I have never understood why this country needs to put them on a pedestal in the first place. Maybe the same reason Jesus is depicted as a redheaded German. I have always preferred the unvarnished truth, because it helps you see and think clearly. Gauzy mythologies only inhibit understanding.
What the what?! I was never a huge Steve Harvey fam to begin with, I mean he gets my vote because he on the home team, but this sh!t right there, nope.
I love my country, the concept of it and the people, but we can never progress towards a 'more perfect union' without truth. We as a nation should be held accountable to the standards of our ideals, or everything becomes a lie. It's good for students to learn the drafters of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence weren't these perfect saintly godlike figures. They were flawed, self-interested, slave owning White men who somehow managed to draft a unifying contact between the State and its people that's still relevant today. Americans don't expect or believe in perfection in its leaders or institutions 100% of the time, but we do demand accountability. That's why we have laws, to make sure people are responsible for their actions when they harm others. Right wingers who embrace blind allegiance to the United States are fools. Only tyrannies require citizens never to question anything that's happened in the past.