Corrupt a Wish

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by designer, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. designer

    designer New Member

    Corrupt a Wish

    The object is to grant the wish in such a way as to rain on the parade of the person making the wish.
    Then you make a wish.

    Person A :”I wish I had a million dollars.”

    Person B: “Granted. You now have a million dollars but your legal fees equal 2 million for
    I wish I was 6'-2”.”

    Person C:” Granted. You are 6-2 but the average height is now 6'-5”.

    I've seen replies hit over 1000 on some sites.
    Let's go.

    I wish the girl next door was hot.
  2. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Granted, but she has herpes.

    I wish I could take a vacation to somewhere tropical.
  3. designer

    designer New Member


    Granted. You go to an island in the Caribbean just as they are having their annual “Month of No Men festival”.
    You are surrounded by old women in support hose and sunburn.

    I wish women had the sex drive of men.
  4. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Granted, there are women constantly propositioning you for sex, but your penis has fallen off b/c you had sex with the herpes girl.
  5. designer

    designer New Member

    You went to school on the short bus.

    MAKE A WISH!!!

    You so special.....

    I wish I could make any woman fall for me at the drop of a hat.
  6. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Ha this is fun Designer!!!

    Granted, just now every woman out there, hot or not, falls for you and turns into an obsessive stalker. You will never shag again because every time you try some stalker is at the door and disturbs you.

    I wish I was fit enough to run a marathon
  7. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    Granted but the woman is in love with you for life and there is no getting rid of her....

    I wish I could exist in different realities at the same time in order to have alternate versions of my life.
  8. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Conversations.Corrupt A Wish.

    Granted: But since reality is eternal, and there is no space and time, you'll end up contradicting your own existence by the very nature of your alternate realities.

    I wish our next album goes RIAA certified gold, and which in turn lands us our first major label deal.
  9. designer

    designer New Member

    Granted. You are fit enough to run a marathon.
    Indeed you win all of the races and you eat all you want because you burn it off.
    You eat and win them all.
    Because people are tired of losing the government extends No child left behind.
    With no runner left behind now the law all races are 1k or less.
    You keep eating and now you're fat.
    Too fat to wobble a marathon.
    You lose.

    Granted. You can exist in different realities at the same time.
    This causes a massive riff in the time space continuum make all alternative worlds the same in order to regain equilibrium.
    There are now 4 of you living the same existence everyday of your lives.

    I wish everyday was Saturday.
  10. designer

    designer New Member

    Re: Conversations.Corrupt A Wish.

    Granted. Gold and a record deal from a major label.
    But doctors find that MP3's cause brain damage.
    Doctors force all music to be outlawed.
    You go to jail.

    I wish my internet connection was faster.
  11. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Conversations.Corrupt A Wish.


    Granted: Everyday is Saturday, and every Saturday you have to "assist your mother-in-law"with the soils on her "delicates."

    I wish I had a harem of ticklish women at my beck and call.
  12. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Conversations.Corrupt A Wish.


    Granted: Your internet connection is faster than the leading edge technology at the space needle in Seattle.........but you're unable to use a computer because did I forget to mention the connection speed is "blindingly fast!"LOL

    I wish my novel would skyrocket to the New York Times Best Seller's list and remain for 26 weeks.
  13. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Re: Conversations.Corrupt A Wish.

    Granted, but they are 5'1, 300 lbs and do not like bathe.

    I wish that I could eat alfredo sauce without guilt.

    Designer - short bus :lol: :lol: :twisted: I'll get you... (I was distracted with the heady power of making your penis fall off!!)
  14. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Conversations.Corrupt A Wish.


    Granted:You may eat alfredo sauce without guilt, that says nothing about your death from clogged arteries in 3 years from now.(Just Kidding).

    I wish I had another home just outside Reykjavik, Iceland.
  15. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Re: Conversations.Corrupt A Wish.

    I wish I had another home just outside Reykjavik, Iceland.[/quote]

    Granted, but you burn so much jet fuel getting there every weekend that global warming is pushed past the tipping point, raising temperatures on Earth melting the ice caps and your house gets washed away during the meltdown.

    I wish I had a boxer puppy.
  16. AliasSmithandJones

    AliasSmithandJones New Member

    Re: Conversations.Corrupt A Wish.

    I wish I had a boxer puppy.[/quote]

    Granted, but he will drink from the toilet, eat bugs, lick his butt, lick other dogs butts, lick his willie and then he will LICK YOUR FACE, and you will think he's "oh so cute" when he does that.

    I wish I could speak German.
  17. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Re: Conversations.Corrupt A Wish.

    -Alias Smithand Jones.

    Gewährt. Aber jetzt können Sie nicht Englisch sprechen

    I wish the Superbowl still came on in January as a last "holiday" blast, rather than a sweeps effort in February.
  18. designer

    designer New Member

    Re: Conversations.Corrupt A Wish.

    I actually agree with this but it's Corrupt a Wish.... Sorry.... :cry:

    Granted. The Superbowl is now played in January.
    But program directors need high numbers in summer so Football season starts in June with a 3 month layoff until the Superbowl.
    Top players come back out off shape, get injured on motorcycles, have to appear in criminal court or become pro Hockey players.

    Superbowls are now made up of wild-card players.
    For the next 10 years we have 46 to 3 type games.
    Program directors counter with 2 hour long halftime shows comprised of high school bands, Stanley Cup predictions and public service announcements on the dangers of over eating, motorcycles and illegal dog fighting.

    Due to low ratings program directors declare the Pro Bowl is now the new Superbowl.
    The Pro Bowl is played in February sweeps.

    I wish I had a winter home in Nice France.
  19. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    You do but then the French have another revolution this time against all non french and you must flee or face the guillotine.

    I wish I could look 31 for the rest of my life...
  20. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Conversations.Corrupt A Wish.


    Granted: But because earlier you wished to live your life in alternate realities, 31 is now the "new 93."

    I wish the weather where I lived remained pleasantly cool all year round.

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