The latest data from the Population Reference Bureau shows that there are twenty countries in the world with negative or zero natural population growth. This is unprecedented in history! Reported by on 14 June 2010 This negative or zero natural population growth means that these countries have more deaths than births or an even number of deaths and births; this figure does not include the impacts of immigration or emigration. Even including immigration over emigration, only one of the twenty countries - Austria - is expected to grow between 2006 and 2050. The country with the highest decrease in the natural birth rate is Ukraine, with a natural decrease of 0.8% each year. Ukraine is expected to lose 28% of their population between now and 2050 (from 46.8 million now to 33.4 million in 2050). Russia and Belarus follow close behind at a 0.6% natural decrease and Russia will lose 22% of their population by 2050 – that is a loss of more than 30 million people (from 142.3 million today to 110.3 million in 2050). Japan is the only non-European country in the list and it has a 0% natural birth increase and is expected to lose 21% of its population by 2050 (shrinking from 127.8 million to a mere 100.6 million in 2050). The streets of Tokyo won’t be as crowded in a few decades as they are today! Here's the list of the countries with negative natural increase or zero negative increase in population... Country: Natural Decrease Annually; Total Population Decrease By 2050 Ukraine: -0.8%; -28% Russia: -0.6%; -22% Belarus: -0.6%; -12% Bulgaria: -0.5%; -34% Latvia: -0.5%; -23% Lithuania: -0.4%; -15% Hungary: -0.3%; -11% Romania: -0.2%; -29% Estonia: -0.2%; -23% Moldova: -0.2%; -21% Croatia: -0.2%; -14% Germany: -0.2%; -9% Czech Republic: -0.1%; -8% Japan: 0%; -21% Poland: 0%; -17% Slovakia: 0%; -12% Italy: 0%; -5% Slovenia: 0%; -5% Greece: 0%; -4% Austria: 0%; 8% increase
Damn, Eastern Europe is all over that list. No surprise. We got hella of them out here. No complaints, though.
These countries need massive immigration to sustain their economy. I was surprised that Japan and Germany made the list as they are advanced countries with powerful economies.
Germany yes but japan? They are separated by water. They make it very hard for foreigner to become Japanese citizens.
Not only that. They also having a brain drain. Talented and high skilled workers from those countries are emigrating and seeking opportunities elsewhere.
But not impossible... Most immigrants are at the bottom of the social economic scale. Mostly because they don't know the language or if your like most African refugees then you don't have much education either. They demand much more of immigrants from Developing Nations than Americans. So much so that Americans are not mentioned on their immigration sites. As I have said on several threads, that much of Eastern Europe and much of the EU for that matter have a aging workforce and population problem and its fairly serious as you can see. Individualism took over the EU in the 90's, that's about the time lower birth rates started to happen. The FSU (Former Soviet Union) Countries have been involved in World Wars, Ethnic Cleaning and god knows what else but that has much reduced the Male Population there. I believe in Russia women outnumber the men 7-1. This is what keep telling Archangel but he ain't listening. That's why I say - Why not join the 3 million other Americans than don't live in America, haven't lived here for years and live in other countries full-time? What's so fucking Wonderful about this place? What Economist say is we might have a double dip, but even if we don't we won't be back to normal until 2015 at the earliest and what's normal? A Health Care Reform Bill that will have to be revisited because it never changed the Status Que it made it stronger. If "Normal" is wages not keeping pace with Cost of Living, why stay? The only answer can't be "MORE EDCATION" Neo Liberalism is going to take over our school system (Charter Schools) 90% of the injustices in America will continued UNRESOLVED. Why not work in a sector where you're pay is going to be good and you have superior, Right Wingers and Corporatist-types hate - Strong Worker Protection and very strong Unions. Why be in a country that forces you to go into debt or cut back on your lifestyle in order to send your child to college? I could go on but if America was so fucking Great, we would be populating the Top 5 of every measurable, we don't we're down in the 30's and on top of that your Black and barely welcome and not liked by anybody really. Family ain't that important, they won't live forever and neither will you, there's always the telephone, the internet (at least for now, in America) and airplanes. Besides there large enclaves in The Netherlands and Berlin, Germany where the entire area is English speaking. Not to mention ex-pat enclaves in Spain and France.
