Nothing serious ladies. I'm just curious.... I often hear females use the term "cute couple". I can't recall ever hearing a male use this term and I've never thought of couple as being cute. So ladies I ask you, how do you define "cute couple"? Do they just have to look happy together? Does the guy have to be taller than the girl? Can a taller female/shorter male couple be considered cute? Do they both have to be physically attractive? If one or both are supremely attractive, does that diminish the "cute" factor? Is it not tangible, therefore making it just an initial reaction to the site of the two together? Fellas, have any of you ever thought or used that term?
Warning: This is just my personal opinion To me a couple is cute if: -they are both somewhat attractive -the way they behave as a couple shows and reflects their feelings for each other
A cute couple, to me, is just a couple who seems like they belong together. It could be how they look, it could be how they act around each other. It's very subjective. Of course, you always see those couples who have gone beyond the cute factor and have ventured into the disgustingly over-cute just-makes-me-want-to-throw-up status. :lol:
I agree with Bookworm, you just see their feelings for each other, it doesn't have so much to do with their physical looks. If they're both sweet nice people and their feelings for each other show, then they're a cute couple. Examples of cute couples are: Tony Parker and Eva, Tiger Woods and his wife, Harrison Ford and Calista, Richard Gere and his wife Carrie... Like, to me Angelina and Brad are not a cute couple, but Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner definitely are. And the king of all cute couples - Will Smith and his wife, but I don't like how he made a public comment about how the secret to a great marriage is great sex. If I was married I wouldn't want my husband saying stuff like that in public.
A cute couple is defined as a "sickening" couple that cant keep their hands off each other , especially in public vicinities. They will LEAVE the privacy of their home, in the middle of the NIGHT, to go to a PUBLIC LOCATION, only so they can kiss face infront of you. You just want to shoot them already.....basturds should get a fuckin room,,,,
as a person that recently regained single freedom i must say this....single couples? bah! angry couples? bah! couples in general? bah! never been a member of a cute couple since, well, never!
Uhhh if a man says that with a straight face and not joking he's a fag! Guys will say no matter the ethnic make-up of the couple... "They look good together" This comment will be for the variety of reasons already mentioned. Moskvichka why can't a man publicly state his wife takes care of him which essentially what Will Smith is saying? It's not like he stated "yeah Jada gives good head" That's crass...
yeah, thats a big ol' Freudian slip. i meant to say cute couples. anyway, BAH! to you for point that out. BAH!
:lol: Pretend I didn't say anything. :wink: All couples suck! Especially when you aren't a part of one. :cry: