Not the extension of th ego .just me trying to aiiirr. Yes. Kayyy.I live in a french speaking country Ivory Coast a west coaster african country .Lagoon sea ocean sun all the year no winter. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :wink: :wink: :wink: weather like in Florida state for those who don't know. Life in Africa is ok.not so much cliches about what you see in the news .it's biased. Don't be brainwashed.They're always fire of troubles anywhere here on this planet .Africa is but an example among many continents This was to guide your steps about what's occuring in Africa Diffenrent from what a media man can tell you After that intro , dating is as natural as what you can see.Making love is the same everywhere.Among the main advantages you may have their is no racism on the contrary you ladies will be welcom by families people or in-lawsyou have all the facilities of modern life cable tv supermarket hospitals hotel and anykind of basic accomodation one should have in this 21st century and can come back any time youwant home.Africans are very open minded. In our culture we're used to respecting women coming from far regions My village is a town not a village.Porto novo in benin .It was founded between the14th an the 17th century in Benin. Porto Novo means the "New " Porto from Portugal It was co- founded with what was Benin population at that time and portugese people Any people with portugese ascendants here :?: :?: :?: :?: It's a blended cultureI don't talk about I.R marriage :!: :!: :!: This sailor sprung on all the west african coast :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: I have 2 culture Beninese and Ivorian .The country where I was born also my country In Porto Novo the tradition is sailing. There are all sailor in a way our another in the family.Discovering other people is our second nature . And I'm sailing on the internet So Lady be the welcomes in :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: Africa Bon Dia
Thanks Thinker of soul . Conciouss being that's nice. Yeah cultutal blending Intersting yeah :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :idea: :idea:
Interesting. What you forgot to mention is the fact that everywhere in the world there is more apprehension toward the minority. In the same way Black Americans form tight nit societies to shield them from Racism, minorities in Africa do the same to protect themselves from racism. Its a little more challenging for a white person to relocate to Africa for an IR. I say so because they have not really been conditioned to be in the Minority and the extend of it can be alarming. An African in Africa is still prepared to BE in the minority from media experiences.
I don't think so to be honest. I can buy that Africans might be a little more prepared to be a minority, but no doubt many of them get a huge shock on just how it's going to be anyway. No matter what you do you just don't blend completely in. It can be really uncomfortable. (I've had the same feeling myself more than once, so I somewhat know how it is.) However, IMO white people seem to be much less including, and although we might notice the only black person around, we often seem to try to ignore him/her. Or, maybe ignore isn't the right word... but no one wants to stare, people are afraid to make the person feel uncomfortable so they seem to stay away... I don't know... But to me it seems like a black person in a very white setting, will often end up as the elephant in the living room no one talks about. Well, maybe ignore was the right word after all. But I don't think we do it deliberately. It's more out of fear or something... As a white person in Africa, on the other hand, yeah, you'll definitely get a lot of stares. Just how many depends on where you are. But people don't ignore you at all. They'll be curious about who you are and why you're there. And even in the middle of a street in a big city it doesn't take long before someone have approached you! (And I'm talking about normal people, not just beggars and souvenir sellers :lol So, my conclusion would actually be the opposite of yours. It's easier being white in Africa, than African here. As soon as you get used to being stared at. If you're open, polite and got just a little bit of humour, it's very easy making friends there! You're not going to ever feel lonely in Africa, unless you try really, really hard!
Political Correctness is probably what you are trying to say instead of fear. I totally agree that it is easier being white in Africa that black elsewhere. But to ignore the fact that problems could and do arise would be wrong. Countries differ. In my country we have a white man standing for the position of vice president. If I am not mistaken the first lady of Cameroon is multiracial. What is interesting to note is that white people have been in Africa longer than Africans have been elsewhere. You will get alot of stares simply because of that fact, There has been alot of reform and several countries are adopting non discriminative laws. In my country we have 73 recognised ethnic groups. The 73rd was gazetted some 40 years ago and consists of Asian immigrants from India. Prior to that we has white people as members of every grouping almost since they first popped up. Thus it is not unusual to approach an Asian with the assumption that they know the local dialect. But with white people you first have to tip toe around them before saying something in a language other than English. In the same line of reform, the common African name for Caucasian which is "Muzungu" based on Swahili has come under scrutiny as being equally derogative as the N word. It translates to aimless wondering who is perpetually lost to denote early explorers. But in a more literal sense it sort of means moving around like a headless chicken. There have been calls to have it revised. Most people in the pursuit of political correctness will simply say "Zungy" which is much softer. I hope these items will help show that issues do exist even here as in other parts of the world and like elsewhere effort is being made but people being what have pockets that are slow to change.
I wonder how many African immigrants are in India?? I'm willing to bet they wouldn't be as kind and accepting to African immigrant as Africans are to them.. Seems like most immigration from India is ONE WAY..
If ever there was such a thing as an immigrant country it would be India. I have alot of Asian friends mainly from India and Bangladesh and know quite a few friends from over here that have relocated to India who say they are quite welcome there. Provided of course they stick to the rules and don't rock the boat. India, by the way does have an indigenous black population from antiquity. Many dark skinned South East Asian women who are looked down upon on the basis of their colour choose to date black men while dark skinned South East Asian men are mostly relegated to a life of poverty. I think that is the worst form of discrimination presently.
Indian in the Caribbean? Hello? is anyone home. If ever there are Asians in the Caribbean they aint dark skinned.
Yeah ronja ,It's been a long time To sum it up do you want to be a star do you want to....Bee, Stare !!! Got the point Ronja,this two sentence are homonyms and make sense The first deals with being a star with arell the meaning and more .it should be a natural ability IF you know how to serve it A matter of attitude :idea: or poetic skin The second deals with the classical cliché you may have.: "I'm seen every body is looking at me saring me ." But tell me Ronja what allows us to see if not LIGHT :?: :?: :?: So for the second meaning you 'just cook the honey but be careful with flies .Honey do attact flies .So we don't want you to be weak or weakened and be clung to your husband - honey and just stare honey love flow from both of you and around... Be a sorta cast out or if you prefer outsider, got the point.. :?: :?: :?: Instead ,be immersed.Committ and Shine like the Sun a Star I think that's what lacks for you .When coming in Africa.You're to brainwahsed and too clichés made. Instead of being to diffent use this diffence to be a woman of initiative .Take decision ; show you can be a LEADER with your natural gifted appeance .BElieve me you have a lot to share and teach to the others and above else be an insider and at ease with rhe community .It is more yhan integration Don't play the classical ww.