Did the dad discipline his son the right way by boxing the teen?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    The son was messing up in school so he chose to box the son as a form of discipline.

    Did he do it the right way?
  2. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    Reminds me of the old saying "You can learn a lot from an ass beating".

    I think he explained it best in the video @0:39.
  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I was raised to believe a parent has a 12 year window to using spanking as a form of discipline for a child.

    If you still feel the need to spank a 13 year old or older, you have a 'disciplinary problem' on your hands and spanking won't do a damn thing.:roll:

    This father was trying to kick his son's ass on the sly which I don't agree with.

    Usually for most teens, if you can tie a job/money/accountability together, they can LEARN the importance of handling their responsibilities.

    Too many kids don't even understand why school is important which is where this father should have started.

    Find something academically the boy is good at, or has an interest in, and build from there.

    Or find him a mentor who's gone through similar growth experiences and come out fine on the other end.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    Found the vid again
  5. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    The only part I didn't really like was him putting the camera on him at the end. For cutting up in school, I think losing privileges would be a better approach. If the kid was disrespectful to his parents, broke the law or refused to be put on punishment, then this approach would have more merit.

    Boba made some good points.
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Making your son bleed. That shit's a little excessive. If dude was gonna box him, throw body shots or aim for the top of his head so he still knows to keep his hands up but don't risk breaking his nose. If you want your son to learn how to defend himself, do it on the regular so he retains this shit, not when he fucks up in school. The dad fucked up by saying his son could walk out of class in the first place because some teachers are "fucked up". This nigga is partially to blame because from the start dude is already showing his lack of faith in the teachers. You don't give a kid even one inch when it comes to that, especially a teenager because they will feel grown about that shit. What teacher is that fucked up to where you gotta walk outta class? As if the kid was in there bumping heads with the teacher over the quality of education he was receiving.
  7. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I need to develop some innovative social media platform. Everyone from teenagers to senior citizens post themselves doing dumb shit.
  9. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    So he gets charged with a crime by people who don't care anything about his son.

    The same people who probably wouldn't care if his son got killed by the police for a misdemeanor.

    I don't agree with the father in this specific situation but he shouldn't be charged with a crime.

    If I have kids, I don't expect to be boxing them at 17, but I won't be "sparing the rod." The government telling you how to raise your kids is some bullshit, when all they want to do is lock them up and put them back into slavery.
  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member


    I can't tell you how many times growing up that bikes/video games/televisions/sneakers/favorite coats would 'disappear' for 2-3 weeks when I didn't live up to the rules my mother had set for me.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2016
  12. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    The worst and the last whipping I got from my father was when I was 13. At 18, he struck me in the face for using profanity. I remember running out of my house and not coming back until after midnight. He apologized because he had lost his temper. Things became more cerebral and games parental power games became the standard punishment.
  13. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    mmm that's pretty fucking horrible. Sad part is it's going to be a cycle. All it does is build hate and anger towards the parent. I don't see how a kid can respect someone who inflicts physical pain on them. Since when did beating or slapping anyone earn you respect. I feel sorry for the kid being humiliated like that. That's bound to have a negative impact on him. Your kids are supposed to know they can come and talk to you no matter what, that you're approachable. Not a hard ass muthafucka who's going to judge, beat and belittle you. And any mother who is ok with this is fucked too.
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Also the kid may grow up thinking violence is ok

  15. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    That's exactly right. It's a cycle. The Dad's dad most likely bashed the shit outta him so now he's doing it to his son. Parent's need licences to have kids i swear to god. Infuriates me. I find it so hard to bite my tongue when it comes to mistreating kids. When i was in Memphis last year this young African American chick had these two beautiful lil twin girls sitting on her lap. Fuck me she was so rough with them and all they were doing was staring at the only white girl on a bus full of African Americans lol. I know you get it every where though. And I didn't know if i'd get shot if I said something...
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    My ex didn't believe in spanking. I went with her on it and it worked well. We always told her what we expected and took away things if she didn't act properly. This type of parenting has to be done the day they are born

    I read to her when she was born. I read to her while I gave her a bath and potty trained her every night. Now she loves to read cause she did it early
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I understand spanking but that shouldn't be the only way to punish and that's not parenting alone.

    Parenting us about teaching , guiding and loving
  18. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    I'm riding the same wave length as you on all of the above. I did the same. But maybe i was reading the wrong books coz my son has no interest in reading lol. I can honestly say. No beating around the bush. I've probably smacked my son once. I never show aggression towards him so he is as laid back as me. Meaning i don't need to smack him or be short tempered at him. If you're calm they're calm. If you're an uptight toss they're going to be the same. My step dad would forever hit me for nothing and be abusive my hate for him was major. And I'd hate to have the same impact on my own kid. People can claim all day that it's beneficial to hit or beat your kids but i think it creates anger frustration confusio and bitterness. But if your kid is being picked on by another kid that's where they need to know it's ok to fight back.
  19. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    I don't spare the rod. And my kids are just fine. Happy, respectful, well mannered, active, and smart.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Yeah... I think "sparing the rod" doesn't just mean spanking. I don't really fault a parent if they do spank though. There's a right way in doing it.

    The most important thing (to me) is teaching a kid before and then if they mess up then punish them.

    How can you punish someone if they don't know any better

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