I was thinking about any dating dislikes (Thread by romeo), but I couldn't find any..I think, if I have any dislike , I don't date the person.. But I know a lot of likes, what convinces me to get to know a person better. Out of your experiences, which one were these?
I enjoy that feeling you get before you are about to meet someone your really into on the 3rd or 4th date. Call me soft but that whole 'honeymoon phase' does it for me. the best way to eat a vegetable is to put her in a chair.
I like the "first kiss" with someone I'm really attracted to. I enjoy the anticipation of it almost as much as the actual kiss.
Mmmm me too. Plus I love an intelligent man who is easy to talk with and is also moderately humble and humorous. :smt060 Oh and luscious smoochable lips. yummmmm :smt008
I find the development of a love story very exciting. You meet someone and suddenly, on a certain point, you look at this person and a wonderful, new world opens.
A man that is naturally confident, easy to talk and to laugh with, someone who is a maker instead of a talker, socially (public-minded), caring, who can teach me something new, is able to show me new perspectives, a man with dreams ( I can go on an adventure tour), eloquent and convincing, charismatic..oh yes these are my likes..