Currently having the time of my life in Croatia!!!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by playboy90210, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    very true, repped
  2. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    im not "catching feelings" for ANYBODY just yet. im just seperating the "it was nice meeting you/hooking up with you" girls from the "i really wanna visit or move to NY and see you again/see where this goes" girls. Nina, the bisexual party girl is someone i COULD date/fall in love with, but im not even gonna try bc she is in a very serious lesbian relationship. we are just friends, nothing more. we've kissed, but that was when she was drunk on the dance floor. it means nothing. if one day down the line she is single, yes i'd holler at her. out of everyone here ive met she is by far the sexiest and most interesting to me...but like i said, she is taken...

    the two girls im interested in are Maya (the shy julia stiles lookin chick) and Kristina (the black guy loving hipster club chick). both wanna visit me in NY. Maya has already said she'd come and stay with me. Maya and I are just friends now but it could become more. we flirt ALOT. kristina and i are more obviously attracted to each other.

    im actually headed to a party right now and Maya will be there. im leaving the party early to go clubbing with Kristina. im not 'head over heels' for anyone yet...still getting to know both these girls. but i am EXCITED that for the first time in my life girls are throwing themselves AT ME versus what im used chasing girls who act like i have a one in a million chance with them. its quite refreshing and a dream come true. in my first post you saw EXCITEMENT by a guy who is used to chasing and is now being chased...not "love at first sight" which is silly and will only lead to heartache. i know better than that and am far too mature to do that.

    to pettyofficerj...i dont get why you're hating bro. as you can see from my FB link ( everything I am saying is very true. take a look. in fact i am making a video (and taking many many pics) documenting this whole trip. i started in Paris...then hit croatia, then i will be in Amsterdam (and maybe Bosnia, a girl i know out there wants me to visit her there and says some female friends of hers wanna meet me). ITS ALL REAL and i will prove it when I get back. so keep hating. you will just look stupid my hardly on this site anymore and i see your on it nonnstop. get a life and get yours and stop worrying about what other cats are doin'...and maybe u might have some interesting stories to tell...just sayin'....
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2012
  3. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    To chesbaygrl7: i understand what you're saying and you are right...NYC is not all of America...but what am I supposed to do. move to each city in the US for 6 months at a time until i find a city where white women adore black men? i cant afford that. i have/had work, school, family, friends in NY. I cant just become a vagabond/wanderer looking for love. I have to stay in my city and find it where I can. And to live in a city as HUGE and diverse and as popping and full of energy and life as NYC and not be able to consistently find white women who are feelin black men says ALOT. clearly other black men had no problem but they clearly possessed something (mental, financial, physical, etc.) that i lacked.

    now things are different. I am older and more mature and have more money to travel the world. I am finding some success in my career of directing music videos and commercials. im making moves in the industry and chasing my dream. its a long and hard journey but one day i hope to become very successful (and maybe even rich) doing this. i also plan to direct films. until then i cant "ball" like Hype Williams does but I can club and travel a lil bit and finally see the world. something ive always wanted to do. i met some croatian girls who invited me out here and i been having a great time.

    whats helped me alot is i been studying alot of NLP and stuff pick up artists teach you about flirting with women. im not a naturally smooth guy with women but i am funny and a good talker. ive learned how to utilize those skills properly (something i didnt do before)....mainly i learned about mimicking womens body language (if her arms are folded, fold yours)...negging (telling her something about herself she can improve on)...subtle teasing combined with subtle flirting, not being afraid to make contact with her (touching her arms or tickling under her chin or grabbing her waist), putting your hand on your chest when emphasizing a point or adjective u want her to think of you as (when you say the word 'handsome' touch your own chest),...just many things.

    it sounds silly at first but last summer i tried it on these croatian girls. girls who when i first met them werent very interested in me (and made it clear they only like rocker guys) but soon i NLP'd them over weeks and months and they began to invite me to bars/parties and flirt with me and eventually invited me here to croatia to stay with them. I continued the NLP techniques here and its worked like a charm. womens minds are very strange and it takes alot of effort to understand how they work and how to use these tools to your advantage and almost "trick" a girl into thinking you are on the same wave length. its a science i am slowly mastering and the proof is in the pudding. its working...
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2012
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    wow interesting question. Guess I would consider adoption if all else failed but I want to give myself my best chance possible. At 35 more like 33 if I stay full time I would want a woman who is mid to late 20s but I wouldn't completely cut out women who are early 30s all together.

  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Couldn't agree with your first paragraph more. They swear where they live is so different but unfortunately we all live where we live and have ties there that make it hard to just get up and leave.
    Personally I don't need ww who adore bm just one who sees me as a man period.

  6. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    You contradict yourself.

