Ok he and his gf went dutch on their date..... Would u go dutch on a date with DJ ? Also, would you go dutch with a regular dude and would u do it on the first date?
Maybe it's a good idea on the first date until you feel more comfortable with the person you're with?
I wouldn't even go on a date with Derek Jeter. LOL As for someone I would date, I have no problem going dutch and have done so many times.
I think it's rather odd that they did that. Hell I don't even usually do that with my friends. One of us picks it up one time, the other the next, etc. Which is what I would think most people would be doing after a year of dating. Maybe it was for some reason like tax purposes or something?? First date? Geeze how many people even have a first date these days? Seems like it's more a drive thru, meet and greet type thing to size the other person up. Coffee type thing. I haven't been dating for a bit now. At this point, I don't really care about the whole Dutch thing. It's been so long since I was actually interested in someone. It's funny though, I notice I'm pretty quick to reach for the tab and start figuring out my part when I'm wanting to end the date and not see him again.
Yes, a lot of the time celebrities get hooked up by their mutual agents and meet for a generic ice-breaker. They don't even do their own flirting, lmao.
My friends and I do the same thing. We never split a bill. One pays one time, another the next time, and so on. On a first date though, I definitely reach for the bill, either to pay my half or the whole thing. It's not a pressure thing in my case, just a matter of wanting things to be on an even playing field. Maybe I'm not feeling him, maybe he's not feeling me...I don't think he should have to foot the whole bill regardless. Most men I've been out with never let me pay anyways. I've literally had checks grabbed out of my hand lol. I have zero issue going dutch though.
I have been on this earth for far too long and been in relationships(some purely sexual) since 1991 and i must say its not too wise to go dutch on a first date if you ASKED her out. Dont be swayed by the "i can go dutch on a first date with a regular guy" cockamamie because the least thing to make her mad and it will be brought up
Even if it's not brought's noticed...and you can bet she's saying something to her friends and/or it's a count against you.
Well, apparently his ex, Minka Kelly, is over him as well. She reportedly went out with Sean Penn for her 35th birthday.
If a guy without any prior discussion, or its not planned together, I assume he pays for it. Otherwise, I'm assuming going dutch. It will not count against him. This is for new aquintances. Most of my first dates are more of a together decision, after some on line/phone convo- f that makes sense, and then, in prefer it for be split even. For relationships that are on the way, or established, I would take turns. With mybfirends, we usually just split it evenly, I have never really initiated that, just go with the flow.
I think whoever is asking should be expecting to pay. Then if the other person wants to offer to split it fine. But to ask someone out and expect them to pay is rather rude. When it's an established relationship where they have been dating a year (as per the article)....IDK seems sortof odd to me that 2 people would get out their black cards and split a pizza tab. :roll: