are they seeing each other, or what :heart: I read she was a little diva at times... a tad bitchy.. but then again...what high profile celebrity isn't, at times...
I hope not that man's wife is too damn fine for him to cheat on her. I am sure that is just friendly encounter.
that's the same shit people was sayin about Kobe.. Kobe's wife, at the time when he cheated on her...was fuggin' smokin... the white girl couldn't even compare to kobe's wife.. but.. p*ssy gets old and stale...and I guess he wanted something different.. :wink:
Gets stale huh? What if your wife or gf said you got stale come on men it works both ways(sorry to get on high horse here) but there is no need to cheat. Some of the brothers on this site seem to think all black men want to dip in the vanilla and that is just not true. I am sorry this man's wife is more bangin than Josh Stone point blank.
i'd still take Krystal Klear the porn girl, over Joss but, alas... another chocoholic is good for "the cause."
Krystal Klear? Where did that come from? And I would take Victoria Silvstedt over Joss Stone... :smt054 Anyways, Joss is hot. Sometimes she looks funny but for the most part she looks good. Dame is the kind of guy that WOULD cheat. Not saying he cheated with Joss but, it's not very far fetched.