Currently having the time of my life in Croatia!!!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by playboy90210, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    hello all. i been overseas since January 15 and boy has it been a wake up call. let me begin by saying i posted here a while back about this trip and how a croatian friend invited me to stay here for a month and how the women over here go crazy for black men. well...i must say...she was RIGHT!

    so far the trip has been amazing. its crazy. i come from AMERICA. New York City. yet i have experienced so much more kindness in a foreign country than my own. white women in america (especially NYC) are so arrogant and full of themselves. they have a fear of the black man. here in Croatia, they LOVE black men. i walk in the club here and women just flock to me and ask tons of questions and want to get to know me. every time at the club i get numbers like crazy.

    its not like this for me back home. I am 5 ft 10 at best, 150 lbs, skinny black guy with a good job, good sense of humor, and charming personality if you give me a chance, but since i dont have the tall chiseled frame of a Will Smith or NFL athlete, top tier white women are extremely hard to get (and keep) in the US. Out here, I am a God. Its insane!!!!

    I have friends back in NY who say they can help me meet Russian chicks who are desperate to marry an American. If I strike out here I may follow that hookup when i get back to NY (february 17) but its not looking like I will have to go that route. that is last resort. my plan was to come here and truly bond with someone and get to know them and right now thats happening...mainly with 2 girls (one is a party girl who loves black guys named Kristina who is very attracted to me. she is in an open relationship with some black guy but said its not serious. we met at a club and she was such a freaky dancer, all over me, kissing me. we exchanged info and have a date planned for tomorrow night.)...(the other is a more shy but smart and sexy girl named Maya who looks EXACTLY like actress Julia Stiles who is a good friend of one of my friends im staying with. she and I are talking alot and slowly moving from friends to maybe something more...i can feel it. she really wants to live in America and we've talked about her staying with me when she comes to NY. shes totally down! tomorrow im going to a birthday party with her but i have to leave early for my date with kristina. i told maya this and she is making me make it up to her by taking her out to coffee tuesday!)

    the reason im so excited about all this is that i come from a life where 2 or 3 attractive white girls IN A YEAR may show me the time of day to now every weekend im having them beg for my time. Friends in the past year were right in telling me, foreign women are the way to go. im DONE with american women. DONE! :smt055

    In my avatar profile pic to the above left you will see me and Nina. she is one of the girls who i met in NY that invited me here. this girl is so sexy it HURTS. you should see her body. she is a bisexual crazy party girl who hitch hikes, sky dives, couch surfs (stays with random strangers in foreign countries for free instead of getting hotels), does insane drugs, etc. i LOVE this girl! :smt060I have made so many friends and met so many hotties. two girls in particular really like me and wanna visit me in NYC. Kristina and Maya. Hopefully by June we will see if I come back here or one of them visits me in NY and we get closer. Im very excited for the possibilities.

    go to my FB page for all the photos:

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2012
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    small pond big fish syndrome;)
  3. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    LOL maybe so. still loving it though =):D
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    hope you dont wake up in a bathtub all twisted and naked with no wallet.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2012
  5. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member


    Hopefully he knows where the American embassy is.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Enjoy yourself and don't let the haters deter you. Do what's right for you.
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. running down the street butt naked screaming "they stole my money and clothes. someone help me. Im an american.buwaaaa"
  8. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    hahaha. yes my brother and my best friend both warned me to watch Hostel to see the shocking things that can happen to americans overseas. thankfully nothing like that has happened.:smt018

    i been having the best time of my life and will definitely be back. i feel like ive truly bonded with these girls. white girls in america...many are so arrogant they wont even befriend you much less date you...and the ones that are nice enough to be your friend. you can see it in their eyes and behavior that thats all you will ever be to them..a FRIEND. Not here. Girls are genuinely interested in me, what I have to say, and spending time with me. They are attracted to me and they are REAL, down to earth, and wanna get to know me.:smt002

    They look out for me. make sure i dont get lost, buy me things when I dont have enough money, and just look at me like they are lucky im even talking to them. they act like America is this dream land and that im something special. back home most white women treat a black man who isnt rich like he is dirt. Here they beg for my attention. it's quite extraordinary. I had heard it was like this but wasnt quite sure if it was really true...but let me tell is.:smt056:smt026
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    There's a lot of truth in this post. But like most things it'll get dismissed as you not being a real man and not being able to find a childless under 40 year old white woman here in the US lol.
    Get a visa and bounce my friend.
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

  11. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad your enjoying yourself but let's be reality right now. If these same women you are going goo-goo crazy for came back to America with you, watch how quick they'd leave your ass dry.

    As lipstick already said, small pong, big fish...I'm glad you found where you fit in.
  12. Damayor

    Damayor Member

    lol...My sentiments exactly, but let's not "playa hate". Let the dude have fun without too much lecturing.
  13. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    NYC doesn't represent all of America. To judge all American women by what you have experienced in NYC is pretty silly.

    As for your bisexual, crazy party girl...she's just a recipe for disaster, imo. I truly hope you don't look back on this later with regret..
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Nyc is a great microcosm of the country. All walks of life come here and live here. You can meet a Turkish doctor and midwestern playmate on the same subway. Not as much of chance of that in Philly. And one thing a lot of the American women can't appreciate is the feeling of actually being treated like a man first and a black person second. Its something we seriously lack in this country and even if you don't feel that way personally you can acknowledge its the way this country operates.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Or he's having fun being desired by women his own age that he's attracted to that find him attractive instead of constantly being brow beaten into just accepting middle aged single mothers as his only option to find his preference of women. Just saying..
  16. satyr

    satyr New Member

    U.S. GDP: $15 trillion.
    Croatian GDP: $60 billion.

    That is all.
  17. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Fuck New York.

  18. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    That sentiment smells just as bad as the manure here in good ol' PA.
  19. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    wear wrap it up while you're over there.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    On this forum? Not really. Dude is just enjoyinf himself and of course there has to be people quick to tell him bs like small pond big fish syndrome. How about just enjoy yourself and if you like it move there. Being a bm in this country I totally get what he's talking about as far as being treated in a way abroad that you aren't treated here. Plenty of men on this forum express how they have much higher stock with Euro women opposed to women here. You personally may not allow skin to shape how you see a man but most here don't think that way.

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