Detroit woman executed for seeking help after car accident

Discussion in 'In the News' started by 4north1side2, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Renisha McBride, 19, was shot to death in a Dearborn Heights, Michigan neighborhood after seeking help following a car crash, reports The Detroit News.

    SEE ALSO: AG Holder: Zimmerman Charges Still Possible

    At approximately 2:30 a.m. Saturday morning, McBride knocked on the door of a home, hoping for assistance. Instead, she got a gunshot wound to the head.
    “He shot her in the head … for what? For knocking on his door,” said McBride’s maternal aunt, Bernita Spinks. “If he felt scared or threatened, he should have called 911.”
    “You see a young black lady on your porch and you shoot?” asked Spinks. “He killed my niece and he needs to pay for it. He needs to be in jail.
    “There was no windows broken. My niece didn’t bother anyone,” said Spinks. “She went looking for help and now she’s dead.”
    The Dearborn Police Department have confirmed the shooting, but have not released the name of the suspect. They initially told McBride’s family that her body was “dumped,” but have now admitted that she died on the man’s porch, reports FOX 32.

    The investigation is ongoing and findings will be forwarded to the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office for review.

    Read complete story by clicking here.

    If this case sounds tragically familiar, it’s because it is.

    As previously reported by Hello Beautiful,former Florida A&M football player Jonathan Ferrell, 24,wasshot dead on Saturday, September 14 by Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer Randall Kerrick, 27, while seeking help after a serious car accident.

    Kerrick, who has been charged with voluntary manslaughter, claimed that he ordered Ferrell to stop, but his version of events has been disputed by the victim’s family attorney, Christopher Chestnut:
    “From our review, the only sounds were the sounds of gunshots, Chestnut said. There were no commands to stop. There were no commands to freeze; stop or I’ll shoot, police. I think this is a young man who probably was going toward the police officers, the same way if you were injured in a car accident and you saw red or blue lights, you’d run to help not death. He ran to help.”
    Read more here: Black FAMU Student Brutally Murdered By Police After Surviving Car Crash

    Can't knock, can't shop, can't walk, can't run, can't drive, can't fucking live without setting these racist psychopaths on edge.
  2. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    The racism is obviously terrible, classism is ever-increasing, these two phenomenon mixed together are going to make for a very bad situation.
  3. Hypestyle

    Hypestyle Active Member

    "I know Dearborn; you know, I'm from Detroit, I used to live out here in Inkster. And you had to go through Dearborn to get to Inkster. Just like driving through Mississippi when you go to Dearborn. Is it still that way? [From the audience: "Yes."] Well, you should straighten it out"
    Malcolm X, speech at Ford Auditorium, Detroit, MI February 14, 1965
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    :smt009this is just so sad...I think people are just so paranoid and afraid...I don't know if I would even answer the front door in my neighborhood at 2:30am
  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You don't shoot someone at your front door who isn't breaking in. That's crazy.

    This isn't a fear response. It's delusional paranoia that a rabid, supernatural beast is going rip your head from your body.

    Why the fuck do cops cover up obvious murders so much??

    What do people being paranoid and afraid have to do with murdering someone on sight because you don't want them on your porch??

    If you didn't want to deal with this woman, do like my Mom (still)does to most strangers...DON'T ANSWER THE DOOR.

    If she was breaking into his house, different story.

    Her murder is bad enough, the cover-up is worse.
  6. Sirius Dogon

    Sirius Dogon New Member

  7. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    This is heart breaking but not surprising. I grew up in that area. Left in 07. Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Taylor (Taylortucky as we called it) is chocked full white and middle eastern racists.

    They see a black face and automatically think the worst. On the surface, a person would think everything is cool. Interracial couples everywhere you look. But, get caught out in one of those areas at night. You will be harassed or maybe worse. And, there's a good chance the PD is doing the harassing. Stop and frisk ain't nothing new in the Dearborn area.
  8. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    That's bullshit. This murderer wasn't afraid. This is just yet another u.s. nazi on the power trip of having a gun, acting secure in the knowledge that the "justice" system is going to let them off. An impulse murder, based on that ol' spiritual grudge.

    I get tired of people trying to the assert that the motives of these fools are innocent.

    Zimmerman thought a crime was being committed? yeah right. The cops thought the young man had a gun? bullshit. This asshole somehow felt threatened, yet opened the door and shot?

    You'll believe that shit if you have a reflexive hatred of black folk and think white people should be free to do with them what they will.

    ...But the bigger crime is going to occur a bit down the line - when the courts let the murderer off, yet again. That's what really makes a statement about america and it's tacit nazi culture.

    It's absolutely clear that if you feel threatened, you will keep the fucking door closed. That's your first line of defense. That's what door locks are for.

    But they're going to let the murderer off, watch and see.
  9. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    You know I'd rep you if I could. Great post love.

    A young woman was murdered and she deserves justice. May the killer find himself in prison for a good chunk of time. Simply no excuse for answering your door and shooting an unarmed woman in the head. :smt085
  10. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    thank you cutie :freehug:

    I've been trying to rep you forever, but each time tthe system says I gotta spread it around first. good lord, how much spreading do I have to do? :rolleyes:
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This is the kind of post that annoys the hell out of me. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong but this not sound like sympathy for the fucking shooter.