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I elaborated hun. My point is its not easy to just pick and move to Colorado where its supposedly better with no job and all your professional and personal ties here in NY. Supposing that NY isn't the whole country. From my pov its a beacon for people all over the country. Where else outside of maybe DC and LA do you have such a melting pot of individuals from all walks of life living in the same area. I've been to Denver and it ain't there my friend. Granted I think some people may be nicer than New Yorkers on the surface but the same selfish self centered its all about me attitude seems to a national generational epidemic. Just my opinion
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    He said he can't leave NY to travel the US to look for love, because it's too expensive to do. Then next post he says he is is Europe looking for love. So far he's found a lesbian who bought him a Coke. :p What he is saying is ridiculous and you are high fiving him like he's genius.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I misunderstood. I thought you were saying I contradicted myself. I just agreed with the notion of going to different parts of the country to find out how open minded everyone is isn't really feesible. Actually to be honest I really don't take the word of the women on stuff like this because you guys aren't force to view things from the same pov men have to. A lot of you believe since you're open and preferbm and have friends who feel that way that there are a plethora of options. But listening to the men who actually go out and date don't just randomly pontificate while not dating for years it seems like everyone isn't as open minded as some of the women claim it is. Even many of the well favored men agree with that sentiment. Its just hard to see when you don't have to seek anyone out. For a ww who is primarily attracted to bm the US is pretty much easy pickings as long as you're willing to occassionally step outisde of your comfort zone but for the men not so much. But unfortunately you have assholes on here who chalk it up to not going out in the real world and living or projecting a bad attitude that keeps great girls at bay without acknowledging how racially driven this country is. And when dudes like playboy talk about seeking what they want elsewhere it shouldn't be met with vitrol. I thought we supported IR on here.
  10. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Playboy, maybe the skills you have learned will also help you with women where you live - in America. I'm sure you are delirious w/all the attention you are getting in Croatia, and I can't blame you. Most people like that - I'm no different. It's a very heady feeling.

    Two things stand out in what you just wrote. You said you are funny and like to talk. Many women love a man who is good at conversation (and the flip side - listening) and who is witty. It sounds cliche, but alot of women like a man who can make her laugh and who has a great sense of humor.

    You also said you are finding success in your career and that probably makes you feel good about yourself and builds your confidence. That and what I mentioned above makes a man - even an average guy who (in your words) isn't very smooth with women - sexy and attractive. Contrary to popular belief, money and a killer bod are not the most important things every woman looks for in a man. Personality, confidence (not arrogance), a successful career that makes him happy and the ability to understand what a woman wants and needs goes a looooong way, imo.

    Perhaps the fact that you are away from your normal environment allows the real you to shine - and that's what is so attractive to these ladies and that's why you are getting the attention you are relishing. Just a thought.
  11. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    playboy, just don't write any of them a gayass love letter ya dig???
  12. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    If I may make an observation: Taking a backseat and feeling like an outsider is definitely hard. But this is exactly what you're expecting a woman to do when you take the position that your mother will always be number one. I don't know if you realize that or not. If you get married (and personally, I think it's better for children if the parents are married), your wife will always be the one trying to break through that bond you have with your mother. You say you have that POV because you'R mother has proven over your lifetime to be dependable. Well, yeah. That's typically what mothers do!! They stay in their children's lives. Because that maternal bond is unlike any other relationship on the face of the earth. But, honestly, (and we've been down this road) asking a woman to take second place to mom is just not fair. You will never put her needs/desires where they need to be and she will end up feeling just like you did w/the single mother. Left out. Used (as an incubator, more or less). JMO.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You misunderstood I meant a backseat to her relationship with the kids father. It always felt like they were still kind of together but on a time out. My relationship with mom has never interfered with a romantic relationship. The only reason I ever bring up the hierarchy is because there are alot insecure who ask where they rank in my life.
  14. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    i think ur right chesbay about my newfound confidence and the fact im in a new environment is letting me shine out here. i been thinking about not giving up on American women just yet and trying some of my new 'swag' on them. if it works then maybe thats what i been missing all along (lack of career success/money led to lack of confidence and a negative attitude/bad experiences/stereotypes with american women made me too shy to approach many anyway).

    ...if it doesnt work then i was right about American women. no matter how NICE or confident you are/seem..if u dont have bad boy swag, big money, or NFL athlete physique, a FINE WW aint givin' you the time of day. but i dont care. i made so many connects out here and met so many girls. sexy girls. who are head over heels for an average looking black guy like me. this trip was a true wake up call....
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member


    Playboy,where are your photos? I can't find them on your FB site.
  16. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    At one point I was doing MMA every day AND putting in an hour or so in the gym every day. Would you believe me if I said the girl that I was dating at the time did not like my physique as I became more ripped? She was French, btw.
  17. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    u have to have a facebook account and log on to see the photos. my account isnt private so i dont have to add u as a friend for u to see them. they are all on my wall and u can also check out the photo albums titled FROM PARIS TO CROATIA part 1 and WHERE THE STREETS HAVE NO NAME. i tried to post them on here but for some reason it wasnt working. i couldnt even post that pic of me and nina. then i just posted the text without the photos and it worked so i dunno if the pics were too large or what. thats why i made the pic of me and nina my avatar.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2012
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I will check it out.
  19. qnet

    qnet New Member

    To the OP, I'm glad you're having a good time. Just be careful.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2012
  20. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2012

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