Do people here think we should keep our beliefs to ourselves?

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by Tinkerbell, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I have recently be quite heavily attacked for stating some strong view points in a forum where it may have in been appropriate. I do not however apologize for those view points, only that I posted them in an inappropriate place.

    I would like to discuss here how much of anyones religious views is considered real, and acceptable, by the people on these boards, and what is considered to be too much or some sort of hate crime?

    I have made it clear I am a Christian, I have conversed in many threads accordingly, I am who I am, it will spill over into my thought process, and my conversations. I do not hate people of other persuasions, nor do I feel they shouldn't have the right to be the way they are. I do not want to waste my time fighting and arguing with anyone, I also do not want to be a part of a forum that is so overly tolerant of anyone that there is not structure to it.

    I joined this forum because I wanted information and an education regarding IR relationships. Religion is often discussed, and there are many various views. However I did think it was for white women and black men, and I am beginning to wonder about that.

    I have seen people called trolls and apparently banned for being suspected of being a black woman or a white man, but we have an apparantly white man who claims to be a woman, and is defended by many. I don't understand it. I don't care what IT wants to be. but I do want to know if that is the view of the majority on this board.

    I am new here, I have no seniority, nor do I feel I have the right to determine if someone be able to post or not. I simply am asking how much if any of my own views will be tolerated, and then I am also deciding if I want to stay. Many of you have been very nice, and helpful, I've enjoyed the experience so far, but today this board has really gone down hill in my opinion. I hope it isn't so.
  2. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I understand...but when you have opinions..even religious have to be mindful that others might not feel the same way. You should stay on the boards...don't get run off.
  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    If you're trying to change a person's beliefs, then yes.
  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    If I were trying to be a missionary to the internet this would not be the place to do so, I agree.

    But what I am talking about is my own belief system. Am I expected to keep it silent. Do people here really want to hear what we believe or only what they want to hear? (Which is very hard to tell since I can't read their minds.)
  5. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I'm not feeling run off, I am just not sure this is the type of board I thought it was. That's what I'm evaluating here. I do understand that others won't agree, and I am very glad they and I have the right to free speech. I would fight for them to keep that right.

    But what's with the double standard, letting a wm who claims to be a woman post it on a board of ww/bm?
  6. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    being a wm isn't the's the content they bring to the boards that gets most wm's kicked off
  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    You were attacked for refusing to call the person on the thread anything other than "it". You could have just as easily called her by her forum name, if you didn't want to assign a gender title. Calling a human being "it" isn't very nice, and implies they are not a human. Implying that a human being isn't even human is the mistake a lot of racists make when concerning those of other races.

    Religious views are fine, but if you're going to try to force them on someone else then it is not. It's nicer to respect others views, even when they don't coincide with your own. Sexuality isn't something that is an "open" subject in most forms of Christianity, and that's fine, but not everyone on this board is a Christian, and not everyone is going to agree with your views. You have to understand that, and be willing to accept the consequences of what you say.

    There is structure here, and I personally see no problem with tolerance. Intolerance of people's personal lives is just plain silly if it has no affect on you. Everyone is different, everyone lives the way they want to. Again, it's one thing to have religious views, and yet another entirely to impose those on other people. I respect your beliefs, but the respect should be both ways. You don't have to agree with the way someone lives, but you don't have to bash them for it either. Nor do you have to feel uncomfortable with thier presence. If you don't want to be here, then don't, but if you like it, then put those users you don't feel comfortable with on ignore and leave it be. It's not so hard to coexist as a lot of people think.

    So we're supposed to segregate ourselves and not allow anyone else around us? I don't mind spreading the love around, and I find it refreshing when people who aren't white women or black men support us. You don't have to be gay to support the gay community. You don't have to be black to support the black community. You don't have to be a teacher to support teachers. You don't have to be a cop to support the police force.

    They're not banned because of the suspicion about their race, they're banned for being hateful and rude to the members here.

    I defend people who have done nothing wrong that I know of and deserve the same respect I feel all human beings deserve, regardless of how they self identify.

    Look at it this way: if someone is half black, and half white, but they are of a light complexion and self identify as white, would you fault them for how they wish to view themselves?

