Do white women have "flat booties"?

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by biosnex, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. biosnex

    biosnex Member

    OK, let’s get the ball rolling. I have quite a bit to say about this but I want to first pose the question and see what the responses are. This involves a very common and seemingly widely accepted belief: Do white women(as a group) have flat asses? Does anyone concur with this?
  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    Have you been in the threads that has been put up?

    Have you been walking around your town and seeing only flat butts?

    Have you been watching TV?
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
  3. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    The topic sounds like one of your threads good love. Lol
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
  5. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Hmmm! I wouldn't generalize there. For every WW I've seen with a flat butt, and seen just as many (probably more) who were the opposite.
  6. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The crowd on this board is too clued into WW to even have this question be interesting.:-|

    There are soooo many bubble butt WW out here that if as a BM that's your preference, you could never date them all.
  7. biosnex

    biosnex Member

    "There are soooo many bubble butt WW out here that if as a BM that's your preference, you could never date them all."

    Agreed! I still often hear this nonsense (white women have flat asses). In fact, I have gotten into arguments with "WW who actually said WW had flat butts"(I'm dead serious!!!!)! WTF?? Now, as I said before, I'm from the Midwest but I now live in SoCal. And I can tell you first hand -WM in SoCal do not have flat butts! I was talking to my cousin about this very subject and she said, "Oh! You should see these white girls here in Texas -they have big ol' booties!". Never been to Texas but I will take her word for it. And as all of you know, that seems to be a rally call and war chant for a number of bitter black females (I've heard it too many times!).

    I live in San Diego and I look at white women every single day and they are not hurting for a booty! TRUST ME! I can't speak for the rest of all 50 states but it's not happening here. The bottom line is this, I still don't understand where that myth came from. Any takers...?
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
  8. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I haven't witnessed this type of thinking at all in at least 15 years. What do you do with your free time? Play backgammon at the rest home?
  9. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    Before, this generalization was more common with an extremely small amount of exceptions.Nowadays, the amount of White women with booty has noticeably increased.Starbucks and gluten-free food may have something to do with that, just saying.lmao
  10. biosnex

    biosnex Member

    "I haven't witnessed this type of thinking at all in at least 15 years."

    Well, first, I guess that may depend on where you have been living in the past 15 years. Perhaps that has something to do with it. Secondly -truth and fact is not dependent on whether you have heard it or not. I'm sure you have not heard the Navy is evaluating whether to mount its new Electromagnetic Rail Gun weapon aboard its future high-tech DDG 1000 destroyer class or that in 1870, Hiram R. Revels became the black American senator, representing the state of Mississippi. Ooops! That's right...I forgot. None of the aforementioned could be true because you have not heard it (or witnessed it!). My bad.....

    "What do you do with your free time? Play backgammon at the rest home?"

    Ha! Ha! Ha! That's funny. In my free time, I read, collect books, build computers and groom my home network routers and servers, work out and indulge in my passion of black/white photography. And no, I do not play backgammon and I am not in a rest home. Perhaps you should spend time outside the your out house and explore the real world. It's not that bad. And it will certainly help diminish those intellectually impoverished indigent comments you made...
  11. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Yawn...... you made this lame thread. You been here for nearly a year and yet you are just as out of touch with this forum as you are with reality.
  12. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    It's entertaining though :smt043 :smt043
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Bruh, change that 'WM' to 'WW'.

    I had a really hard time understanding this post.:smt026
  14. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

  15. biosnex

    biosnex Member

    “Yawn...... you made this lame thread.”

    True. But why is it lame? Because you haven’t’ “witnessed it”? Wow! That sets the bar high! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

    “You been here for nearly a year and yet you are just as out of touch with this forum as you are with reality.”

    Oh really? And what “reality” am I out of touch with? Details please! And for the record, seems to me you’re the one caught in a frozen time void since you haven’t connected in 15 years (your words –not mine!). Perhaps if you were to venture from the out house (as I suggested previously), you may learn about a plethora of conditions, circumstances and occurrences that contradict your snarky adolescent mind and the silly digs that spew from it. Just saying….
  16. biosnex

    biosnex Member

    "Bruh, change that 'WM' to 'WW'."

    Ha! Ha! Ha! Done! My bad.......
  17. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    So you are saying I need to be meeting people delusional enough to think that ww have "flat bootys?" If not I'm missing something?
    In other words you think I should be "connecting" with people that are so clueless about ww that they cling to a myth that generally hasn't been subscribed to in well over a decade?


    You really are a special kind of stupid.
  18. biosnex

    biosnex Member

    “So you are saying I need to be meeting people delusional enough to think that ww have "flat bootys?"”

    Oh lord! I never suggested that. You should go back and read my second post…..

    “ If not I'm missing something?”

    I’m afraid so my friend. Rather than leaping out of a building on fire instead of in –you chose a silly acerbic rant without reading what I personally believe about this myth!

    “In other words you think I should be "connecting" with people that are so clueless about ww that they cling to a myth that generally hasn't been subscribed to in well over a decade?”

    OMG! First, I can see you have not been "connecting with reality" in 15 years based on your comments. Your reading comprehension problem is very apparent. Dyslexia maybe? Secondly, you clearly did not read what my personal opinions are about this myth. Thirdly, your suggestion that the flat WW booty myth has not existed in a decade (how you determined an exact time period is also absurd) is void of intelligence and reality because the myth still persists with some people.

    “You really are a special kind of stupid.”

    I’m stupid? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s funny. I think you are one suffering from acute stuipidtitis. You continue to accuse me of something I never said. GO BACK AND READ MY PERSONAL BELIEFS ABOUT THIS MYTH! E’nuff said….
  19. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    White women's asses have improved vastly over time buy are still flat compared to their black and Latina counterparts.

    Too many dudes gassing white chicks heads up saying they got phattys or calling them paws, when that's not the case the least bit. Theirs nothing wrong with simply having a nice ass.
  20. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    There was a time in the 80's when women had hips and not much of a butt.. A lot of clothing designers made clothes that accentuated the hips. Now, it's all about the butt.

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