Disney/ESPN got some nerve... They must think that everybody forgot about their vault of racist cartoons that they hate to acknowledge. Check this shit out from disney & warner bros. & MGM : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzH1iaKVsBM&feature=youtube_gdata_player https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwCb_l9SYQk&feature=youtube_gdata_player https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN-T_WRs7eo&feature=youtube_gdata_player https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61_Uxh8G0rE&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Different time period, surely those creations wouldn't stand for 1 second today, but they like much of many parts of America has racism imbedded in its history. To be expected given this nation's history. I shudder to think about the things we aren't aware of when it comes to racism throughout American history. Some people have probably gone to their graves with tales of lynchings and such. The irony is many of the whites of the time period of those cartoons didn't see anything wrong with them, telling of the time period.
hank williams jr fires back. see article http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/sh...wrote-a-new-song-about-Fox-New?urn=nfl-wp9130
Someone should put a list of white people who were fired doing or saying stupid things since Obama became president.
Hank who??? His rant is only the latest in a series of celebrities who have found a forum to voice their "meltdowns" and personal opinions directed at those who differ in opinion, origin, or worse,differ in race/ethnicity/religion... Interestingly, it's the media that gives mass attention to these elite few to sell a product; sugar coated as "news" or information that the media believes the general public needs to know or as they put it "resonates"... (Didn't the producers of Two and a Half Men and Charlie Sheen benefit from his firing, his rants, and the follow-on continuation of the show?) Isn't it also true that the same media tries to keep "legs" on a normally "who cares" story, if it strikes a chord or produces a push back (sales/ratings)? More perplexing, is a public that, right, wrong, or indifferent finds these "sound bytes/photo ops/scandals" entertaining, informative, reinforcing or divisive without question or questioning... My pessimistic self believes that a majority of Americans have been conditioned to be "fast food" junkies; eating up everything served without questioning the hype/truth/relevance behind the packaging... But I digress... Hank, like the media platform that gives him a stage to voice his opinions, are appealing to an audience or audiences, who "eat this sheeyit" up, positively or negatively and thus, keep their bills paid at a minimum or make the parties involved famous or infamous; each for their own reason(s)/motivations. And we all forget that media has commercial sponsors, who underwrite content and comment and thus influence/allow/encourage the message(s) presented. I chose to ignore Hank's comments in the same way I ignore Herman Cain's assertions that the poor choose to be poor, or that "liberal black democrats" are racists in the same way I ignore the diatribes from Al Sharpton and his ilk... I have no doubt that Hank's fan base will only change slightly... for those who bail on him for his differing opinion... there will be "weekend warrior" haters, who will embrace him until he shows the rest of his bare ass, alienating all but the hard core haters from their perceived "Demi-God".... And contracts being what they are, and litigation being what it is in America, Hank will still get paid. Hank will also continue to lob volleys until he becomes yesterday's "news"... Nobody is perfect, but ignorance bred from ignorance is a guaranteed to breed more of the same...
Well freaking stated brotha. :smt023 Full marks for breaking it down to the ground. Some real talk right there.
hank williams Jr's son goes at his father for the comment about obama and hitler http://www.tmz.com/2011/10/04/hank-...ws-channel-jello-biafra-green-party-politics/