Did you realize that a lot of the ww that date bm are Europeans?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Avia, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Avia

    Avia New Member

    -Did you realize that a lot of the ww that date bm are Europeans?

    I just thought this would be interesting, just thinking about Heid Klum, Douzen Kroes, or Tiger Woods´(ex)wife,.........

    I am European myself.

    Do you think we just have been raised differently?
    It is sad that in todays society some people still feel as if they are better because they are white..and please don´t date a bm!! :shock: ..but honestly, I have only had that experience in the United States..in Europe people seem to not bother.. or simply just to not care (except neo nazis- but those are not people anyways :smt019 ) and I won´t count them to the regular group of people.
  2. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I've no doubt that a lot of ww dating bm are european, but a lot are american, australian and english too. I'm sure there are a lot of asian women as well. I don't think european women are in the majority. Not that it matters, IMO. lol
  3. Avia

    Avia New Member

    i count the english as europeans, and asians aren´t white- they are asian (ww -> bm) .. but you are right..i did not mention australian people!

    DMBLOVE New Member

    I can't wait to go to europe and find out for myself. england, france, italy, ireland... :smt007:smt007:smt007

    i'd also love to venture out to australia sometime..:heart:
  5. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member



  6. Avia

    Avia New Member

    @Frederick Haha, What a straight answer :D

    @DMBLove two of my moms cousins live in Australia, I can´t wait to visit them. Right now I just have way too much to do concentrading on my career.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Interesting observation
  8. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    LOL It is?

    And Avia...yes, I'm aware Asian people are not white. Just making a point. ;)
  9. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Avia what you see in the USA is the remnants of centuries of race based policies influenced profoundly by slavery and segregation.

    Blacks first arrived in America in 1619, slavery ended in 1865, segregation then took place until the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964.

    Do the math and you will see that

    Slavery followed by segregation, 1619-1964 (345 years), There was a 2 year gap during Reconstruction after the Civil War where blacks in the South were given rights, but Southerners quickly put an end to that after it became too much to stomach.

    Civil Rights Act, 1964-2011 (47 years)

    Now you see how the mindset of America around the issue of race is so entrenched. For most of this nation's history blacks have been legally viewed as less than whites. Note I said legally in that even the laws of the land saw it as such.

    Fast forward to today and as a black man who is a graduate in history, I am very open minded and respectful to others and their cultures because I realize the variety of the world we live in and how that is shaped and has shaped us.

    Someone may not like me just for being a black person, but that is their prerogative and let them deal with that internally.

    I have no desire to change their mindset because I am confident and assertive enough in knowing what my values, character and qualities are as a man.

    My take in life has always been not everyone will like you no matter what the circumstance. I live my life unconcerned about folks who are bigoted and their perceptions. I am simply too headstrong and driven to take note.

    I believe in my own personal self convictions and living life in a way that makes you happy.

    If I actually cared what anyone had to say I would thus have 0 interest in white women toady. :D
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2011
  10. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

  11. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    GQ you make very salient points and I agree with it.

    We must remember though, that the struggle of Africans and Africans in diaspora, and resulting social schisms are experienced in many parts of the world.

    Personally, as an Australian of European parents I have found many values I was raised with complementary to my marriage and I know I am not alone in this (anecdotally).
  12. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    They are.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I guess we're the foundation builders for the next generation.

    I have a dream today
    That every little black boy and every little white girl will grow up to be healthy men and women

    I have a dream today
    That those men and women will be able to love freely and openly without the scrutiny of the prejudiced and small minded. And through that love they will teach the world that we are truly one people, truly one race.

    I have a dream today
    That families will compromise of strong fathers and beautiful mothers who lead us all to the promised land unencumbered by race or ethnicity, unrestricted by those who live in the delusions of the past and refuse to see the promise of the future.

    I have a dream today
    That our love will ring from the rolling hills of Ireland to the crowded streets of London.
    It will ring from the rural towns of Sweden to the suburbs of Australia
    It will ring from the foot hills of Africa to the shining coasts of Brazil
    It will ring from provinces of Canada to the States of the United

    And on that all of God's children black and white, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, spiritualist and athiests will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

    Free at last! Free at last!

    Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
  14. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    first A LOT......is not really a qualitative number, in short. You can use A LOT for anything at all. A LOT of women white got big boobs, A LOT of black men have large cocks, A LOT of white women are overweight, A LOT of black men have been in prison.

    But what does A LOT mean.

    In short....A LOT don't mean shit.

    Why you guys use STARS as a reason to support what the rest of the word doe is a bit silly.

    But it may LOOK like Europeans date interacially. more but it only LOOKS that way. The United States is the most populous (white) country with more than 311,765,000, of that number some 200 million are white...

    US. White - 200 million
    US Black - 36 million

    the next (white) country is Germany with a total population of 81,802,000

    German white - 75 million
    German black - less than a million

    the next (white) country after that is France with a total population of 65,821,885

    French white - 63 million
    French blacks - less than a million

    anecdotal of course, its simply impossible that more white in Europe date interracially than in the United States...but then again what the hell does...
    A LOT mean.
    just sayin'
  15. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    It's a lot easier for BM to date WW in and from European countries than it is in America.

    In my experience, my stock is a lot higher with European women than with American women.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2011
  16. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    lol@ A LOT

    it was easier for me in Australia then it was in Germany
    easier for me in London than it was in France

    ...fat easier for me in the US than any other place.

    but what does A LOT mean
  17. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong with American women, and I don't doubt that I am.... but my past 2 years of dating experience has been as follows:

    North Korean (Not Euro, but not American)

    There are some other countries prior to the French that I'm intentionally leaving out. In addition to that, I married a German girl back in '06. I'd have to go back to January of '08 for my last American woman. Not that I have a problem with it I'm actually quite fond of European women and living in FL has truly been a blessing for me as far as meeting them goes.

    Like I said, my stock is much higher in Europe than America. Maybe I just have qualities more enduring to Eurogals...
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Your educated articulate and take care of yourself which is what all women want but here in the good ol U S of A your racial status can bring your stock up or down. I don't get why Ymra is playing dumb right now
  19. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Ymra, love ya man and i get your point but she is just thinking out loud. If your scientific ass needs it defined let me borrow a phrase from the law- 'taken as it is'- what would most people would understand it to mean, the common meaning, which is that of the women that date bm, she's noticed many or a staistically significant number to be european.

    If she is an educated young European herself, im sure she has notice it is not uncommon in her community. I see those young couples when my man performs in Europe all, all, all, all the time.
  20. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    One of my childhood friends, an artist could not get a the kind of girl he wanted to date. He was good in so many things. He was a cartoonist, an illustrator. He did a bunch of visuals for successful advertisement agencies that had large accounts with some of the best companies but was always exploited because he did not go past high school.

    Most gals would not date folks they considered less educated. It became worse if the fellow wasn't financially well off. So what did my friend dream of? He dreamt for dating a white gal, he learnt german language at Goethe Insitute Lagos and ended up in Germany. He lives in Spain now with his German wife and they have three kids and he is local celebrity in Nigeria. He also has some business interests that are doing very well.

    I have written this little story to capture how we sometimes fail to appreciate what we have. Some of us growing up got frustrated having dates with the nice gals in the neigbourhood. We ended up at Single Fellowships at the church, and during discussions, all what the girls wanted to talk about was their willingness to date or marry someone that already had his own apartment, a car and was already settled in a career. Most did not want to struggle with the guys.

    Most guys in this sort of situation left for overseas, Europe mostly and some were able to work hard and change their fortune. Now local girls want to date them, and would do anything to date, to the extent that the girls come across as so cheap. Some come back on vacation, play around with them, and later go back to their foreign wives. Many don't even bother.

    Sometimes, your stock is not much value in your country. I am aware some white American guys go to Russia to shop, or use agencies in Russia and the Philippines to get a wife. It seems the dating and marriage market has gone international, thank God for European women and thank God for globalization.:D


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