Could This Be a Reason Why Many U.S. Relationships Fail?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Shaft, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    ask your girlfriends


    jawn is gutta (gutter, hood rat, etc) slang for girl

    I lived in philly tooooooooo long
  2. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    :wink: My black girlfriends ain't no hood rats. They both have master's degrees... and the third one has a double bachelor's.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    having a degree doesn't mean losing your understanding of ghetto-babble

  4. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I have a question....I've had classmates from Philly but I never asked them....if someone is going out of town to the city of Brotherly Love....which cheesteak joint is the best one to go to?
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Pat and Geno's down in south philly garner the most public attention..


    i've found good cheesesteaks in other parts, that I grew up in..

    When I was younger, I used to love getting steaks from my old neighborhood. They had belly-filler cheesesteaks (yes that's what they were called). They gave you the option of a ton of cheese whiz on top of the steak, or regular cheese.

    you haven't seen anything until you've witnessed grown men hording cheesesteaks to Eagles games


    Also, I know you can "import" (are you serious?!?) philly cheesesteaks.. The only downside is that the steaks aren't made in Philly. They're from New Jersey...

    It's like getting authentic Texas picante sauce, from a city in Massachusetts.
  6. Shaft

    Shaft New Member


    I appreciate all of your each of you who took the time to respond. To PettyofficerJ, I wish I had met more American women who appreciate a man who "treats them right" without viewing him as a possible pushover or a less exciting/non-challenging partner or without regarding that as a weakness. Very seldom have I come across women throughout my time in this country who appreciate the so-called good men. Most of the ones I met would take advantage of you before you know it and rip your heart into shreds. You really have to be firm.

    Heck, I've seen it all. I've been stood up, lied to, made to feel as if I wasn't good enough to be anyone's boyfriend, my emotions have been exploited and I have gotten phone numbers from women who I have asked out only to be told by them later when I try to get in touch with them: "I have a boyfriend." I'm honestly fared up with all this nonsense. You approach some women with class and respect and they ignore you because they aren't used to that and don't know how to handle a good man. But if you say things up front like "Damn, you have a phat ass," that's what some of them want to hear. Then after having been made to endure all this crap, they expect a lot of men like me who they didn't consider dateable and exciting enough during their earlier/college years to settle down with them when they think they are ready to do so. Talk about a double standard.

    Nonetheless, it's good to know based on a few responses from some women on here that there still are a few who appreciate the so-called "good guys."
  7. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member


    I'm all about the good guys. Good guys are underrated.

    In fact, if anyone knows a good guy in Chicago, send him my way. I'll appreciate the hell out of him. :lol:
  8. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    We used to have this place that made "cheesesteaks" not too far from the crib....I'm not from Philly...but even I knew that it wasn't the real tasted good...but you didn't get enough bang for your buck.....imagine paying $6.00 for a cheesesteak that is a couple of inches longer than your hand but half as wide......

    And yes...anyone who eats picante sauce from Massachusetts should have their man (or woman) priviledges revoked.
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    philly isn't one of america's most obese cities for no reason


    i used to like former mayor Ed Rendell when he was in office, because he was not shy about eating a cheesesteak or a hoagie, infront of news cameras. He used to have mayo on the side of his lip while talkin and the sorts. He was a true Philadelphian. He's backing Hillary I think tho, so he's not down anymore.

    As for the small size comment, you need to come over when you get a chance. You ain't had a real cheesesteak unless it was at least 1 foot long, 1 foot in diameter, with a soggy ass roll soaked in grease and ketchup. That will make your head roll and probably give you a heart attack...

    sure does taste good tho

  10. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    ketchup.....they gotta have the hot sauce.... 8)
  11. Sneakeedyck

    Sneakeedyck New Member

    Shaft the hard thing approaching WW in public is you have no idea if she dates BM or even likes black people. Chatlines are good to meet WW in a low risk envoirment. You are right about everything you said. They women are very tough.
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    it does not mean they are racist, it's just their preference. That same freedom allows black men to reject white women sexually as well.

    I have to admit thinking about whether a certain interest, was actually into hooking up with a brotha.
  13. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    That's the reason why a lot of men fail with women in general and what's amazing is the odds are in your favor. How do I figure that you say! If your skills are honed you should have the general blueprint for what works for you and what works against you.

    Even if you have the gift of gab, I do; sometimes circumstances will make approaching any woman ill-advised. However you should already know that, but guess what that does not mean should not bust that dice up against the wall and try. Even if a chick shoots you down hard, you're honing your skills so the lost is actually a plus.

    Keep in mind a real hot chick is intimidating to dudes so a lot of guys won't step up. The more broads you talk to the better your odds. If you talk to 100 broads in a week 30 of them will be down with what you are saying, who cares about the other 70. Try and keep up with 30 girls!
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    good positive thinking right there..

    not that I have the time to be chatting up girls like that..

    makes perfect sense on paper tho

    if you strike out with ALL of them, then something is terribly wrong
  15. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Oh so true man lots of brothers in Seattle messed up and would not approach the fine women and trip this the so called ugly brothers was snatching the fine women up.
  16. Shaft

    Shaft New Member


    I agree that sometimes it may be a numbers game in the sense that the more women you approach, the greater your chances of at least getting one "yes." I've once approached 5 different women on the street before. The reality though, is that when it comes to dating, a lot of women here in the U.S. make things extremely difficult for men, especially the good men out there. And that's part of the reason why I took a moment to analyze the cultural differences in terms of upbringing and other qualities, which led me to conclude that in general, American women are in my opinion less sensitive and less forgiving than women in other parts of the world.

    What haven't I heard from some women I have approached? I remember one time I talked to this white woman who was walking in a park and we walked together for a couple minutes and I thought things had the potential for a hook up. She did tell me before we parted that she had a boyfriend and I accepted it regardless of whether or not it was true. But what amazed me after that was how ruthlessly devoid of any emotion she said: "It's very nice that you did that." (referring to me approaching her.) "Just try again with someone else." You bet.

    And I also agree that with a lot of these white American women, it's a double-edged sword in the sense that you don't even know whether she likes black people or would consider dating a black man. Heck, just from the condescending look of spite I get from a lot of them while walking on the streets of Philadelphia, it's eye-opening enough. You may be trying to talk to one of them in good faith whereas she's there thinking you're stalking her. Next thing you know, she's calling the cops and they'll put you in cuffs first before they ask you any questions. What a shame.
  17. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Sometimes the fine chicks are easier to talk to because they figure that if an "average" guy is talking to them...he probably doesn't intend on trying to hook when you do drop that bomb....she's already taken aback by your "nice personality and wit" that she accepts w/out giving much thought....then she realizes she's head over heels for you. And that's how the short dude with nappy hair pulls the 5-10 model chick!

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