There was a video/interview with the girl who organized the party. It wasn't one of those comments where whoever posts. I don't pay attention to those either. GL - you post shit you don't read thoroughly or watch completely. There's a lot that gets confused or missed when you do that. Why not just read or watch the whole thing before saying things?
From the very beginning, certain people made it seem like the rich white community organized a pool party and just had po-ass blacks coming in uninvited (because that's what we like to do in our spare time, right) Then I see this little black girl was the organizer and I'm like :smt017 Im never reading random comments ever again To be honest tho.......I have a dark-skin female cousin who lives in a well-off area and her mom tells me about the shit she goes through...and they're far from stereotypical blacks clapping their hands and waving their heads I'm just like, you're preaching to the choir
I'm guilty of that too...I usually forgo videos/stories and read about five comments before slinging my own If you can't beat em, join em.......
Im not even gonna get mad anymore cause it goes without saying that a few people mess it up for the rest
I learned long ago....usually whatever people are upset about has NOTHING to do with you. You just happen to be the one who's there are at the moment.