Do parents of Biracial daughters need to prepare their daughters for the hell shell probably go through from Black girls :shock:
What I have never heard of biracial girls catching hell from BW man, Most of the time you see biracial girls hanging with BW. You might have to have her watch out for self hating brothers. Oy vey and you wonder why trolls patrol here.
Biracial kids in general should be prepared for the rejection and issues they may have to face later in life.
All kids have to prepared for anykind of rejection by stupid and ignorant people. As a mother of a wonderful son I am trying to help my son develope a strong and healthy self-concience and teach him that there will always will be people who treat him bad, spite on him. BUT I do not make it a racial issue because there are millions of reasons why other kids can be mean to your child. I caught hell in school for being a redhead or being chubby, others because they are wearing glasses or just because they seem to be a "good victim".
That's true.Kids themselves can be cruel and reject other kids for the weirdest reasons. However I think biracial kids need to be prepared for what any kid of any color may have to experience AND what problems their skin complexion may bring them but that they shouldnt take it too serious
Kids in general should be prepared for the rejection and issues they may have to face later in life. All children will experience being teased/bullied occasionally. With that in mind I think having a mixed child is a blessing, cause then you know what will most likely be the the issue that comes up, and you can use the early childhood year to prepare the child for it. With a "normal" child it'll most certainly be something you as a parent never imagined would be a problem.
Well I think race is a whole nother chapter. Nobody is mad when one says"I got a thing for this and this eye and hair color-or body type" but saying u have a racial preference gets one looks from everywhere. So to me that is an extra challenge that comes up with a biracial kid.
I honestly don't think biracial kids have a hard time where my friend lives they are in the majority.
The school my son is attending to he is just one of three biracial (afro/caucasian) kids and never the less he has no problems at all.
It's a little bit extra challenging, cause unlike having glasses, having weired clothes or whatever, your skincolour is not something you "outgrow", and you might get comments on it even in adulthood. However, as it's something very obvious even to the parents, it's also easier to to prepare the child for that extra challenge, and hence it's a blessing in a way. I'm personally not worried though. Here 10% of marriages are interracial now, so I expect 10% of the children being born are biracial, which means that my son will probably not be the only one, even in his class. (the others might not be African-European though.) Also, as a teacher (secondary school), I've observed how kids here deal with the issue, and they're generally don't seem to be bothered by it at all. They're very accepting of everyone as long as they're OK, regardless of colour, religion etc...
I think its that black inclusivenees/uninclusiveness thing. Sometimes we feel that nobody understands our struggle. So if the black girls who gotta perm they hair and deal wit pressing combs and all that see a lil light skin curly hair chick comin...they be like "O she think she cute cuz she got curly hair. Please she aint nobody!" hahaha Black people in general can be closed off and often spiteful. I think when you make posts like that it gives trolls amo to say things like "y'all just hate black women" and stuff like that. This is about BM and WW LOVE.
If black men give preferential treatment to white women then it's natural they will do the same for the next best thing. Perhaps black women are reacting to the disrespect they receive and compare it to the positive attention reserved for us.
My mindset is if you talk bad about about BW it is only a matter of time you talk bad about WW. Biracial folks will do just fine. My son is Biracial and he is doing a ok in the friends department.
I sometimes wonder if black men devalue their biracial children if they possess nonwhite features. Many have hair like the brothers in these photos and perms are now being marketed for biracials so that straight hair some men covet has been chemically straightened but they assume it's natural.