Cop Punches Girl on Face Seattle Cop Punches Girl on the Face [YOUTUBE]UatHtkJY3kc&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]
Additional critique of said incident can be found here: And I *still* say *fry* that damned constable for epitomising *totallly unmitigated gall & unprofessionalism.* 'Nuff Said!!!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
of course that was watercooler talk at work today... shit is ridiculous. i wonder what (if anything) they will do to that guy. (officially speaking)
A great way to avoid getting punched by a cop is to....NOT RESIST ARREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, the two girls were pushing and struggling with a freakin cop?? What were they thinking? Oh and one of the females pushed a sheriff before which she was arrested for previously. smdh
Exactly!!! And they thought because they were women a man wouldn't put his hands on them. No guy would do that and no expect to get punched in the face. He was a cop trying to arrest a suspect and someone else tried to jump in. He would have been justified to pepper spray that ghetto trash don't know why he didnt
Co-sign-Obviously there is going to be an uproar about it. But seriously?!?!?!?!?!? Do you see how those girls are acting and people are gathering. That cop needed to get a handle on the situation and quickly. What the GIRLS were doing was completely uncalled for and out of hand. I wanted to punch that girl just from watching the video.
yea but that doesn't mean you punch her in the face though. I wish he had used pepper spray. It would have been a much better case than this. I am by no means saying she acted proper in this case. She was resisting arrest.
He was doing his job plain and simple. How many times should he have to say back up before someone complies. Again had that been a dude there would be no sympathy. Granted he should have been way more aggressive with the one he was arresting to get her in the car quicker but people should never interfer in an arrest. He's an authority figure and they acted like typical ghetto trash. Smdh.
They had no business putting their hands on the cop no matter what the situation was. If you want to push and shove a cop while acting like an animal, you're going to have a bad day.
fool forgot to duck, that's all all jokes aside tho, RESISTING arrest is bad... HELPING someone resist arrest is worse.. putting your hands on a cop in an offensive manner, is STUPID the guy saying 'are you serious,' should have been saying that when those chickenhead joints started to get rowdy with one-time but of course, no one cares about the cops' late edit - Act like a man and get hit like a man. Probably one of the smartest comments I have ever read on youtube don't cry about how the cop hit a lady and all that shit
Of course the cop was correct for citing her for jaywalking and apparently resisting arrest. And yeah, he was within the full range of the law for apprehending that pink shirt girl for shoving him. But I'm sorry, the guy didn't have to swing on her like she was a dude regardless. It may not have seemed like a great blow, but she was still only 17. Again, the cop had EVERY right to defend himself, but even in the heat of it, he could have just grabbed her and put her hands behind her back or something.
I agree with this, he could have handled the situation a lot more professionally. He let his temper get the better of him. Punching her in the face was unnecessary. I understand cops have an extremely difficult job, but so often they are far too quick to get physical. I see it as an abuse of power a lot of the time.
Do you have any idea how many scenarios like that end up with a cop getting stabbed because he's being distracted. Plain and simple you don't get punched in the face if you don't get in the way of an arrest. They resisted for awhile before he did something.
"Well within his rights".. nah, that's just getting off on a power trip. Jay-walking warrants a fine at best.
So does speeding but if you do extra shit you will be arrested. Even if he was being a jack ass you don't resist arrest you file a complaint and sue. We need order and if cops aren't allowed to do their job see how quick shit falls apart ie Mexico
I agree, both women were inappropriate and should never have tried to get physical with a police officer. I think he actually put up with a lot from the other woman before finally getting her cuffed. It was irritating to watch, heck I wanted to smack her. He had his hands full with one woman, he really didn't have the opportunity to get out pepper spray or mace, so he used what was readily available and that was his fist. Not to mention he had the crowd interjecting comments and questioning him. I don't see a problem with what he did.
She kinda seemed like she was drunk. It would be interesting to see what actually went down before the video started. I'm not a cop so I can't understand the pressures they face, but living in small communities I've known a lot of cops in my time and the best cops I know are able to maintain order and "do their job" without getting unnecessarily physical. Respect breeds respect. But of course, I'm talking about small town situations where cops build relationships.