Do people here think we should keep our beliefs to ourselves?

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by Tinkerbell, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

  2. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yayyy, I'm not a pussy!! I'm just a "non-smoker" of weed. :smt047

    Uh oh, :shock: I wonder what I had. Any drugs you know of that could cause my symptoms? Just curious. It's cool. See, what I thought it was, was maybe "the smoke" or something. You know how cigarette smoke can turn walls and stuff yellow in a smokers home? Kind of like something like that. Like smoke residue or residual "resin" too maybe. :smt102

    Hmm, well, I did feel kind of "nervous" about it. But not so much more than I think it would naturally be with anyone else doing anything like that for the first time. I never thought anything about being allergic to it. Just the matter of not sure what to expect.

    Well, I am a really emotional person. Hell, I cry watching life insurance commercials, heh. It also depends though.

    Yea, that's like what I've always heard and what I was more or less expecting. But nooooooooooooooooooooo, heh. :smt092

    I can take aspirin! Yay! LoL Anyways, I have noticed that some "drugs" affect me "oppositely", like if it's something that's supposed to make you "tired", then it will make me feel like I'm on speeders or something, and if it's a stimulate or an "upper", it will make me feel really sleepy. I remember I was staying, temporarily, with a bunch (well, a couple) of crackheads, I didn't smoke it and they didn't try to ask me to, but they did smoke it in the same room with me, and I think the "second hand" crack smoke got to me, and I was sleeping, like all the damn time. Almost 24/7 I was just so tired all the time.

    Yea, I've seen that different substances affect people differently. I don't plan on trying it ever again. I know I will be scared next time, due to my last experience.

    I guess, sheesh, heh. At least I have something :partyman: ;)
  3. scylla

    scylla New Member

    I don't believe in an afterlife and I don't believe in the concept of soul, so if lets say that I was right, heaven and hell would be very very empty.

    Im not going anywhere special when I die except for 6 feet under ^___^.

    (and yeah, I'm happy with that thought.)
  4. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Yiish, i suck at semantics in english.

    Im gonna do my best here to just explain how I feel. I have no faith. I have faith in one thing only, and that is that if I try hard enough, I might make it through.. whatever it is I need to get through.

    So no, its not about persuation. I just can't find any bit inside of me that can even consider a God. It's some sort of anti-faith.
  5. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    No, I think you explain things fine and I agree with you. To me, the idea of a God is as far fetched as Santa and the tooth fairy. Until it's proven 100% or "God" shows me some sign then count me out. I'm not wasting my life praying to something that may not even exist. That said, I went to church/Sunday school but I think that was a good thing because as a kid it taught me good morals, well actually I was just scared of going to hell. My family aren't particularly religious at all though.

    Are you a humanist scylla? You sound like you share someof their beliefs.
  6. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Sarahs> Yeah, or probably. I haven't looked into humanism, it's a full time job just being a feminist but I know my dad calls himself a humanist. And we share a lot of viewpoints.

    I'll look into it! :D

    I went to christian scout-thingie whatever its called in english.. and I have a lot of friends that are ex-mormons, also some christian friends.. but it didn't rub off. My parents are probably happy though, since neither they or my older relatives are religious. Have to say that I think I got my moral from my mum and dad though, they've been engaged in politics and we always talked about social awareness and taking care and helping those in need at home... being in church and playing scout twice a week only thaught me how to handle a knife, make fire and bake your own crisps ^^.
  7. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I just think humanism makes so much more sense. They believe you live once, they believe in the big bang, they believe in science... just all the things I believe. I've actually been to a humanist funeral and it was much more personal than a Christian one, as it actually celebrated the life of the person rather than go on about what life they'll have with J up in the clouds.

    Lol, I had to go to gospel hall when I was a kid and the guy asked "does everybody die?" and I said "yeah" and he was like "no... jesus, blah blah" and I burst out crying and he gave me loads of sweeties. I was like 5 though. In hindsight church didn't teach me anything really though. Except how to sing Silent Night in German. I just think that humanism is right for me, you only get one life and you should live it rather than wasting your whole life worry about what's coming next.
  8. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

  9. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    The story about Jesus has to deal with the sun. the 12 disciples: the 12 astrology signs and so forth and so on. Why does the pope wear a fish head on his head, why was Jesus the called the fisher of all men, most these thing occurred under the astrological sign of Pisces. Easter, Christmas and Passover they all appear to be what they are not.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2008
  10. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Wow, this is interesting, 7 whole pages discussing a subject no one wants to discuss.:rolleyes:
  11. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I don't think humanism really conflicts with being a believer in God. One of my favorite books since childhood is "The Nun" by Denis Diderot. The man was a humanist to the roots of his hair. The heroine of the book is someone who fights for her personal freedom and human rights. She is the icon of humanism if there ever was one in literature. At the same time, she is a devoted believer in God, which you would expect from someone in the XXVIII-th century.

    I consider myself a humanist. So why do I still go to church? Why do I pray to icons and statues? I don't try to explain it to myself logically. I do it because I want to. And the mass is one of the most important things in my life.

