Difference in dating Black american men and other black men?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Just a quick question for the ladies on here.
    Is there a notable difference in dating black american men as opposed to men black men of other nationalities? (jamaican,nigerian,etc)
    Or is the experience pretty much the same?
  2. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Well, I haven't dated an AA man, but I am dating an African man. I'd say the issue is very complex, but essentially the answer would be yes.

    My man is from a wealthy family and grew up as westernised as it gets in his country (a relatively westernised southern African country, from what I can tell).

    It would be the same as a black man asking, is it the same to date a white woman from america as what it would be dating a Lithuanian woman. Apart from the obvious influence of socio-economic status and education, there would still be some cultural differences which would add extra dimensions to things.

    Whilst my bm is quite westernised (due to the way he was brought up) I can still easily tell he's African. There are just tiny things that he does or that either of us find funny. I guess there is less of a correlation between our cultures.

    I think that went on for a while, but I would assume that if I were to date an AA man, we would have a lot less of the basic ground to cover in regard to understanding the idiosyncracies of each other's culture.

    Fun, frustrating, educational, mind opening. It's good and bad! :)
  3. DI

    DI New Member

    ooooh yeaaa, they are so different!!!!! african american re more versed , than africans for example! and i dont know why, but according to my experince , african men start tellin "I love u more than my life etc" in 1 day after meeting a women!)))) meybe they think its pleasure for women...maybe they re right, but now about me for sure! coz when smb starts talkin about real love in some hours or a day after meeting me, it sounds like kinda incygnificancy and just bla-bla-bla to me....))) i m not about hurting anybody, its just my experience....and its just one of a lot of differences! :D
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    ABSOLUTELY!! there is a HUGE difference...ww in the states can't find ANY good america bm to date...there are just NONE to be found..so we are ALL going to start having to date African men...hmmmm.....they are soooo HOT...they just understand us more...they are smarter...they dress better...they value education more...they are hardworking...they are better lovers...i heard that they have bigger dicks...that alone would have us just flocking to africa looking for a bm...i could go on and on about how fabulous african men are in comparison to american bm...

    :twisted: lipstick is being naughty today! shhh don't tell santa
  5. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    HEY!!!......oh, wait......nevermind...
  6. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    LMAO....I think I'm going to have to tell Santa anyway! You've been bad, lipstick....and that's okay because some guys like "bad" women :twisted:
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    This is the same woman who put me down on my choice of European women and admitted she loves African men. She is confirmation of me going to Europe.
  8. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Was that paragraph suppose to be a joke? lol
    Hotter?The best looking black celebs happen to be afro american lol
    Keep in mind that most afro american men still prefer black women for marriage.So i do think it would be wise to look abroad.
    Oh and im curious about your "bigger dicks" claim.If that were true,that would be because your average afro american has 30 percent european blood. :lol:
  9. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    sarcasm, boys, sarcasm....
  10. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I know,i just felt the need to respond back with sarcasm. :roll:
  11. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Well, hang in there, maybe next time you'll get it right. :lol: :wink:
  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Very sardonic if you asked me.
  13. DirtyBlonde

    DirtyBlonde New Member

    HUGE difference. Trust me - I've lived in Southern Africa for quite some time. Americans and Africans: really truly from a different continent. You do not know just how American you are until you go abroad :wink:
  14. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I think Homer Simpson would now say: DUH lol.. sorry Soulthinker I had to...
  15. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    I think that it is more true with american ww verses european ww. I think there was a thread up for it, but I believe I stated before on there the amount of white female fans black celebs have in european countries outnumber the amount they have in the united states, for the reason alot more european ww don't get bought into whiteguys are better looking sale that alot of american ww do. Like I explained to someone on here before hollywood uses things for an example that "Sexiest man alive" thing people magazine has to further the exposure of whitemen as eyecandy for the ladies, "the bachelor", "grey's anatomy", alot of the shows on mtv, etc. does the same thing and alot of american ww buy into it more than european ww, thats why alot of black american stars have huge female fanbases in european countries. For an example I think it was finland where usher has a huge ww female fanbase at, which is why he spent alot of time over there.

    Also just compare american supermodels to european supermodels
    and see how many dated or involved interracially compare to american supermodels. Most of european supermodels are or has been involved interracially than american ones, come to think of it I don't think any american supermodels been involved with black men.

    So all in all, there is more of a difference in ww than black. Not saying that there isn't any africans that are better than AA, not saying american ww aren't better than european, just it is what it is and what it is and what it seems like brothas wouldn't have to wonder too much if an european white woman is into brothas as we do have to wonder with alot of american white women (more so the ones, who buys into the media's views.)
  16. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    just wanted you to see how ridiculous your posts sound to the american women on the forum...my man is light skinned all american bm...
  17. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    It seems like African men have more success dating WW than BM...but I'm not sure if its because African men try harder or BM don't try hard enough....I think African men are more willing to show a softer side to WW in front of everyone whereas BM are reluctant to look compromised in any sort of way by a WW in front of everyone....or maybe its just the opposites attract theory...BM and WW are fairly different but after 3 centuries of race mixing....American BM and WW are like distant cousins...and more similar than African men and American WW....just a theory
  18. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    From my limited experience, African men are WAY more proud and do not tolerate being shown as soft or compromised at all. Ever.

    I would say that it's simply different cultures and nothing more. If an African child is adopted and brought up in an American house, they will act "american" and vice versa. It's definately nurture over nature.

    And after 3 centuries of "white influence" I guess most AA have a culture that is 99% the same as a "white american family" (if you can even draw a distinction). Whereas, a poor family in Africa would probably have 10% in common with a typical "white family" and a wealthy African family might have 50%. (these are totally guesses). Of course, it always depends on the parents, the country, the individual and other factors.

    I would expect that dating an AA man would be a heap less effort! :)
  19. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Me too.

    That being said, there's huge differences between African men, much bigger than between AA men (not saying you're all the same!). The differences between people is just so huge in Africa. Some are totally uneducated, live in traditional rural societies, and are extremely poor. Others are filthy rich and live just like westerners (and better than most of us). The difference between the rich and the poor, the uneducated and the educated, is just so much larger in Africa. At least in the western world everyone have some basic education, TV, radios, newspapers etc. Basic education and available mass media, will make sure we all have at least some common ground. If you meet to two Africans who live just a 30min drive apart from eachother, they might live and talk like they live on completely different planets.

    That's also why I thought the comment "African men will tell you they love you after one hour" that some here made (don't remember who), is a bit unfair. I won't lie, that has happened to me too, but I think it has to do with how they're brought up, education etc. When I've had little flirts with African men (here or in Africa), it's only been the ones who are a bit uneducated and a little poor who do it. If you're having a little normal flirt with an african engeneer, pharmasist, economist etc, they don't seem to put more into it than wm usually do (in my experience).
  20. ColeStar

    ColeStar New Member

    I'm afraid I totally disagree on this point. I think this thread seems to have become a mass of generalisations which are difficult to justify. America is a massive country full of different cultures, Africa is a massive continent with thousands of languages, and hundreds of millions of people.
    I suggest that finding any 2 people, even of the same nationality & race, that have a culture that is 99% similar would be very difficult.

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