact.

    Black men in general are disadvantaged when it comes to creating circumstances that will allow a white girl to "really" get to know you. This is where thinking and being smart comes in.

    Sometimes I see a girl that I like and after studying her, I know that if she really knew me, she would fall heads over heels for me. Well, if this ever happens again, I can guarantee you that she will get to know me.

    I guess all I am saying is that, men (especially BM in America) need to learn how to reel in the right woman. It isn't enough sitting there wondering if she in into you. If she is, great. If she isn't....well most of the time she can be convinced!

    We all know about the difficulties of dating (or finding someone to date) interracially. But we don't pay enough attention to the advantages we have.
  11. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    you are right jxsilicon. I have continuously listed IR personal sites with many many white women seeking out black men for dating and marriage.
  12. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I should probably check out more IR sites. Cause nightclubs are crappy places to meet women.
  13. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    where do you live? yes night clubs have always been bad places to meet women.
  14. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    Rigth now I live in Louisiana. But will move as soon as I get time to look for homes in other states.
  15. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    well, i would think that clubs in Louisana would not be too cool for IR. In Mississippi they were awful. but on websites like there are plenty of WW looking for black men. you can go there and sign up for free first and if you are interested then you join
  16. hellspawn72

    hellspawn72 Member

    I can confirm that. A few years back, while in college, I would go out to the local clubs where many of the white kids went. I was a non-traditional student in my mid 20's at the time. Anyway, many nights I would be the only brotha in there and I could just sense how apprehensive the white girls were about the possibility of me coming up and simply talking to them. Sometimes there would be friend girls who were bartenders and waitresses, but mostly the patrons were distant. I just chalked it up, though, to people who were comfortable with those that they already knew. Louisiana is notorious for being cautious of people that they don't know.

    Now there was one time in particular where this white chick actually approached me and we hung out. She was outgoing, though not buzzed or anything. I later found out that she had been in the Army like I had been. To clarify, people in the military traditionally have a much more liberal attitude towards things. But you guys are right otherwise. Clubs, in general, are lousy places to meet women. Unless you're one of the handsome guys or a white dude, or simply not a brotha.
  17. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I never meant it was hard to meet women in clubs. I'm talking about quality women. Women in clubs are usually for one night stands.I'm pretty much done with the one night stands. Now I want to meet more quality women for long term relationships.
  18. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i was talking about quality women too, i dont date or would date anyone who wasnt of quality and cultured.
  19. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    depends on the part of the country also. If you were a black man and went into a nice club, not a college beer joint, in say Seattle, Minneapolis, New York City, Boston, Chicago, Portland, SF, Pheonix, Philly, DC, Albany, Portland Maine, Hartford, Providence, Buffalo, Cleveland, you could find many many fine women of quality. But your approach has to be one of honesty and realness, not just trying to get in her paints.

    Having moved up North, before marriage, I could easily meet women of quality in these places and did, everytime.
  20. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    bro, its the deep south, it is very hard to approach women there. I would look online at sign in and look in La.

    good searchign

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