    As I've mentioned to you before, our views are very different, and I tolerate you. However, what seems to be the case here is that you are having trouble extending the same tolerance to another that you expect yourself. The person in question is still a human being, and if their presence bothers you so much then you should just leave it be. I have been told countless times to ignore blatant malicious harassment, or to leave if I wouldn't. So I'm going to give you the same advice. To be blunt: either deal with it, or leave. I'm not trying to make you leave, that is your choice and only your choice. But if you want people here to tolerate your beliefs and viewpoints, then please explain to me how it is so wrong of you to tolerate someone else's?
  8. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Wow DH... I've gotta give it to you - you know the art of conversation, and you can articulately hold your own, and you're not too lazy to type it all out! You are fluent in book as well as street English - you're on your way to great heights! You go girl. I stand in amazement.
  9. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering why it is that Christians and conservatives (or both) can't go 5 minutes without loudly injecting their faith and politics into perfectly good conversation. This is why people call you zealots and nobody wants to hang around you except other Jesus freaks and right-wing wackos. And now that you've lost the election you guys are even louder especially on this forum, which I thought was about WW/BM. It's ridiculous. If I wanted to be on a right-wing board, I'd go to
  10. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I second that! :D She's my new hero!
  11. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Aww shucks. I are good with the words n stuff. :D

    I'm smarter than most people realize, both online and off. I've always had a gift with the English language. It's always been natural to me and I love writing and reading.

    I just see no point in showing off in normal, generic conversation. I've had a lot of problems with people assuming I'm a snob because of my massive vocabulary (It's huge! Zing, double entendre)...not to mention I am completely fascinated with the different slangs and dialects English produces. Language itself is so interesting...! Both written, and verbal. I swear because I like it, and it feels natural. I use slang for the same, because, seriously, if I try to buy a dimebag of weed from some dude and I go up to him and am all "Excuse me, sir, but I wish purchase 10 dollers worth of your merchandise. Is that a possibility? I'd quite enjoy some of your marijuana, I've heard it's potent and delicious, and I'd very much like to test the statements given to me by my cohorts!" you really think he's gonna hook me up?! :D hahaha.

    So I say this:

    "What's ha'nin, baby? Can I get summa ya good? I heard that shit is off the CHAIN and I'm fienin' fuh some good reg', if ya feel me? Just a dime, man, nuttin' too crazy"

    hahahaha it's beautiful.

    Oh, and I just talk too much. That's why I type so much. About everything. *L*
  13. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    That's why we call it belief! that denotes a strong persuasion of this being the truth! If I believe it, it will naturally be part of my conversations.

    I agree, I have been known to voice my views in areas that were not for that purpose, that is why I have chosen to limit them to this section of the forum from now on when involving religion. Will that be acceptable to you??
  14. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    You sing pretty good too. And I also talk too much, that's why we're here on this thread. Thanks for being so tolerant, even when I may not be.
  15. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    DH baby you're gonna leave that weed alone at some point right?
  16. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    :smt005 :smt043

    Anywho, I remember when I used to just sit and read the dictionary and thesaurus. I love words. I never really remember them all though. But I always love finding/hearing new ones.. I mostly just do that if I'm writing a "po-em" ("po-em": inside joke for me offline) because I hate using the same words all the time/common words that everyone else uses, when I write "po-ems".
  17. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Pets aren't human. That's the point. And I prefer to say "the baby" than "it", because of the same reason it doesn't feel right to call a grown person "it". The only time I call someone "it" is if I wish to take away their humanity (as in the case with trolls and some downright evil people I've had the displeasure to meet offline) because that's exactly what it's doing. It's much easier, and polite, to refer to someone by their name in gender is in question. It's like when John McCain called Barack Obama "that one". It dehumanized him and offended a lot of people, and falls under the same category.

    I fail to see how it wasn't part of your religious views, simply because your religious views are what prompt you to be unaccepting of the person's sexual orientation and gender self identification.


    As I, and others, have stated, you don't have to censor your views to please others. I love having debates with people as long as it stays civil, and I'm not saying you were being entirely uncivil, but again it goes back to my "Live and let live" philosophy. I fully encourage people to speak their mind and share their beliefs. Freedom of speech is something I take to heart, and I don't believe in the point where even if something offends me I try remind myself everyone has as much right to their statements and views as I do. However, once again, freedom of speech comes with consequences when dealing with anyone who doesn't share your beliefs. If something offends me I'm not going to remain quiet about it, that's for sure, but just as everyone has a right to say what they want, I can respond in kind if I choose to.