    I will be fair and add that I don't know how that part of the country is. It might be really high crime which may make citizens so on edge that they grab a gun every time they hear a bump. However since when is a knock on your door threatening. She may have been banging on the door since she had been in an accident and was looking for help but whatever happened to calling the cops or for God sakes warning the person you have a gun and want her off your property. Personally I think he'll go to jail, he has no defense. What kind of danger could he have thought he was in?
  12. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member


    You're absolutely right, just as the others are who posted in this thread countering the thought that this was at all related to fear. If fear were truly the cause here, that man would not have opened his door. Common sense. Seems like a crazy attempt to almost justify why that man did what he did. :smt017 Makes no sense to me. IMO that man saw a black person on his property as an excuse to unload. SMH. It's disgusting that there are people who tolerate and/or justify the actions of that excuse for a human being.
  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    not everyone is like you and lives in mommy's posh basement...where I live you would be a fool to answer your door at 2:30am unless you were expecting someone or had a tall handsome bm to protect you...I live in area that the houses all have bars on the windows and steel security doors with deadbolt locks

    let's address fear...please tell me why so many people support the right to own a gun...if you aren't afraid then why do you need a gun? I don't own a gun so I wouldn't answer my door...too many people own guns and have them for the wrong reason...guns turn people into vigilantes
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    where did I say this was all related to fear? I said paranoid and you know what paranoia does to a person? have you ever been afraid? do you own a gun? do you know what a vigilante is? we have some serious problems in this country related to guns and racism...this is not going to end...there will be more and more of this type of killing until we are in the middle of a civil war...

    my sympathies to the family of this woman
  15. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what you missed from my post, but the quote was that this incident isn't AT ALL about fear...I never said you blamed fear alone. I think it's funny that you come out with a slew of questions, as if the answers to any of them will make your initial comment understood or accepted.

    I don't own a gun, but I have no issue with those who handle ownership responsibly. I don't care if someone is paranoid or fearful...if they use their weapon in an unlawful manner they deserve jail time. Fear and paranoia are not valid excuses for shooting an innocent person. He could have ignored the knock on the door and called the police. Instead he chose to answer the door, and then proceeded to shoot the young woman on his doorstep. I don't know what you don't get about that...seems pretty cut and dry to me. Nothing to do with fear. Once again, you and I can agree to disagree.
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I think this guy gets off. Remember he wasn't charged initially with a crime at all by the police and they helped to cover up this girl's murder.

    What reason did George Zimmerman have to fear that Trayvon Martin was going to kill him??

    All this killer has to argue is that he opened the door, this woman was screaming like a maniac and he....reacted.

    THe simple, logical argument is if you were frightened enough to answer your door with a loaded gun, why in the hell did you open your door in the first place??:smt073

    There's no such thing as intent anymore with all these Stand Your Ground/Castle laws on the books.
    Normally if you answer your door with a loaded gun, that speaks to some kind of intent to do bodily harm.
    Not anymore. You as a gun owner are allowed in many jurisdictions to have a loaded gun in your hands ready to fire on any perceived threat.

    It's almost like there's no such thing anymore as negligent gun homicide.

    I really doubt an all White jury in Detroit is going to convict this asshole of anything.

    I can already see the defense arguments in this case; this woman standing on his porch/at his door was the equivalent of trespassing and at that point the home owner had a right to use deadly force to defend his property.

    It's not that uncommon for some people to come to answer their door with a gun, but it used to be that someone would give a stranger a warning they might get shot if they didn't stop whatever they were doing.

    Nowadays it seems like 'law abiding' assholes don't give a fuck about killing another human being. They almost do this shit unconsciously.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
  17. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Dearborn Heights, mostly white area and Michigan has that stand your ground/castle doctrine B.S.. Bottom line: he gets off. Probably won't even be charged. He'll be a hero in the area and to all the local gun nuts.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Where do you keep getting this mommy's basement stuff from? I've been on my own for a decade, I actually own my spot so I have no clue what you're talking about.
    I am a proud gun owner, personally I think every citizen should have a licensed and registered gun in the home. I don't live my life in fear and constantly looking over my shoulder but I do believe in defending myself, that is my right as a human being.
    With that being said if I get a knock on my door even in my quiet ass little suburb I'm looking through the peep hole and if I don't recognize you I speak to you through the door and in that situation if she told me she was in an accident then I call the cops and tell her they are on the way just sit tight on the front steps. I won't front the shotgun will be close at hand but it won't be cocked and ready to go unless they start trying to kick in the door. In that case you get a verbal warning then a lead one.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You know what I think in a court of law it'll be different especially since it was a young woman who was killed and look at the circumstances. There wasn't a questionable fight, no struggle, no injury to the shooter. There was absolutely nothing to suggest a need for deadly force. She wasn't breaking in so there goes the castle doctrine, and there was no confrontation to stand his ground against. If tried I am confident dude will go to jail.
  20. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Lately being in the presence of someone with dark skin is enough in most courts for a White person to be in legitimate fear for their lives.

    The only thing his defense attorney will have to show is how many times a Black person has knocked on a homeowner's door under the pretense of asking for help, directions of whatever, when in reality they were about to commit a home invasion.

    Once the hypothetical possibility that this woman could have had the intent to commit a crime seeps into the juror's minds, up pops reasonable doubt.

    After that, it was all an accident. No conviction.

    Watch and see. If it's an all White jury from Dearborn, it's a wrap.

    Remember like in the Trayvon Martin case, there were NO witnesses to the initial altercation, so this asshole can make up whatever story he wants in court.

    Guaranteed he's going to testify that this woman starting cussing and using threatening language towards him, hell he'll probably say she told him, ' if you don't let me in I'm gonna kill your cracka ass!!'.

    The Castle doctrine negates the argument about why did this fool open his door if he felt threatened?? Under these vigilante laws, you're ALLOWED to put yourself in harm's way rather than avoid a confrontation.

    Basically if you believe gangbangers are knocking at your door, you're free to open your door, assess the situation, decided on the spot if they mean you bodily harm then fire away.

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