Russia is becoming depopulated. "To maintain the population at the current level of 145 million, Russia needs to admit from 700,000 to 1,100,000 immigrants annually, and increase that inflow to between 900,000 and 1,700,000 by 2025," said Nikita Mkrtchian, an expert with the Economic Forecasting Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Russia will need more and more workers for any further economic upswing. In addition, Russia's population is growing older, which reduces the workforce. After 2010, the annual population decrement could reach 1 million people. Only immigration can help restore the balance of working and retired citizens.
I have mentioned Western countries like Germany, Denmark, etc, they all have this problem and its REAL problem. This is the common problem. They have an aging population Those that do finish upper education have liberal arts degrees or some other White Collar desk jockey BS. Fewer are going to school for things the Country can use for Infastructer or High End Manufacturing The immgrants coming are low educated and poor usually. Those that have left say Iraq are mostly Middle Class. The US was giving free passage into the US. Some other NATO members did the same thing. Germany open its boarders to Turks roughly 20 years ago. Now they have a permanent underclass and for once its not just Black people. Europe is tight on citizenship, not so much in America or even Canada. Archangel, are you 1st or 2nd generation American? We have no legacy to slavery and our history runs back to the early 1800's. This Nation is in the toilet, with an apathetic and disconnected population. The Tea Party just seems large because that have their own Bull Horn (Fox News). Plus we have a scared Democrat Party that doesn't want to seem radical or too liberal to Independent Voters. Any political analyst worth his salt will tell you you need Independents to win elections, especially ones like this Nov's midterms. The point I'm making and have been said before Obama got elected on these very forums if you remember; Its going get much worst before it gets better the United States has a bad habit of being like a child and learning things the hard way. It had a chance at this Nation's founding to abolish Slavery but faced opposition by Slave Owners. Instead of facing down this minority and frankly not well educated bunch of plantation owners drunk on profits from tobacco and cotton, they said, why not the country will be different in a few years... When you have a chance to make a sweeping change you do it. Because its very hard to undo. Look at this reactionaries making noises about changing the 14th Amendment, targeting Latinos directly. Look at Health Care or how about Financial Re-Regulation? They tweaked around the edges in both cases but kept the Status Que the problem that put us here. Instead of telling his Generals no and not giving them the troops he needed, he gives them about 50% and make do. Why even do that? These WikiLeaks are more damaging than what the WH has been trying to explain away and the Pentagon has dragged out its "Support The Troops" nonsense, draping themselves in the flag once again. So what kind of America are you going to have in 5-10 years? I'd say it will take less than that to hit rock bottom, but that means people will die if that happens. Are you saying we need to shed blood to make progressive? Do you want to be a witness to that violence?
Most of the countries on the list are eastern countries. The united states and several of the western countries are on the top 20 list of populated country. All countries have an aging population. College of business usually have the largest amount of graduates. There is nothing wrong with a white collar job. so I don't know what is wrong with that. A lot of immigrants for any county are low educated and poor. Nothing special there
All countries have an aging population. College of business usually have the largest amount of graduates. There is nothing wrong with a white collar job. so I don't know what is wrong with that. A lot of immigrants for any county are low educated and poor. Nothing special there Third generation. My grandma was a citizen. This was not the topic I thought we were talking about.:smt107 I have to wait to see the presidents before this prediction occurs. I am certain there will be a radical to put us on the right foot.[/QUOTE] You keep explaining away that everybody has a aging problem. I didn't say people were not living longer. They are, we have more people living to 100 than ever before. I am not saying that. What I AM saying is this - America is a YOUNG country, in more ways than one. We have RAMPANT Teen Pregnancy and Immigrants that haven't fully adjusted to Western Culture and tend to have more children as a result, this is especially true if that are from developing nations. How do you explain Hispanics will make up more than 50% of the US Population by 2050? That's from having ALOT of children my friend, many more than Blacks and Whites put together. European Countries are openly courting Immigrants - FACT European Countries are giving women incentives to have children - FACT All are a result of an aging population AND women NOT HAVING CHILDREN but selecting care-free lifestyles that don't involve long term relationships (only on occasion) and usually end up with not having children. You keep dancing around it, the fact remains that we're going down the same path in White America especially. Having fewer and fewer children since 1970. 