Do most Russian women have an attraction to Black men?

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by dark side, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Again like most Americans - Selective Reading as Well as Hearing.

    Stop picking apart my post and read the whole thing.

    Ronja -

    As I understand it Finland and Iceland car considered part of Scandinavia. I could be wrong about that but I shouldn't have to put a disclaimer on everything I write.

    I didn't say HALF the things you said and your speaking out of line my man. This thread has turned rather pointless and unlike what somebody else said I like to argue. Actually I don't, if you dorks would read what I said instead of only the parts that offended you, you would see my point very clearly.

    I did not say anything special about Scandinavian women, I was talking about Eastern European women that they tell me they want BOTH a family and career and far too many American women (I did not say all) aren't interested in both and even then only with other "college educated and professional" men, who are all married by the time these women reach 30 and then they exclaim there is nobody out there for them...

    Go back into the hole you came out of your not ready for this thread.

    Oculus -

    Speaking as a white male you have no clue, but since you feel like you had to post...

    PLEASE, as a White Male you want to BELIEVE Black Men are a novelty in Europe. I got news for you....

    Many a white man that has been to Europe in the last 15 years especially Eastern Europe and were treated like KINGS when they rolled into towns like Kiev.

    They had money, they smelled nice, they looked good, they had well-paying jobs, companies paying them to live and work overseas. This was something women in Eastern Europe were not used too from local men. Men from these areas were often loudish, brutish and drank alot.

    If you were a half decent looking white male from the UK or America, you could ROLL into towns, have the pick of the litter and screw her until you left town to go back to your safe and western cities.

    Word got around that many of these white males would profess undying love for these women just to get their trust and then FUCK'EM and FLEE...

    As a friend of mine said recently, times have changed these men are now RICH, loud and brutish and more women now want to stay in their homelands because the economic situation has improved since the early 90's. I am talking when only business men and they employees visited places like Estonia or Latvia for example. These were not vacation hot spots to the West until recently.

    Many White men complain that its not as easy as it once was to get "freebies" and now turn into "Sex Tourist" as that is easier and less expensive overall. You know why buy the cow when you just want the milk.

    White Males have their own set of issues in America and Europe and your on the wrong forum for that because frankly we don't care what you think.

    Have a look around, there of PLENTY OF WHITE WOMEN IN EUROPE THAT WOULD WANT YOU. However many white males choose village Asian women and live like KINGS and date Students half their ages in places like Thailand.

    They also go down to South America and be a "Gringo in the Hood" in places like Columbia.

    I could say White Men are a novelty in such places, but I won't...

    There plenty of Africans in Europe, but their culture differences make it difficult for a Westernized woman to date them. Its been documented and look over in the "How to make it work" forum and you'll see complaints about sex for example are largely about African men and that's only part of the problem.

    C'mon man, I am not going to say "Some" "A Few" or "Many" everytime I talked about people. Obliviously you feel like I should use "exact" words and not speak in general terms which is a lot easier to write.

    I thought people were smart enough to know that we can't possibly be talking about EVERY LIVING PERSON - Pull Your Head Out Of Your Ass.

    If I wanted to date some snaggled tooth, overweight girl from Ohio, who worked at the T/A truck stop in that state professed to want to go back into my truck and "fuck" me (didn't happen) and then to "humor" her we exchanged numbers only to hear the trials and tribulations of a single, uneducated mother with 2 children and a poor paying job.

    Yeah, those are the kind of American women INTERESTED IN ME.

    There is no possible way I could live and wake up everyday with somebody like that, I would pull my hair out by the roots.

    I am not generalizing and even if I ment to do that, its foolish but its easier to write like that.

    Stop picking apart my post... read the whole thing and then comment but you know many haven't posted in here not because they are afraid, they feel I am at least 70% correct...

    Sardonic Genie said I should just give up...

    I would but I am not going to let you pick apart my post, take it as a whole or ignore it. Nobody is forcing you to write here and as I said before I am a veteran of this web site my views largely are not brand new, search back a few post...
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Ronja it has been a while. You are right that Scandinavia is not part of Eastern Europe. And a lot of them would not be happy that Sweden is like Poland. Estonia has some part Scandinavian but that is it.
  3. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    I will say it I agree with what you said, oculus no hard feeling but in the first statement of your post you stated correct me if I am qrong that you are some what against interracial relationships so I take everything you say with a grain of salt. I know alot of women from Europe who want a family and not just a novelty hell you get that in America also.
  4. designer

    designer New Member

    This is like that shango person we had a while back......
  5. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    YUP I thought the exact same thing. I think one of his first liners even was "while I don't really support IR dating" which was a disguise for eventually lashing out big time against it.... So yeah I expect the same thing to happen again.
  6. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    This thread has gone way off Topic, But.......

    - Oculus.



    Yes, this sounds a lot like our resdient troll who publicly admitted that he has psychological issues with black men who seek to date white women exclusively.


    This is the same thing Shenango began speaking about even after myself, Cris, and Designer tried to explain that black men acknowledgealready that black men who seek white women exclusively and vice versa are in the minority. Shenango was too much of a fucktard to comprehend that we as individuals are concerned with people of like mind, and not those who disagree.


    This seems alot like the same fucktard who continued to post even after he was banned.So "Oculus, " if we're mistaken, then we're sorry, but before you we had a poster who was about as dumb as dirt and publicly acknowledged that his issues were of a psychological nature.He had his own agenda, and the board grew tired of it.So, welcome, but that he/she/it was a true tool in every sense of the word.
    Thanks though.
  7. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Why on eart do you you think I'm an american male? Look at my avatar. Does it look masculine to you? Is it somethink a male would choose you think? And read what location it says under the avatar?

    If you still think i'm an american man, I've got news for you. I'm a Scandinavian woman!

    What did I write that put words into your mouth? Have you not called Scandinavia "Eastern Europe"? And have you not repeatedly said that "Eastern European women want to be houswifes"?

    By the way: Scandinavia is ONLY Norway, Denmark and Sweden. The Nordic Countries however, include Finland and Iceland. However, I did not comment on you making that mistake. I've hardly ever met any americans who don't.
  8. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member




    Coincidence?I don't know.Why the reference to Pam Anderson twice?It sounds like this fucktard Shenango/1,2,3&4,/ Sentry is back posting.Get a life.You know, I've heard a theory that this poster may really be a black woman posing as a "white" MiddleEasterner.
    At any rate they are cowards with a suspiciously low post count.LOL But again, Oculus, welcome, and it's a good thing you're not like that idiot Shenango.Because Shenango was a total loser who wasn't effective in life offline, so he/she/it had to come ONLINE instead.Good luck, and :p welcome!
  9. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    oh EXCUSE ME, you grand WESTERN EUROPEANS! :twisted:

    She's actually right djmonie, and it's funny because Estonia and Finland have very similar cultures and knowing Estonia (I've been there several tiems) I would never call that country Eastern Europe just because culturally, Estonia is 100% Western... however since it did belong to the former soc. block, it is technically Eastern Europe... it's weird. My best friend is Estonian and she tells me that Finnish girls get mad that Finnish men marry Estonian girls... the iron border has fallen and similar cultures that were previously separated, are now back in contact. Similarly, many Polish men marry Ukrainian women, but not so much the other way around... women want to marry up, and the similar culture helps...
  10. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    The Attraction.Moskvichka takes her thread back.

    :D Hey Moskvichka it's good to see you're back on the thread where you seemed to be the only one who answered and stayed on topic.I'm just as guilty as anyone;but at least it's good to see you posting after that digression.I enjoy your posts,and thanks.
  11. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Well, eventually those old boarders will disapear. After all, we're all supposed to be just Europeans now ;)

    I can understand though, that for someone who don't know history, what's Eastern and what's Western Europe, can be confusing, since it doesn't really have anything to do with geography. For instance Greece is Western European, but it's neighbour Albania is Eastern European. Even though Albania actually is located further west than Greece is :D

    However, since Eastern/Western Europe are not geographical terms, but political/historical/cultural terms, it's even more important not to confuse the two!
  12. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Excuse me for calling you a man, Ronja

    I did not put Eastern Europe and Scandinavia in the same line. I said visit both and DON'T ASK WHY.

    So where did I say one was apart of the other????

    I forgot to include Denmark, but hey my father (RIP) has the geography master's degree from San Jose State, not ME.

    This is further proof that people select what they want to read and when they don't agree with it, they want to throw me under the bus. Well I can withstand that kind of rubbish, simplifying of my writing.

    As I said before, I generalize because its easier you should be smart enough to figure out I couldn't be talking about the entire population of a country, town or city.

    Bergen is a beautiful town and I want to return....


    Count me as one of the 10 _____ in America that know where Bergen, Noway is...
  13. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    When you make a list over good places to travel and then add the conclution "basically anywhere in Eastern Europe", it really really really makes it seem like you regard all countries mentioned as Eastern Europe. But hey, if that's not what you ment, thanks for clearing it out.

    I know you generalize. And that's ok. But when you generalize over a population, it's common to use the majority as the norm. And in Scandinavia being a houswife is not what the majority of women is or even want to be. And you sort of gave the impression that we were- because of the constant mixing of Scandinavia and Eastern Europe.

    By the way: who cares if you happen to know one little town in Norway? What has that got to do with anything?
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Welcome back Moskvichka. It has been a while. I hope me and the others would hear from you again. I didn't know the women in Finland are jealous of the Estonian women dating and marrying Finnish men. I learn something every day.
  15. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    It should be said that many European men marry Asian women, so maybe its only to be expected that we western women would marry newly arrived immigrants from Africa. When I was in University, it seemed that all the African students were with white women. :lol: :)
  16. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I wasn't trying to give that impression and if you confused yourself, I don't know what to tell you.

    Clearly your the only one that got all that from my post otherwise more people would have jumped on my case.

    I like Bergen, its not tiny or small its not Oslo and that's okay.

    What does the ranting and raving in this thread have to do with anything???

    That should be the REAL question.
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    actually the rest of us have grown weary of the same blah blah blah in every post...time to move on to something more interesting... :smt015
  18. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Ronja,some travel books include Iceland in the subject of Scandinavia. Finland is always included.
  20. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I really don't feel much like having this discussion AGAIN with a bunch of non-scandinavians ;)
    I think I know what Scandinavia is. I don't care what any traveling books say. Look it up in a dictionary or an encyclopaedia instead, they are much more acurate.

    This is the definition Wikipedia use:

    I've NEVER heard anyone from any of the Nordic countries however, say that for instance Iceland is in Scandinavia. "Outsiders" however, tend to get comfused, and mix "Scandinavia" and "the Nordic" since the culture, languages (except Finnish) etc are related.

    This is what Wikipedia says about the Nordic countries

    Well, sorry, I don't care what they SOMETIMES say in English. We who are from here, know best what out territory is called. The only reason you sometimes mix the terms in English, is basically because you really don't care or know better...

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