How do yall feel about the whole white people discipline their kids with timeout and black people discipline their kids with spankings (myth)? I think its horseshit. I know some white parents who will pop the shit out of there kids for messing up and some black parents who will do the timeout deal. I wonder where this myth was started?
I have never heard that. From what I observe a whole lot of parents aren't disciplining their kids at all. I see way too many wild ass kids running their parent ragged every time I go out of the house. I personally didn't do time out with either of my kids because it wasn't effective with them. I think you have to tailor punishment to the child's personality, what works with one, doesn't with the other. My daughter was spanked and it was effective with her, but she was well-behaved and a quick learner so she's maybe had 4 spankings in her whole life, and hasn't been punished at all since she was 11 because it wasn't warranted. My son on the other hand requires some out of the box thinking in terms of punishment because he's very bright and he knows beforehand what he's about to do is going to get him in trouble and he's already decided it's worth whatever punishment he thinks he's going to get, so you have to exceed his expectations substantially to get his attention. He will gladly accept spankings, grounding, taking his TV and gaming systems out of his room for 2 weeks, my Ex tried all of those to no avail. I finally found something that worked so well that I haven't had to punish him in 3 years. I just have to remind him what's going to happen and he straightens right up. Basically you have to find what hurts, if it doesn't hurt it won't be effective. That's going to be different for each child. However 'popping the shit' out of a child is not appropriate ever. If you spank them, you spank their butt and nothing else.
I completely agree with you. Idk where this myth comes from but I know ALOT of black folks who crack jokes about it. If you ever watch Comicview or any other black comedy special, you will see black comedians cracking jokes about the differences in discipline between white parents and black parents.
I have heard of this but alwasys thought it was bs. Now you make me wonder where that came from. I was popped in the mouth or on my rump by my mom - never really hard, but it worked. and in all honesty as I was a wild tom-boy, I needed it. LOL. Sometimes that is what it took to redirect me.
Hmmm.... I honestly dont know. I do know I was impossible. I just did NOT listen. My two friends were boys and we did down right dangerous things so I think my mother really didnt have much choice sometimes. I would love to say 'no' - but Im not so sure. I really dont think the pops I got were that bad or did harm or built resentment or any of that. I honestly thought I deserved every time it happend.
This way of thinking probably started in Africa. Its not a myth there its reality. They really spank you there. Black parents in Africa hit with sticks..they'll chase you till they catch you. Turning up late for school is worthy of a spanking. And as for the white folks in Africa, they are totally against corporal punishment. They prefer detentions..
I've never heard of this, but I agree with Espy. You have to tailor your punishment to fit the kid. I spank my daughter when she's being super, super, horribly bad. That's usually after I try a timeout. LOL. Though sometimes merely taking her Nintendo DS away is enough to get her behaving again. It all depends with her and how far down the path of evilness she's decided to venture that day.
Yeah, I've seen white parents smack their kid for acting stupid. I notice blacks sound a little more aggressive in their tone, but as far as getting popped, I see whites do it, too. I'm wondering where these black comedians see this shit. It's funny, but still. I've never seen a kid get put in timeout while out with is mom. I also hear the same deal about white parents saying "I'm gonna leave you". I see blacks do that shit, too. But as far as whooping your kid's ass, whoop your kid's ass. I used ot get popped. Hell, half the time, my mom popped me for bad grades and the other half was for lying because I didn't want to get popped for my bad grades. Pretty much, an ass whooping was coming at any time before 7th grade.
I believe the most serious issue at hand is not how discipline is being done, but the extreme lack of it and the increasing encouragement of bad behaviour by parents. For example... 7 Year Old Behaving Very Wickedly While Parents Laugh And Flame./
Corporal Punishment existed a long time ago and was pretty much accepted in the schools and in the neighborhoods (regardless of ethnic make-up). If anyone gotten out of hand, it was pretty much the community's obligation to set them straight with a paddle and a few other ass whoopings. But today, thanks to new studies indicating that such actions have long term detrimental harm to the child (i.e. less IQ and psychological problems). The studies are still a little inconclusive and conflict with other findings, but for now it still stands with the majority of Americans.
I find it more of a regional thing than a racial thing. South tends to discipline with spanking where as the West does not IMO.
This is a little outdated, from 2005-2006, but a quick google search says that 21 states still allow corporal punishment. Its really interesting that all the states allowing it are in the south. In PA, I remember corporal punishment being used a couple of times when I was in elementary school on my friends (never me, I was an angel haha) and I guess they just outlawed it in 2005. I wouldn't think it would be an effective form of discipline in a school, except for maybe the shame aspect of it. At home, on the other hand, I think it has its place. Apparently in Canada, Congress limited legal physical punishment for parents to: -Parents may no longer spank, slap or otherwise use any corporal punishment on children under the age of two or older than 12. Such action would now fall under assault laws. -Parents may still strike children ages 3 through 12, but may not hit with an object, such as a paddle, belt, switch, etc. -Parents may not hit an age 3 to 12 child on the head or face under any circumstance. Anyone know what US laws are? Or if they are similar? I don't have children yet, but if my 13 year old calls me a bitch or something, she will for sure be getting a smack. I don't advocate beating children, but a lot of the kids I see running around unchecked could really use a well timed spank.
I think the laws are still in the books, but no longer enforced because the majority of women and men prefer to let children be more of themselves and wear themselves out. I read a Newsweek article in which a principal in one of those public schools would like to bring back corporal punishment in the schools as a means to reinforce behavior means.