50% of the panel usually on To The Contrary is made of women who are over 30, some not married, some married, none have children including the host! She waxes on about she didn't have children but wanted too. No she didn't, she wanted career success. Material Success has trumped Social Worth. In Russia for example, you are more looked up too as Mother with Children than you are a Single Socialite or Social Climber, Career oriented women. And the last bit I wrote does basically have to do with the first part. You want to stick it out in America for reasons I can't understand. Some are family related and that's understandable but you have to live your life. Obama is caught up in a captured Government. What do you propose we do about it? The DNC and DLC won't allow a more socially progressive candidate to run again a Blue Dog/Dixiecrat/Republican Lite, example - Marcy Winograd She has run against Jane Harman (who's husband just bought Newsweek) twice and lost and its mostly because the DNC will not back her against Harman, figuring this 50 State strategy BS you need more Centrist Democrats. Green Party Candidate Laura Wells couldn't even get adds on TV in the primary. The DNC and DLC do not want too many Democrats to the Left of them, proving how FAR they have moved to the CENTER if not Right of Center. That's where the debate is in the country, it starts Right of Center, not where the country actually is which is Left of Center. Congress is the problem, not Obama, but he sure doesn't help. Throwing Sherrod under the bus Throwing Van Jones under the bus Not Standing Up For The Public Option (even though it was ill-defined) during the Health Care Debate Financial Services Regulation, that silence you hear? That's the Banks and the Fed not fearing new regulation. This half a loaf BS is just that, BS. If you want big changes you go big or go home and fuck the reactionary morons that can't think for themselves.
Europe has been trying to get immigrants for how long now? All of humanity has been trying to get women to have children for how long now? Since we began? I don't know why you are mentioning the obvious. I want to remind you that being Hispanic is not a race. The country is 85% white and less than 50% hispanic of that white. US census stated it quite clearly on this year's census and yet people still think it is. The hispanic word is just a way to batch people up like west indian(a word I dislike) because of where they live. It is only the Mexicans that are growing so fast and that is because the country is so close. The European and African countries are too far for them to change the population to African or European. We are over 309 million people in this country. How do you get to 309 million and being the third most populated country from aging population AND women NOT HAVING CHILDREN. Aging has nothing to do with it. There are less women not having children than having children. Russia is an obvious bias pick from it having more women than men than any other country. I can still say that the usa has more women having children than women choosing not to. I can say that for england. I can say that for france. I can say that for the top most populated countries in the western culture. The want to have children is a feeling everyone gets and is not discouraged in the USA or many other western countries. If an aging population and women not having children were a guide to the end of a population then a lot of the countries that are in the top 20 list of populated wouldn't be here. The againg is there because of the advances. It has no effect what so ever. There are many americans having teenage pregnancies and many women having children. The second largest generation is mines and second to my parents generation. I am really trying to point out that having an aging population won't decrease the population. We have actually grown during this aging population
I agree with what your saying, the only contention I have is that women are having less children and education is responsible for this. We do have a population problem in America. My issue completely is when its time for me to have children nobody wants any. The ones that do have some mythical list built of requirements I have to meet. I have to be this age or this income level or this education level or career level. Fuck all that. With me its strictly WYSIWYG
well the world isn't any one's oyster. Women generarally bear mid 20's to mid 30's. They prefer to do it with guys in that age range too. You are going to have trouble once you get pass 35 on getting children.
Actually, I have to dissagree with you on that second part. First child birth has crept up in age the past decades. Its not uncommon at all that the first child is born passed 35.
From the websites I found which were not official, they pointed out some where between mid 20's to mid 30's. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but that it gets tougher as you get older pass 35. I don't think dj4monie wants to have just 1 or 2. If you have any official websites like census or something, I'll be happy to see it. I'm just getting to mid 20's here. lol
Many women now start a family when they are in their mid-30s or older. Today, 1 in 5 women in the United States has her first child after age 35. Surprising I know. I think its just a reflection of education/career moves as opposed to only 20 years ago. Or are we just simply more selfish these days? American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). Age and Fertility: A Guide for Patients. ASRM, Birmingham, AL, 2003, accessed 2/5/09. We all know that the risks of pregnancies after 35 is increased with higher rates of mental and physical challenges. But Im strickly talking about how common it is today to have your first child after 35.
I'm not saying it isn't uncommon but it is less likely than the other. what is the stats for the other 4/5
It doesnt break it down further than under 35 so I dont know. But now I want to find out acctually, with all the teen prenancies and all.