Do Black Women Date Black Men Who Date White Women??

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by blacgrl, Mar 5, 2010.

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  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its not self hating its just preference fam. My thoughts on it were strictly scientific and culturally motivated. I would imagine being a child of parents from two more than one background would give you an advantage over someone who came from only one. As far as the genetics of it I think that with genetic diversity you produce a genetically superior specimen. There's a reason why a brown eyed person having a child with a person with blue eyes often produces brown eyed children. People wit brown eyes have been proven to hve better eye sight and less likely to develop diseases like glaucoma. I think might have to adjust my position a little. I'm saying that biracial kids are necessarily better just more advantageous than other kids the same way those born with money are but it doesn't mean mono racial children don't have a chance to prove they are just as good or even better when it comes to certain tasks.
  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member called me trashi....!!!! you still going to deny me my gold card status???? :smt060
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Very much agree with you IB. I have to confess I was one of the kids who made fun of biracial kids when I was younger but it was pure ignorance on my part but even the kids who do it don't always know better. We"re all walking around in the dark trying to find the light switch.
  4. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    We'll see :D
  5. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member know, some people may think you're being a pussy tease...!!! :D
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fam easy on the hostility no need for that. We can simply just disagree
  7. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Well, sometimes we have to outgrow our ignorance to see the wrong in it. Some people never reach that level. Glad you did, cause that can be your kid who someone will do it to.
  8. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Well I simply cannot resist pointing out that you've come a long way babe. When you first joined the forum, you'd boldly toss around your opinions and if anyone contradicted or took issue with you it was all 'f*ck you and the horse you rode in on'. Now you're agreeing to disagree, having intellectual discussions, and playing devil's advocate. Good for you Andrae, for employing diplomacy while still getting your point across. Please don't take that the wrong way, I'm not suggesting you're meek and mild, but you certainly appear to have relaxed a bit while still managing to maintain that Andrae edginess that I admire.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thank you for noticing darling. I'm a firm believer that we either evole or die.
  10. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Bi-racial children are treated like GODS in the Black community.

    We hear our aunts...even our mothers say "a nigger ain't shit"

    Bi-racial boys are adopted soon as they hit the scene while Black boys are so plentiful that a white homosexual couple can adopt one on their lunch break.

    Bi-racial boys don't even get goofy names like L'juandontrelle and Jer' gotta' be a BM's son to receive that unique burden.

    Save your tears for the non-biracial Black kids..especially the boys..THEY NEED IT.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2010
  11. chicity

    chicity New Member

    So, what kind of kids are you planning on having? Or are you not planning on having kids?

    I'm just not capable of not thinking my kids are going to be the greatest human beings to ever walk planet earth.

    I further think that when Black Men and White Women get together, we make a special kind of couple. One that is impervious to outside attack, so we raise strong children; one with a solid kind of love, that's been proven more powerful than social convention, so we raise kids who have the luxury of stability and love in the home; one that usually involves the cream of the crop of both races (because intelligent people tend to see dating outside one's race to be a non issue), so we tend to produce exceptional children; one that is beyond the power bullshit of many monoracial couples, so our kids grow up without as much anger in the home.

    I have known a lot of biracial kids. And nearly all have that crazy "my parents love me" glow about them, far longer than most of the the monoracial kids of any race. The biracial girls I know had sex later (later than me even). The biracial boys with Black fathers didn't worry as much about being tough. The biracial kids with Black fathers may have appeared light skinned, but they didn't have that racial insecurity that some of the other light skinned kids in my class did, that prompted them to go overboard with militancy, just to prove their Blackness. Having a Black father was enough that they didn't have that problem, that some of the other light skinned kids in my class did. I didn't see them get the same level of favoritism amongst other Black kids that the light skinned kids with 2 Black parents did, and they got shit for who their mothers were, but they never seemed to develop a complex over it.

    I don't think biracial men are better than Black Men. I think Biracial kids are further testament to the awesomeness of Black Men. In addition to being amazing themselves, they also produce & raise amazing children.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2010
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I just told you what's REAL about how mixed children are WORSHIPPED in the Black community at the expense of non-mixed Black children...especially boys.

    That's all I did.

    White children don't have to deal with playing second fiddle to bi-racials.

    You just don't get it BECAUSE IT'S NOT PART OF YOUR REALITY.
  13. chicity

    chicity New Member

    If you're saying that biracial kids get special treatment in the Black community in your experience, fine. But is that the only way you think of them? You don't see biracial kids as your future kids?

    I've never met someone into interracial dating who didn't see biracial kids as "our own" somehow.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2010
  14. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    C'mon now..

    I've never seen black people whip on bi-racials...I have seen bi-racials voted most handsome...most beautiful..and most likely to all Black schools.

    I have seen that.

    My kids are Black.

    I don't want anymore children.
  15. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    And I'm sure you made sure they didn't get jacked up names.

    I do remember back in grade school, there was a cute bi-racial girl who was picked on by the other girls in the class.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    There's truth to what your saying but I think chi's point, even though she's coming from the best possible scenario pov, is to illustrate how beneficial it can be. She also has a vested interest in her belief because she has bi racial kids or plans to have them. I gotta say its interesting to see how slavery affected the descedants of the slaves here. In my family the light skin dark skin thin wasn't a major issue. In fact there was a certain pride about being pire since the population there is mainly black in comparison to here where we're the minority.
  17. chicity

    chicity New Member

    What I've seen is biracial kids who get treated that way as long as they only ever describe themselves as Black. The minute they call themselves biracial, or admit that their mother is White, they were labeled sellouts and "not Black", and they were alienated, bullied, beat up, etc.

    This makes a ton of sense to me. Here I am defending the kids I want to have someday, and you've already got kids in the here & now that you're defending.

    I tend to see biracial kids as a natural part of "team interracial" I guess, and I'm nothing if not an enthusiastic cheerleader for our team. But of course, Black children are a part of that team as well.

    I'll probably always be saying "woohoo biracial kids", and maybe we'll end up debating this again someday (as I am no good at keeping my mouth shut), but I respect your opinion, and I hope you know that I respect you. You & I sometimes disagree (rarely), but even then I think you're a really good, really smart guy. And I think your kids have a great dad.
  18. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    I suggest you stop using arguments that can be used in the same manner to show Black inferiority. Let's not claim genetic superiority when it suits us.
  19. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    I'll tell you something though..

    PLENTY of bi-racial kids/people bring shit on themselves just like everybody else...there is ALWAYS 2-sides to every story.

    This truth applies to them too.

    Some of them pull the white-supremacy card,call us monkeys...or "ugly" as in Black.

    They don't admit saying shit like that...but believe happens.

    But It's ALWAYS

    "I was bullied and picked-on by 'Blacks'(every notice they rarely talk about how whites abuse them?) because I'm of mixed heritage"

    People are all too quick to believe them..for the same reasons they think they're "prettier" or "special".

    When you are Black in this Country...your word don't mean shit..anybody can drop a dime on you...even those precious mulattoes.

    Many of them gravitate to their white side to the point they become ass-kissing characatures of themselves.....hence the beatings.
  20. blacgrl

    blacgrl Banned

    You "is" one fucked up mentally deranged white lady. I pity your kids
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