Credit card debt and us

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Moskvichka, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I'll be turning 30 later this year and I'm realizing that it's the first birthday I'm celebrating since freshman year in college when I'll be carrying no credit card debt. So as much as I don't like to see myself as a statistic, a statistic I am: a young woman who has been an irresponsible spender in her twenties and has finally wisened up by her thirties.

    What has been your, especially you ladies, experience with credit card debt?
  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I have no credit card debt...because I can't get credit cards.

    My ex husband fucked up my credit. :( I've never had one.

    Boy do I have some impressive student loan bills stacking up, though!
  3. veema

    veema Member

    I don't have credit card debt and never really did. For me, credit cards are a convenience and a way to keep a good credit rating. Beyond that, I guess I usually only buy things that I know I have the money to pay for.
  4. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    I don't carry any debt at all. I only use credit cards to maintain a decent credit rating. If I ever charge anything, I repay it pretty quickly. Since the anti-usury laws were repealed, the entire American credit industry has become a huge scam to gouge working people. Luckily, I had a lot of help from my parents to take care of my educational expenses, so I won't have to worry about getting out of grad school saddled with debt like a lot of people I know.
  5. csbean

    csbean New Member


    Well, Mosk, I'm here with you. I started paying off my debt six months ago, and I have no one to blame for it but myself. I'm 26 now, and I'll probably be in the same boat as you when I'm 30.

    Although, I must say; I had a hell of a time racking it up. :drinkers:
  6. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I have very little debt basically just the car loan now, but its been a long time coming and my FICO score is close to 700. Painful and with the credit crunch, I'm not getting the offers I was getting 6-12 months ago on cards, so until that improves I will not jump into that market and actually feel little need for it.

    Congrats to you Mosk for not falling into our debt ridden culture of consumerism....
  7. exactly34

    exactly34 New Member


    I have been blessed to rebuild my credit to over 700 after bankruptcy by joining a credit union and getting two credit cards. I definately only buy no more than I can afford and that has helped me in this reccession to discipline myself financially. At the present time I'm not planning on making any major purchases until this recession ends.

    Exactly34 out......:D
  8. learnin2fly08

    learnin2fly08 New Member

    Well I'm carrying $3000 in credit card debt...had to put school on it.

    I've been trying to pay it off, but my account was sold to another company and they tripled my interest rate! So I'm paying a ridiculous amount of interest on top of the principle...

    Congrats on having no debt Mosk!
  9. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    Five years ago I paid off all my cc debt and I had a lot. Went a couple years really good no debt etc .. I've racked up a bit now again. Its a vicious cycle.
  10. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    Well at the moment my credit card debt its hight but in a year i can pay it off. Usually i buy stuff for the house with it and last time i did a lot of changes some new furnitures..
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2009
  11. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    I'm out of debt

    If you dont have it on debit don't buy it on credit.
  12. hntr18

    hntr18 Well-Known Member

    thats awesome
  13. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    That's how I lived for a few years after I paid my debt off and then fell into the trap again.
  14. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Me = >>>> [​IMG]

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