Cursing and Rap Music

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Who's The Boss, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. Who's The Boss

    Who's The Boss New Member

    As you know or if you don't - lately I've been in an area that's predominately white. It's just something different. I don't really have a problem with it. But what I do have a problem with is when people start cursing and reciting rap music when they get around me. It's just annoying. Man! I don't have a rap cd to my name.

    Check this out. I'm just chilling out at restaurant waiting for some service for food. I'm waiting in line. The service was a little slow, but I'm not complaining. I overheard 2 dudes behind me tripping on the slow service, not really hostile but a little annoyed with it. And they were not swearing at all. A few minutes later trying to invite me in on their conversation one of them said, "Wassup, Bro?" I'm cool I'm like "Wassup, fellas?" The other one responded like, "This fucking service stinks, don't you think?" I'm trying to play peacemaker so I say, "Well you know they seem a little busy. It won't be too long." Then the first one says, "Dude stop shitting me. You know you want to tell these motherfuckers off." I'm like "Naaahh I'm cool really." The other blurts out "Bro, say fuck you slow ass burger flipping motherfuckers." Then the first one whispers, "Yeah do it. Do it. Do it man!" and starts laughing. I lost my appetite and left in disgust. If I had any food in my stomach to throw up I would've.
  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    I hate that too, and thinking that I agree with them politically or with some stereotypical behavior of what they think blacks are, even coworkers who think they are enlightened, but more racist than many rednecks.

    I hate rap music and they insist that all blacks love that kind of music, love to curse, have sex out of wedlock. they only know the negative things about black culture, they dont care about our heroes, our history, our african/carribean and american real culture.

    i tell them, i am a good ole boy, country music loving, hunting and fishing, art collecting, Ivy League graduate, from a well to do family and a Conservative Republican adn that shuts them up right away.
  3. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I hate that. One incident I had a older white guy saying wasup to me except carrying the word on longer.. I just walked away because it was pretty stupid. Another incident was when I went into this high end fashion store and the sales person greeted everyone with,sir can I help you? And then said,whats going on to me. That store lost some good business.
  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    where did that happen jxsilicon, so i can avoid that place.
  5. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    A Neiman Marcus when I was in California.
  6. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    well i love to shop at Neimans, but I wont do much in Cali, esp southern cal
  7. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Unfortunately, you're both not the only ones who had to ignore it before blowing your top about it.
  8. Kev

    Kev New Member

    It's always the case with people who are low on the knowledge scale, isn't it?

    I've had things like that happen to me before and if it's in a business setting, I'll take my money elsewhere.
    I even work with this “jackass” who tried to me about “black culture” and how we black people were more “cool with smoking weed.” because he listen to rap music and even knew a honest to God black person! And you got it... They got high.
    I would normally ignore people like this but I had a brain fade so I tried to explain to this person that there is no real black culture because we are too many and too varied to have one culture.
    I tried to tell this person that the one common thread that bonds most black people is their struggle with racism in the USA.
    I tried to tell my dear jackass, that I've never done drugs on any level. However, he knew best because
    I was not a normal black guy!!!

    This is why people who are blissfully ignorant keep me on the straight and narrow.
    God forbid I should “know” so much as to cast out truth, knowledge and wisdom all for the sake of being right and ignorant.
  9. Who's The Boss

    Who's The Boss New Member

    I don't know about that and I don't think money is a factor either because they didn't look poor.
  10. Darman

    Darman New Member

    Question: What does the situation have to do with rap music?
    And yes, rude people are always annoying.
  11. Who's The Boss

    Who's The Boss New Member

    Ha! Don't play dumb with me. It's about 3 or 4 brothers before you that clearly related to what I said. Are you trying to discredit me? Is this some freak occurrence of nature? I don't know what world you're living in but this happens on the regular. I know I'm not dreaming.

    No, rap music had nothing to do with that 2nd situation, but it's like everyday at work, in the store, or wherever ... somebody (male or female) comes up to me reciting some lyrics like I'm suppose to join in with them. I know my hearing is not failing me.
  12. DaphneL

    DaphneL New Member

    so it happens.

    Kind of like men of all ages, races, education levels and religions who stare at my chest when they talk to me.

    people are silly
  13. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Have you guys not understood the racial playing field of America; every single black represents his race, no matter the circumstances. I thought we were all clear on that.
  14. Pinnacle23

    Pinnacle23 New Member

    I like him...he's silly :lol:

    But it's true, ya know. :roll:
  15. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    Only when you're doing something bad.If you're doing something good then you're the exception.
  16. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member


    but for some that is so true.. unfortunately
  17. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Yea, seems like it, don't it? :roll: No matter how much you convey this to people, it'll never change.
  18. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    That's why i'm always conscious about who they're putting on the television to represent us chris. More often times than not, to white people, one single black person seems to represent all of us, so if they have a moron on t.v. who is supposedly our "representative" i get really upset. I just say to myself "we're not like that at all." I think we'll always be grouped together by the actions of a single black person (in the minds of some white people), which really, really sucks.
  19. ronaldl79

    ronaldl79 New Member

    I hate it, three! This is what BURNS me about the assumptions people have based on my skin color. My skin color doesn't mean SHIT! Not a DAMN thing! For christs fucking sake, I damn-near worship a 54 year old musician (Michael McDonald) ... and he's been a friend the past 8 years to boot. I hate rap with a damn passion ... at least the garbage that's out today.

    They don't know anything about MY life or MY accomplishments. They have no idea of the money I've made. They have no idea of the number of times I've appeared in newspapers for businesses I've started over the years (and get this ... I wrote my own press releases to get said coverage ... and we're talking full writeups...shit!) They have no idea of the times I've corresponded with Bill Gates and other CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies. I often think of all of these things in my mind, and then think to myself, "If they only had a fucking clue!"

    In certain situations, I find myself pressed to "boast" in a way to kill any stereotypes, and when I think about it, I feel bad afterward. I'm just tired of trying to prove anything, to any-damn-body! Just get to know ME before you assume anything about ME. For all they know, I could be signing their paychecks!

  20. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    American media brainwashing is a result of YOUR own personal experience, ronald, as well as several other incidents which were posted in here by some of the other men, and it seems to me that you work in a field that could help you to disspell some of the myths and stereotypes associated with being a black man, but allow yourself to be shortchanged by the bigotry out there too easily.

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