
Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, May 27, 2008.

  1. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    okay, so i don't know about anyone else, but i find it highly disturbing when i hear parents curse at their children...especially their young children.

    my husband and i have ghetto neighbors....they have 3 children...a boy about 7yr/o, a girl about 4-5yr/o and a little boy about 2yr/o. just today, i was sitting up in our bedroom and i hear their apt door open and the youngest one crying his eyes out. so i peak out the window below and see them all headed to the car - the oldest boy first, the dad (empty handed), the mom carrying cigarettes and keys, and the little girl followed carrying her screaming little brother. the girl is not much taller than her lil' bro, so she was having a hard time carrying him. she accidentally trips, and drops her little brother on the asphault, and i see her get up with that deer-in-the-headlight look. since the parents are both clueless to anything, the oldest brother yells, "she dropped him". so the dad, walks around the back of the car and instead of helping either of his kids up he screams at the little girl "why the f*ck did you do that.....get your ass in the car!"

    what kind of a freaking asshole talks to his children that way? i was more than pissed!!! :x i've taught preschool, i've taught middle school aged kids, i've worked closely with highschoolers....you don't talk to kids that way, especially not little ones. it's just beyond me, how anyone could curse at their babies like that? i don't even cuss at my cats for cryin' out loud. it just makes me sad.... :(

    does anyone else get this? :roll: :shock:
  2. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt like to hear parents cursing at their kids either. Well,my mom's ex husband always cursed on me,among other nasty attitudes. I totally feel you there
  3. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    It's things like that which can make a child grow up with very low self-esteem. So many people these days treat their children like a burden as opposed to being a blessing. My mother was the best at disciplining us and she’s been an example to many who know her personally.

    Of course she would whip us when we got out of hand, but immediately afterward she would sit down and talk to us and explain why she had to do it. She hated having to go that far but in the end she just wanted us to be good kids.

    My father on the other hand was eerily similar to Jack Nicholson’s character in “The Shining” (minus the axe of course).

    I’ll get to that story at a later time.
  4. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    Tony, you are so right! parents these days don't realize how negatively cursing may effect their kids. it's one thing to curse in front of your child (which is a whole other topic), but it's another to curse at them.

    my parents never talked down to us....they spanked our butts from time to time, and then just like your parents, always sat us down and told us why they did it. we didn't get spanked alot, mainly b/c our parents taught us to respect them...and eventually all my dad had to do was look at us and we knew to stop or we were going to get it.

    people these days need to learn to appreciate their kids...especially when they're young....they are only little once, and they grow soooo fast!
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    they never used harsh language, but whooped that ass up and down the grocery store...



    at least they explained, why they roundhouse kicked the shit out of you, like chuck norris

  6. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    That makes me sick to my stomach! Cursing at small children is absolutely unacceptable! The Dad was probably raised like that and doesn't realize how dysfunctional he is! It makes me cringe! :cry:
  7. Hypestyle

    Hypestyle Active Member

    cursed out at a young age...heh... I'm thinking maybe 95% of black kids experience this, especially recent generations..

    ...not defending it.. but anyway.. it trips me out..

    ...seeing parents (esp. mothers.. single?), screeching profanities like longshoremen at their kids, but in all likelihood would slap/spank them for repeating any of those words.. also having blatantly "adult" conversations(i.e., casual profanity, frank/explicit discussion of sex, drugs, drinking, violence) right in front of children, and not expecting them to pick up on any of it...

    especially in black-american culture, there is the presumption of staying silent until spoken to, and to not interject in "grown folks" business.. Still, there is a lot to be said for what you say to/around children (& not just your own)...

    ...maybe Parenting class (under sociology/psychology) should be mandatory for graduation in high schools.. (but I can hear the protests now-- horrors! teaching teenagers "how to be parents"? Familes are under assault!)
  8. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Yes I think a parenting class should be mandatory! I took a family relations class in college and it was very interesting. Everyone needs these kinds of classes to help them deal with relationships and raising a family.

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