Check this out. It is absolutely disgusting what these police did.
Milwaukee police are notoriously racist and pretty stupid. They were the reason why Jeffrey Dahmer was able to kill more people.
Sad and unfortunate. But this kind of thing is going on this country and continuously on the rise. I figure Milwaukee will probably always be a place like this towards blacks.
Those racists falsely accoused that man of stealing a badge and beating him up. I wished more than those two would had gone to jail.
I'm not surprised that this happen in America, especially in a place like Milwaukee, WI. What's even more disillusioning is the crime itself, along with the action taken against it by our oh so reliable and 'egalitarian' judicial system in this wretched excuse for a free nation, along with the all-white jury being as predictable as all white juries are in America with the verdict.