    When something devastating befalls on us, we sooner or later must accept it. And we say to ourselves, such is the will of God. The Lord hath given and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Now is this approach a defense mechanism of sorts? Perhaps. But I feel it's the best one we as humanity have come up with, and it's been used by many a worthy person. So I follow in their steps.
  12. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Maybe you have it backwards and the "heavens declare the glory of God" as it is written??
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2008
  13. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I may be wrong on this, because I haven't really studied humanism, but I thought it was a belief that we, the humans, are GOD unto ourselves.

    I understand the basic idea that we have a lot of power to form our own destiny and many religions have denied that, but we are not GOD, so that is where I would differ with humanism, if that is the underlying belief.
  14. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    LOl, sweety I been where you are and left... trust me, religion is afrikan cosmology and astrology personified into dieties. Where did your 10 commandments come? The 42 confessions of Ma'at where when you died your heart was weight against a feather to see how light it was:

    Here are the 42:

    I have not done iniquity.

    I have not committed robbery with violence.

    I have done violence to no man.

    I have not committed theft.

    I have not slain man or woman.

    I have not made light the bushel.

    I have not acted deceitfully.

    I have not purloined the things which belonged to the God.

    I have not uttered falsehood.

    I have not carried away food.

    I have not uttered evil words.

    I have not attacked man.

    I have not killed the beasts which are the property of the Gods.

    I have not eaten my heart (i.e., done anything to my regret).

    I have not laid waste to land.

    I Have never pried into matters.

    I have not set my mouth in motion against my man.

    I have not given way to anger concerning myself without cause.

    I have not defiled the wife of a man.

    I have not committed transgression against any part.

    I have not violated sacred times and seasons.

    I have not struck fear into any man.

    I have not been a man of anger.

    I have not made myself deaf to words of right and truth.

    I have not stirred up strife.

    I have made no man weep.

    I have not committed acts of impurity or sodomy.

    I have not eaten my heart.

    I have abused no man.

    i have not acted with violence.

    I have not judged hastily.

    I have not taken vengeance upon the God.

    I not multiplied my speech overmuch.

    I have not acted with deceit, or worked wickedness.

    I have not cursed the king.

    I have not fouled water.

    I have not made haughty my voice.

    I have not cursed the God.

    I have not behaved with insolence.

    I have not sought for distinctions.

    I have not increased my wealth except with such things are are my own possessions.

    I have not thought scorn of the God who is in the city.

    One day you'll be asked if you want the red or the blue and the choice will be yours, but make sure it's and educated decision.
  15. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    World Education is Indoctrination, you wanna learn something, seek for self. that's why I'm an Autodidact. A naval intelligence officer once said" read everything, listen to everyone, but believe NOTHING unless you can prove it in your own research. I have said" We must stop educating our children to our own mis-education". 95 percent of almost everything people has been"TAUGHT' is a lie. The reason why your are governed is because the next man knows little bit more than you do, and it will continue to be that way. In every LIE there is truth, but in the "TRUTH" there is no lie!:smt023
  16. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Well we have a found a point of agreement once more. ;)

    I do study for myself, I don't agree with much of what I have heard "taught", and even God said, "Prove me in this". You must not have done that if you were where I am, because I have proven His existence in my life and He is very real!!

    No one will ever be able to persuade me otherwise, if you like I would tell you of that "proof", but I really don't think you are interested, and you probably wouldn't believe it anyway, you see, You have to "Prove Him" for yourself.
  17. havoc

    havoc New Member

    I think anyone's religion is THAT person's religion. Not mine. Just because YOUR god told you the sky was blue b/c he made it doesn't mean I have to believe nor does it mean I have to entertain your fanciful folktales. Keep that shit to yourself. I wouldn't think of gratuitously giving you my beliefs, so I would expect the same courtesy from you.

    My $.02: sexual orientation is not a black/white thing. Too many nature/nurture variables going on there for it to be one or the other. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a bigot that is incapable of seeing the world in shades of gray and has to have black and white for things to make sense.
  18. havoc

    havoc New Member

    What you thought about humanism wasn't entirely wrong, but it definitely wasn't right.

    It's not a "belief" or "religion" per se, but a set of philosophies that basically seek truth and knowledge that can be verified. They would definitely reject all primitive religions and for the most part, most "Western" religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc.) although there are some sects that could mesh with them. Humanists tend to be really big on (get this) humans. One's potential, happiness, all that good stuff.

    When I think of humanists, atheists (sometimes agnostics) come to mind. Not because they both reject a notion of a higher power (not all humanists do), but it's the whole "I'm perfectly capable of finding this out for myself" belief that is typically present.

    For more:
  19. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

  20. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I'd like to address the original question "do people here think we should keep our beliefs to ourselves?"

    I say no, because a lot of the questions posed on this forum is asking opinions, ideas, thoughts, etc which are coming from fundamental belief systems or inherent programming (however you'd like to look at it). So definitely share your beliefs, the variety is all so fascinating!

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