Difference in dating Black american men and other black men?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. ColeStar

    ColeStar New Member

    I seem to have slightly misunderstood what you meant, fair enough.

    Still completely disagree with the differentiation though.
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Over the years Black-Americans had changed their classification to bring pride in the race. They are a tribe made up of many tribes from Africa. The classification of African-Americans belong in my opinion to the Kenyans,Gambians,Egyptians,South Africans,Namibians,Nigerians etc. This race has a holiday named Kwanzaa. No other African country has that holiday except in America and it too made up of many African related traditions. So in conclusion I hope the leaders of Jackson,Sharpton,and others bring back the name Black-America. I won't hold my breath.
  3. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    This is what its all about....no one is saying that Africans can't be black...they are...but if someone is trying to differentiate between the two...its easier to say black...and African....anyone with African ancestry could say they are African-American (even if their parents were born in the Gambia)....but if you are from Africa....you know exactly where you come from...so you could use black, African American...Gambian-American etc....if your ancestors were slaves and you don't know exactly where they came from....you have to say black or African-American...because you can't get any more specific than that.
  4. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    No one is trying to be divisive and I'm quite surprised that people here think I am being that way. Being divisive can be dangerous...but misunderstanding a fairly simple message can be troublesome as well.
  5. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The way the leaders change classifications of our race can be confusing. Also,the leaders have not said a lot about Liberia. It was the country that Marcus Garvey suggested most Black-Americans settle. Sadly,most do not want to live there since the tragedies of 1980-2003.
  6. designer

    designer New Member

    I understand what you guys are saying.

    Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton however have never been leaders in my view although they have done some good.

    On the African American - Black American thing, I remember in school that we used African for those from Africa and those of us who were born here were always black and those from the Islands [Mostly the US Virgin Islands] were called VI or Jamaican ect. I don't think anyone thought much about it.
  7. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I think Afro-American is the correct term.
  8. dossou

    dossou Member

    'got to answer to it

    The computer ran mad so here 's an extremly cool version of my previous hotter answers .To sum it up Let's say Forget about the past .Come in the 21st century that we'll gradually build .Kaay?We all have a worldwide culture.A world culture
    Hope it would help
  9. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    My current love interest is Jamaican. He is very different from ANY other man that I have dated(black, white or latino) in a positive way(inclduing my ex-husband). I don't know if it is him as a person, his culture or what. I think that it is tought to generalize
  10. dossou

    dossou Member

    it's not hard or difficult togeneralize bosoxlady.You're living on a this planet then....you're a human being .All that comes after is about what u are within...just that.Don't make it too much complicate Life the easiest thing you can imagine because ,just breathing does not demande a learning .It 's spontaneous and natural.Be spontaneous and natural inyour meeting with the others
  11. Jarell2006

    Jarell2006 New Member

    Well all I can say is

    Black,African,Afro-american all of our ancestors arrive from the continent of Africa.

    while caucasian,white,european came from Europe. Yes there are some cultural differences and ways if life but that's it.

    We all bleed red.

    lets just meet and have beautiful Interracial relationships.

    BTW did I mention we are all Human? lol :lol:
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    some people preferred to be called black...

    others preferred to be called african-american...

    the rest just like to be called "people"

  13. dossou

    dossou Member

    Nice Jarell 2006 you percieved it as I did
    Thanks for sharing this :idea:
  14. Jarell2006

    Jarell2006 New Member

  15. bisco

    bisco New Member

    well perhaps its because english is not our first language so we seem to think if you say i love you when you just me a woman she will magically fall for you.As of me i dont tell a woman i love her until after 2 months i just tell her i like her and that works for me.My ex who was white american was approached by so many men when she was here{ Africa} and she said no to all of them because their approach was just the same {telling her how beautiful she is and how much they wanna marry,and since i came with a different kind of aproach i got her number and later on took things further.
  16. Chiko

    Chiko New Member

    African men differ from Black American men

    Im African man from Southern Africa,I have lived in the USA for 8yrs now. There are several ways in which we (Africans) differ from American black men.The areas in which we differ are as follows:

    • the way women are treated
      their dressing, b a m
      sex endurance :D
      The care for the woman
      Hard working
  17. Chiko

    Chiko New Member

    African men saying I love you

    When an African says "I love you" It means that he likes you.If you go to Africa that is a common way to declare your interest in a woman.Please women here give a brother a chance when he speaks those words,do not be frightened.Ask what he means you will be okay.
  18. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    Re: African men differ from Black American men

  19. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Re: African men differ from Black American men

    Yeah ok buddy, I have heard some women talk about how they were treated by Africans. So we all have the same faults, remember black people built America yeah I said we built America.
  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Re: African men differ from Black American men

    Yeah, Chiko is getting ahead of himself.

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