Can't even thinka what kinda superlative I wanna use for this....epitome of puerile idiocy... Though you CAN let the records show that I personally think animal abuse - as well as abuse of children - of ANY kind is the LOWEST of the LOW... So, I'll let the article in question do the talkin': But....I to say that *she* needs her God Damned kneecaps broken with a sledgehammer, and then tortured with hot iron spikes....for displaying such.......vile stupidity and godless wickedness. Itz coming.............................................. OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
Good gods. That's sick and disgusting. Animals always suffer at the hands of greedy people. EDIT: I found images, but don't click the link if you don't want to see. Apparently she pierced their tails too, but I couldn't find images. She did it to 3 kittens. Fucking bitch of a woman. :smt092
That's fucking sick. She shouldn't have raise those cats in the first place! She were hoped that they'd be gothic cats! How stupid can she get?! So glad that she's under arrested for this. By then, vets will take care of them, to ensure that those piercing removed! I don't think she will adopt another animals ever again. That's for sure! Damn that woman to hell!
the suffering animals go through because of us has always been something that i've been painfully aware of...i became a vegetarian because of it. i've never understood nor will i ever understand how a person can justify hunting, killing or harming an animal for any reason, be that food, clothing, pleasure. if you are interested in finding more out about what animals go through in order to be placed on our plates i would recommend "Diet for a new America" by John Robbins. it gets into factory farming and animal cruelty as well as health and the environment. and yes, before anyone feels the need to mention it...I AM A TREEHUGGING, VEGETARIAN, KITTENS AND RAINBOWS HIPPY
Be PROUD of that...and hold your head HIGH! Hoorah, hoorah!:smt026 OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
lippy is an animal lover...1 dog...6 cats and a rabbit...i would never do this to a kitten...seems a little strange but i also would never never never declaw a kitten/cat ever again in my life...i am surprised that it is not illegal...imagine having all of your fingers cut off just above the nail...sure they put them under but they don't come home with pain killers and a kitten/cat must walk on their feet...if it is all about your furniture then just don't get a cat...period...end of story:smt085
That's one think I love about Australia. Declawing (along with cropping ears and docking tails) is illegal here. And I couldn't agree more with the statement I've put in bold.
Same in Sweden.. agains the law. I have two cats and they do not claw my furniture. I think Im blessed with two very good cats, I do cut their claws regularly with no problem.. massage their feet a lot just so that they are used to me touching them.. that way, they dont react when I acctually cut their claws. I also had a spray bottle of water near the couch and sprayed them and made a loud noise whenever they did the claw-tingy... so they stopped and only do it on the cat-nip claw mat.
This rather reminds me of the stars who walk around with their dogs hair dyed pink and whatever color and things done to their animals that are just questionable. Why??
remember the hair stylist in boulder that died her dogs hair pink for breast cancer awareness...if i remember right she was ticketed by animal control and went to court and paid a fine...i don't think she used a chemical hair colour...i thought i heard beet juice...the bottonline is that animals can't tell you they are owner has to be in tune with their pet to notice when something isn't right and investigate
Wait! Are you telling me that declawing is against the law in Australia? If that so, why didn't we create worldwide law for all nations that it's VERY against the laws for declawing all beautiful animals? Seeing those poor cats that got declawed, it got me very mad. They needs their claws in the order to balance, you know? What does that says about New Zealand as well? Do they have same law like you people have?
I actually don't have a problem with people dying their pets coat (or grooming it into strange designs), as long as the dye used is non toxic and safe for those pets. This doesn't harm the animal at all and animals care less about their appearence than Nick Nolte.
Fuck, that is SICK, m8! All I can say, in conclusion, is.... MORRIS The CAT (The original spokeskitty for 9-LIVES cat Food) is SPINNIN' IN HIS GRAVE!!!!!!! FUBAR!!!!!:smt086:smt089 OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK