Could you ever be with a religious person?

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by malachi, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. malachi

    malachi New Member

    Could you see yourself with a religious person? Especially if they were celibate and going to religious meetings every week?

    Well, I've good friends with a white/hispanic girl from South America. She is very, very good looking girl, has a nice ass, and perky tits, and is a very caring and nice person, and single, but the problem is she's a "born again Christian". And a very religious one might I add. Anytime we meet up for lunch, she keeps on giving me these weird booklets to read. One was about "Salvation" or the "Rapture" or something. And she keeps asking me if I would go to a "Bible Study" with her.

    I'd like to go out with her, but she's a little out there with her religious beliefs. I'm not exactly too crazy about organized religion. Well I do believe in God, but I'm actually more of an atheist (I don't believe God is a person). I still don't quite understand the clapping, and praising Jesus and falling on the floor part. I explain these things to her, but she keeps pointing to these strange Bible verses as literal proof.

    Not only that, she's a virgin, which is something I thought no longer existed. She says she can't find a boyfriend because there no guys her age at her church (which leads me to believe there are lots of single women at church), or guys trying to get in her panties by pretending to be religious.

    As good looking as she is, and open to relationship, I'm not trying to get converted and give up certain things, just to be with her.

    Any thoughts? Suggestions?
  2. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    Be with her.
  3. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    totally, because I am very religious and i could never marry someone who wasnt the same,
  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    yep, listen to your friend, she may have something to help you in your life.

    I too am a born again christian(which is what a christian is) and its so wonderful and powerful to have Jesus as my God and savior
  5. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    In my view, race shouldn't have to divide a relationship since there are areas of common experience between all races...but religion certainly can. There isn't really any point starting a relationship with someone unless you have the same heartfelt values, if you don't have a belief in God, what will you have in common with her and how will you be able to support her and identify with her?

    It seems like a bit of a non-starter to me...sorry to sound defeatist, just that I've seen friends go through heartbreak as a result of failed relationships due to religious divide, and it was really painful. So just do think long and hard about it first.
  6. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    :lol: Sounds like she's really in tune with the 'Holy Spirit'...

    but, perhaps you should go with your gut instinct on this one. I wouldn't want to tell you to go either way, because at this point in time, no one really knows what will happen.
  7. malachi

    malachi New Member

    Hey PeyBackTime8818, could you be with a hot looking girl who wouldn't give you any, not even a head, until after marriage? And even after marriage, probably clueless as a rock as what to do in the bedroom?

    It's unfortunate, and rather strange, but there's more to some women than having nice big round breasteses and assesses.

    Sometimes they even have "feelings". And "morals". Some are so guilt ridden they would actually believe that a man died over 2,000 years because of them.

    Oh darn.
  8. malachi

    malachi New Member

    To be quite candid, the only "spirits" I'm interested in are the ones across the street at ABC... :lol:

    But I understand you.

    It's nice to be with her sometimes, as she's one the few good looking girls that underestimates her "secular" market value. Still, if she wasn't into that crazy church stuff, and "saving herself for marriage", there would probably be no way in "hell" I would have any chance with her. And that's where my dilemma is. Forgive my religious terminology. lol.
  9. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    Iffy is a Christian but I'm not at all. It's not usually a problem, except for when he wants to watch that bloody awful God channel and I want to watch MTV Base! He does his God thing and I do my shallow thing!
  10. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    Yes Malachi I could. If I really loved her, for sure. Sex is not that important to me if I have found the ONE that I am gonna marry and be with. From my experiences finding a HOT white girl I care about who loves me enough to marry me is so hard that I would not let something as silly as sex get in the way. That is waaay too hard to find and I would not mess that up over something stupid. After marriage you can teach her all the sex moves you want. At least you know you have someone faithful in your bed. Love trumps sex every time for me. I know first hand what it is like to go from being alone to having a girl willing to marry you and die for you, then back to being alone. I prefer being with someone dedicated to me (and at one point in that relationship she said she wanted to wait til marriage for sex and I said was HER that changed her mind)....Do the right thing and think with the BIG head, not the little one.
  11. malachi

    malachi New Member

    I like your perspective.

    I do have a strong aversion to all that outlandish religious ballyhoo. Maybe I'll learn to stomach it, like Iffey'sWifey.

    In the meantime, I won't ruin a perfectly good friendship. Still, It's hard just to be friends with such a fine looking girl, especially when she doesn't even act like she's all that.... It's a peculiar form humility I find attractive.
  12. chocoluscious

    chocoluscious New Member

    No. I'm agnostic too. I believe something greater than us exists but no one knows what it wants. Half of my family is devoutly religious and go to church twice and sometimes three times a week. My uncles, aunts, and cousins have given up trying to point out verses in the Bible to me. I will go to church with them once per week though when I visit just out of respect. I usually visit once per year though during the holidays. That's as much as I can stand. I can't imagine living with someone as devout everyday.

    I'd say just remain friends, IF you can stand it.[/quote]
  13. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Pey's is a very good perspective but remember he's not in your situation, YOU are in your situation, and there's nothing shallow in wanting a relationship for yourself which is sexual...hell, no two people have the same needs, stick with what you want. If you like her enough to make a relationship then go for it but accept what is and is not on offer and dont' try to change her...if you want a more sexual relationship then look for someone else.
  14. graphicsRat

    graphicsRat New Member

    malachi, send her to me. Shes the kind of person I'm looking for :D ...

    Like tuckerreed, I'm a practicing Christian and I acnnot date or mary someone who isn't.
  15. malachi

    malachi New Member

    Unfortunately I was cursed with something resembling a conscience.


    You'd have to fly out to the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area and actually meet her parents. Dates will probably be chaperoned. I'm only lucky to somtimes be alone with her because her uncle and cousin knows me! LOL
  16. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    Yes I could be with someone religious. As long as they don't try and change me. As an atheist I do respect other people's religions but it gets annoying when people try and convert you.
  17. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    cool graphicrat, that is so awesome my brotha, hard to find a real good girl like that today man, I would be on that Southbound plane if I were you!! Blessing my christian brother :D
  18. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

  19. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    what?? i am lost, what are you referring to?
  20. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I had multiple screens up and left the computer. I responded to the wrong thread.

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