Copying DVDs

Discussion in 'PC Performance, Security, and Tips' started by justanotherbrothalover, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. What software do you guys recommend for this?

    Is there anything available that shrinks and copies the DVD, in one program? Right now I am using DVDClone and Easyshrink, as well as DVD Decrypter. It would be great to have one program that does all three.

    Anyway I need something decent and pretty easy to use. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    DVDShrink is a pretty decent reauthoring program. I think Adobe Encore works as well, but I've only used it to author movies I've made myself, not ripped movies from other discs. Should work the same, though.

    DVDShrink does it all (I think...not 100 percent on that, though. Been a while since I used it)...if it doesn't, then it only takes one other program to finish it up. No more than 2 total, though, which is still better than 3 I suppose!
  4. Thank you guys!
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I think Magic DVD Ripper does all three. Not sure though, since I haven't used the program for so long.

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