    Honestly, I don't believe in discrimination in any form, but that's me. You are free to believe however you want to, and if you feel that it is within reason to discriminate against transgendered people, then that's fine. You don't strike me as the type who would take that to the level of hatred required to cause harm to someone, and that's ok. There will always be discrimination and hatred and intolerance in the world, and everyone has a right to decide if they want to tolerate something or not, as long as it doesn't get violent. That's where I draw the line.

    This is where we end up on opposite sides of the spectrum once more. I won't argue with your view on orientation, because you have your mind made up and so do I, but I will say this: I can compare sexual orientation with race whenever I like, if I draw a conclusion that equates the two. My own personal beliefs state that it's correct. You may disagree, but I am entitled to my opinions.

    Though if you think about it, a person may not be able to choose the race they're born with, but they can take measures to alter their appearance. Skin can be bleached or tanned, and a person can become someone completely different through cosmetic surgery, completely eraditcating any signs of their physical features associated with race, if they so choose. So technically, race could be a choice. It's also just as expensive a choice as one's gender, but if a person truly wants to be someone else, I see no reason to fault them for making their outward appearance match what they feel on the outside. As long as it doesn't involve touching little boys.

    God created me the way I am. He put me in the life I live, and I had no choice how I grew up. He gave me a fantastic mind, many talents, and an open mind that always seeks peace within myself and in the world around me. If god had a hand in making me, then there's a reason I have the beliefs I do. I think God would want me to love everyone, regardless of who they decide to look like or have sex with.

    The term Eunuch refers not to a man born without normal testicles, it means a man who has been castrated, and it was usually due to the need for them to perform a specific function in society.

    Even if, in the end, it turns out to simply be a choice, it would still be just that: a choice. Everyone has a right to make their own choices in life, and while I don't necessarily believe one's sexual orientation is a choice, even if it is it's still a choice that doesn't affect you, or anyone else who chooses to discriminate against these people. You choose to date black men and some people will discriminate against you for your choice. Does it make it right simply because they don't agree with you? Is it ok for them to simply walk away while you're speaking to them when they find out you like black men? Is it ok for you to be skipped over in being seated at a restaurant because you are holding the hand of a black man? To be fired from a job? To be not allowed to have children because of your choice in sexual partner?

    Lord knows I can be quite abrasive when I allow myself to. It's not the end of the world to lose one's head momentarily, but one must always remember that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

    You're welcome to share your views, even when they are religion based. But not wanting to offend people, and actually doing so, do not always coincide with each other, and you need to remember that some things you say may offend. I personally don't care if what I say offends people sometimes, but truth be told more often than people realize I think a little more about the things I want to say, and try to state them in nicer ways than perhaps what my brain initially thought. It's a fine line to skirt when you feel passionate about something, I know, but with some effort it's easier to keep on it.

    Well, I just hope you don't let something as trivial as someone else's sexual orientation and identification force you to leave a forum I believe you enjoy. It seems so silly, but that's just me.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  18. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Only if I find myself in the situation where I must do so in order to either gain employment or keep it.

    Otherwise? Neeeeeeeeever!!!!!!! I <3 :smt033

    Oh, well, also if I ever miraculously get pregnant. Then it's no smokey smokey for 9+ months, until I stop breastfeeding, if it's a possibility with me. I think adoption might be my only option, though, so it might not be an issue. But I do it responsibly, and while I don't think I would stop even if I had a child, I certainly wouldn't do it in front of the child or while I needed to be a mom. Which means I'd basically only smoke if I had a babysitter and would come down before I had to be a mom again. It'd be so rare I probably wouldn't be doing it but once a year or some shit. Or maybe never, who knows? But it'd be a small price to pay to have kids. I want to be a mom so bad someday.

    But it's just like I do now, technically. I don't smoke if I have class. I don't smoke if I have work. I don't smoke if I have anything to do that requires energy, or thinking. *L* I smoke when I want to chill, or paint. I do smoke when I do homework sometimes, but it helps get the creative juices flowing!

    Smoky: "I'm gonna get you high today. It's Friday, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got shit to do!"

    Of course I love the movie Friday :D
  19. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    omg!!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one nerdy enough to read a fucking dictionary and thesaurus!

    Poetry is the shit. The lines in my signature are from a piece I wrote.
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member


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